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The Shows Mostly Formerly Affiliated with NBC's Thursday Night Comedy Block Thread **SPOILERS**

GoGo Yubari

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Community has gotten decent advertisement in the past, mainly when it started. Of course, when it started it was just like "oh man, we have Chevy Chase! And the guy from The Hangover!"

I didnt watch the first season of Community when it aired because I thought the ads made it look dumb

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Parks and Recreation was fantastic tonight.

So, so many great bits in it.

EDIT: Just getting around to 30 Rock. D'Fwan, "Style" "Expert" was awesome.

EDIT: Oh, and I loved the political ad for Leslie on Parks & Rec.

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Thought last night's 30 Rock was better than anything they did last season. I'm a sucker for a good Jenna episode, and I thought she was really funny. Plus that whole singing contest show they had was hilarious ("America's Kids' Got Talent," brilliant. Also having John McEnroe as the nice judge that loves everything, and D'Fwan's triumphant return). Parks & Rec continues to be amazing, and while all of the campaign stuff was good, my favorite bits were the ones with Ben and Chris - Adam Scott and Rob Lowe play off of each other so well, and the fact that it culminated in that 5-second claymation "masterpiece" was great ("How could it not be longer!?"). And The Office was alright, which seems to be par for the course this season. I kinda half-watched parts of Up All Night, and it certainly seemed better than Whitney or Outsourced but I'm still bitter that Community isn't back. Community - Parks & Rec - The Office - 30 Rock is such a killer lineup, and I get that they want to experiment with other shows, but I guess I'm selfish when it comes to sitcoms.

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Fairly good night. 30 Rock was decidedly funny though it didn't actually grab me, Parks and Rec was funny and deserves a rewatch as I got distracted by this part of the time, The Office was formulaic but not bad, and Up All Night was pretty decent too. Parks and Rec wins best show of the night, though, and without Community there I imagine it'll be pretty straightforward which show has the best episode most of the time.

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Guest mr. potato head

Parks and Rec was really good, as it has been all season. Telegraphing your plot is perfectly fine if you can still do it well. The Office was pretty solid I thought, especially by this year's standards. Amazed Creed didn't get a line and Angela was a non-factor (I consider it a plus when not everybody has to have a line every week). 30 Rock was a welcome return, didn't blow my mind but didn't blow a fuse either. Still second to Sports Night in terms of public domain song running jokes though (Dan gets in trouble for singing Happy Birthday on the air, pledges to sing only public domain songs to celebrate birthdays from then on. "For you, I've narrowed it down to "Les Trois Capitanes" by Giuseppe Verdi or "Yo Ho Ho And A Bottle Of Rum.")

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I never liked 30 Rock, but there are tonnes of things I didn't like when they began that I've since given another chance and loved, so I thought I'd give 30 Rock the same second chance. No, didn't like it at all. It is a shame too, I was hoping it'd become my replacement for Community while that is gone :( It is weird, I don't get why I love Parks & Rec and Community so much but don't like The Office or 30 Rock.

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I don't know who that is. Unless that's Robin Williams, who that looks like. In which case, I know who that is. But if it's not, I don't know who that is.

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