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2011 NFL Offseason Thread


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SO the Eagles now have Eli's two favorite receivers..Steve Smith and Asante Samuel (H)

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What the fuck is it with the owners of teams that I like? The Giants and Mets act like we're based in Wichita, Kansas and can't spend a dollar to improve the team . Meanwhile, James Dolan is thisclose to bringing back Isiah Thomas and somehow Glen Sather still has a job. How can I live in the biggest city in the US and have to suffer like I'm in a small market while Boston and Philadelphia get EVERYTHING with less resources? Fuck, fuck, fuckity, fuck, fuck!

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Well heads will definitely roll if the season I'm expecting comes to fruition. The team is basically the same as last year, but a year older and without Boss and Smith whilst the Cowboys won't be as shit and the Eagls have vastly improved. I think a .500 record this year would be a decent achievment looking at the schedule.

Eli basically has Nicks and Manningham to throw to now, that's it and who knows how long it'll be before Nicks goes down again. :(

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I'm not even going to blame the owners on this one. They obviously didn't like what they saw in Smith's knee. They made him an offer and intended on giving him more next offseason when the cap situation isn't as bleak and he's more healthy.

Moreover, Smith is coming off like a total phony. All offseason he's been saying that NY is where his heart is and that he's only going to play for the Giants. Hell, even yesterday he and his agent said that a deal with the Giants will definitely be reached and they are moving closer to an agreement. But it's one thing to jump ship...even to the archrival Eagles. My main issue is that he's now done a total 180 and is ripping the organization - claiming the Giants didn't want him and that their offer was insulting and that they could have easily matched the Eagles' offer (funny proposition since the Giants have no cap room). He not only jumped ship, but he burned his bridges on the way out - and that's a shame.

Eagles are definitely now at the point where the season will be viewed as a catastrophic failure if they don't win the Super Bowl. Good thing buying titles has never worked in the NFL.

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So, looking forward to football? I am too! Know who isn't? The Rams! They're probably going to really suck again this year. They're so bad they even get beat by the officials.


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I'm not even going to blame the owners on this one.

They get a pass on Smith in a vacuum. But when you've already jettisoned most of your O-Line, have the Osi saga looming over their heads, lost two of your QBs favorite targets, and still haven't signed ANYONE to replace those guys the offseason is a complete and utter failure. If not for re-signing Bradshaw and Kiwi, I'd think that Giants management still thinks that the lockout is on and that they're prevented from talking to the players <_<

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Here's a question for you, How the hell are the Eagles finding this much cap room?

Was wondering that myself, and presto, there's a site dedicated to just such a question. The totals listed on there is pre-Smith's $2M, so they appear to be down to less than $3M available.

Not leaving a whole lot of room to give DeSean any kind of raise, so maybe they're not all that concerned about him walking after all.

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Yeah, I couldn't think of many of players on their roster that were taking up a lot of cap space prior to the lockout ending. Getting rid of McNabb and Westbrook opened up loads of room apparently.

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It's the Eagles and to avoid cap hell after this season I can see them jettisoning a few of their higher-level backups (DRC, Maclin) to keep the bonafide stars under contract. This is a strategy employed by a lot of the elite teams. Keeping the core and for the rest of the guys bringing in cheaper, younger parts as time passes. At this point after their rookie contract is over it is time to start looking for a new RB so I would not be shocked at all if the Eagles draft a potential replacement as early as the 2013 draft.

So yes they will run into cap hell, but unlike teams like the Giants they will handle it with grace. New England, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Indy have all done this for a decade now. You might have a down year but you're never rebuilding. Philly is in this category now as well.

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So, I can't speak for the other games, but while watching Dallas/Denver, it's quite obvious that they should just get rid of kickoffs completely. Have every team start at the twenty. There's been like 7 touchbacks out of 8 kickoffs, or something insane like that.

Also, Dallas has a receiver named Tysson Poots.

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Also, Dallas has a receiver named Tysson Poots.

Indeed they do.

Baltimore just signed gun FCS receiver Tysson Poots :w00t: Wes Welker style guy in the slot

So Poots came and went to the Cowboys after we released him for no reason other than shits and giggles - Hang onto him Dallas.

I'm quite pissed that we had Poots and then let him go and now he's catching first down passes for Dallas.

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In case anyone missed the San Diego/Seattle game. (Or hasn't watched SportsCenter) Bryan Walters from Cornell returned a kickoff a 103-yards for a touchdown, under the new kickoff rules. I just wanted to give a shout out to him. Since he played 20 miles away from where I live.

I can't say that I saw him play at Cornell, or that I've been to a Cornell game. :shifty: But it's nice to hear about an athlete from around here make some news, even if it's a pre-season game. Especially under the new kickoff rules.

Here's a link for the video, and more info on him if you want to read it.

Click Here

Edited by Disturbed
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