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EWB's Top 50 Shows of 2010: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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You bastards! We could've had Eastbound and Down in the Top 50! But noooooooooooo! NOOOOOOO! You just had to validate shit like this!


30 Rock is still a show I watch, and even though it's dipped in quality, I enjoy it. The characters are still fun to follow (ESPECIALLY the relationship between Jack and Liz.)

South Park a few years back kind dwindled for me, but the last few seasons have been top notch work by Parker and Stone. Happy to see it in this spot.

Conan is a fantastic fucking show. Should it be above so many scripted shows? I dunno. It's really funny, but feels a little too high.

The Office gets the 30 Rock treatment from me.

Chuck is still such a fun show to watch. The current storyline is great. It truly deserves its spot.

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South Park was very good this year. MINT BERRY CRRRUNCH~!

Tried watching Conan, didn't like it to be honest. Probably for the best, would have been a bastard to keep up with on the internet.

Once again, haven't watched Chuck. But of all the things I would like to get into it is at the top because I reckon I would love it.

Edited by WalkerWGZ
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True Blood: Never got my attention. My gf absolutely loves it but I see it as an adult Twilight. And that automatically makes me turn away from it.

Yes, yes, all vampire media is just like Twilight.

No... Just True Blood.

Lost Boys will always be awesome as long as you dont watch 2 & 3

I absolutely loved Dracula. I can't remember if I've seen Nosferatu. Is that the one with the bald vampire?

Your posts on this subject ring as pure ignorance. How is it an "Adult Twilight?"

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I still cant believe I used to like South Park. I'd struggle to even sit through an episode now, it's actually beyond dreadful. And fuck the haters who decided to get it ahead of Family Guy, you evil sadistic people :angry:

Cant say much on the others. Chuck looks pretty decent and I've always been meaning to check out 30 Rock but never got round to it, that picture makes me want to.

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A fine group of shows right there. 30 Rock, Office, and Conan didn't make my list, but I like all three. Conan is great and the current seasons of 30 Rock and the Office while they haven't been the best, I still watch them and find them funny. I don't care for South Park. And Chuck is a great show.

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This time I've seen all of these enough to have real opinions. Yay!

30 Rock is bouncing back from its worst season thusfar in season four; for the most part, season five's been a huge step up. If it maintains that kind of quality it'll probably be higher on my list than it was this year.

South Park has mostly worn out its welcome for me. I liked the twist with Kenny in the superheroes episode and Mintberry Crunch was an amusing gag character until people ran it into the ground (and I'm always up for the Goth Kids coming back). But I'm more than ready for it to ride off into the sunset, and it's not something I really watch.

Conan is Conan. Generally very funny with the occasional off-night, but even still I always tune in to watch him because he's the late night host I grew up with. And of course he's been in the public spotlight this year and basically come out as the hero of the whole debacle, so that's nice.

The Office dropped from like... 1 to 10 on my list from last year to this year. It's not that it's not funny anymore so much as it doesn't feel relevant anymore. With 30 Rock back to form it's now the third-funniest show on the NBC Thursday night block, and when Parks and Rec comes back next month that'll drop to fourth. But that's third or fourth out of a group of shows with an incredible average quality level between them, and I still enjoy spending half an hour every week watching one of the best ensemble casts in comedy. It'll be interesting to see if they can pull off a miracle and have the show not crash and burn without Steve Carrell next year, but for now it sort of feels like we're just waiting to see how they're writing Michael Scott out, with the episodes themselves veering in quality a lot (their Christmas episode this year was great, though).

I really like Chuck, though I think it dropping a spot this year was deserved as season four hasn't shaped up the way I would have liked it to. Timothy Dalton is doing a great job, though, and they're only halfway through and they've done really impressive stuff in less time (Daniel Shaw's character arc in season 3).

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30 Rock has been OKAY lately. Better than last season but it's still on a downward path. South Park has been better than previously lately. Conan is the only american talk show host I've ever made the effort to watch his shows. The Christmas Chicken Sandwhich was WONDERFUL. Never seen the appeal of the US or UK office. And Chuck has always been a great show, with wonderful casting. T-Dalt is my all time hero for his role thus far. And c'mon, Sarah Connor!? That's just... wonderful.

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I haven't watched much South Park lately, and I've never been one to avidly watch it, as it was always hit and miss for me.

I love 30 Rock, but I'd rank The Office just above it, unlike GoGo. Parks and Rec above both of those, and the show that had damn well better be number one on top of the NBC Thursday stuff.

Conan totally deserves to be that high up above other scripted shows (if not higher), as he's gotta turn that shit out a LOT more often. He's satisfactory at worst and fucking genius at best.

Chuck I have no opinion on, whatsoever.

Seeing so many of my picks already listed doesn't bode well for the top 10, but I'm holding out hope for number 1.

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I've never really watched South Park, it just doesn't appeal to me. When I've been forced by friends to see an episode or two, I've found it to be quite funny, but not enough to go scouring through the other hundreds of episodes.

Family Guy however, even arguing why South Park is ahead of it is a joke to me. As I said, I've never really seen South Park but I'd gladly take it over Family Guy any day. I can't believe I used to like it. I can't believe I have season five on DVD. All it ever was was a cruder version of The Simpsons with absolutely no plot. I realised one day last year when I was watching an episode on BBC Three that this just isn't funny and stopped watching. I then watched the "Surfin Bird" clip months after it happened and I meh'd all over it. I'm just done with it.

Oh, and my vote for the Simpsons was based on past glory too. I've seen roughly 2/3s of the episode where Bart got the pet pigeon and the Banksy intro (whoop-de-do) of this season and that's it. I'd happily watch a current Simpsons episode over one of Family Guy, as not-that-funny-any-more as it is. At least the episodes have a plot and some sort of meaning and emotion, as opposed to a fat guy doing something completely unrelated in a flash back like "forgetting how to sit down". [/rant]

So yes, top 10. It's almost guaranteed that HIMYM and Dexter are there, and I'd guess that Dexter is top 5 at least, if not top 3.

Edited by TheModernWay
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Noooo clue how I'm spacing out these updates just yet but I'm going to see if we can't just do the top ten over the next day. So!


9. Mad Men (106 points, appeared on 9 ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


9. Terriers (106 points, appeared on 9 ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


8. Sons of Anarchy (133 points, appeared on 11 ballots) (Last Year: #8)


7. How I Met Your Mother (136 points, appeared on 18 ballots) (Last Year: #2)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 Shows of 2010: Missouri is more cosmopolitan than you give it credit for. It's got a very vibrant cowboy poetry scene.

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Mad Men and Terriers both making the top ten is delightful. It seems like a lot of EWBers, including myself, got into Mad Men over the course of the year which gives me hope that it can improve upon its debut next year assuming season five is as good as the four seasons that's preceded it. And Terriers was the best new show of 2010 as far as I'm concerned, so naturally it gets canceled. But it's going to become a One Season Wonder like Freaks and Geeks, Firefly, and so in in short order.

First disc of the first season of Sons of Anarchy is in my possession and I'm looking forward to watching it, but I have to finish the second disc of The Young Ones and watch Help! before that.

Still only seen the first season of HIMYM. Enjoyed it quite a bit but that's not indicative of how good it is or isn't now.

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I know it's in the top ten, but Mad Men should seriously be higher after an absolutely amazing season.

Sons of Anarchy was great this season too, highly underrated show and it's nice to see it finally get some recognition with Katey Sagal picking up a Golden Globe nod.

Didn't watch Terriers, probably won't either because I don't want to get pissed when I reach the end.

How I Met Your Mother is still a lot of fun some weeks, but really, #7? The show really needs to focus as well, I feel like 90% of the episodes in the last two seasons have absolutely no connection to how someone would've met their child's mother.

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Haven't watch Mad Men, nor Terriers (Probably the same boat as Zero with that)

Don't worry too much about HIMYM (It took me several pages to figure out out what that meant :shifty:)

Sons of Anarchy I honestly thought would have been top 3 especially after some of the episodic cliffhangers.

It made me look forward to the next episode and I was really looking forward to a lot of them

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So, I'm already starting on Breaking Bad season 2. It's so god damn good. I'm so intrigued. And I love it.

Why do I bring that up? Cause Mad Men is next in line. I haven't watched a single episode of Mad Men and it's due to the fact that when it first came on, it didn't have the attention it got as it progressed, and by the point I had heard such great things the show was in the thick of it and I never got around to catching up. When I finish catching up on Breaking Bad, Mad Men is sure to follow.

It's a shame Terriers died out. It was a good show, but I didn't get to finish the season/series. I'll get around to it as there doesn't seem to be any reason to rush now...

Sons of Anarchy joins Justified in the badass show I haven't watched, but can't wait to start watching soon.

HIMYM is still a show I like to watch although it's taken a severe dip in quality this season (and arguably last season.) It's just kinda meandering at this point and I feel like it either needs to get back on track or just start reaching the end of its run before it tarnishes its run.

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Mad Men would've been the top show on my list, had I seen anything more than the first season. I'm three episodes into Season 2 and it's just so amazing. EVery character seems to be a shade of grey, and I just love watching the characters do their thing. There doesn't need to be a big "oh my God" moment or anything like that. I've never seen a program which is written with such quality.

I also like How I Met Your Mother. It has some nice moments, but it doesn't consistantly make me laugh all episode. I like the characters, and like Big Bang Theory, it's a nice way to kill 22 minutes. Though, it certainly deserves it's spot over BBT.

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