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EWB's Favourite Films Of All Time - Votinng Thread


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I change my mind all the time, but at the moment, with the rule of one film per auteur...

1. The Truman Show

2. Brazil

3. Shaun of the Dead

4. The 400 Blows

5. Jaws

6. Psycho

7. Eraserhead

8. One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest

9. Ferris Bueller’s Day Off

10. Once Were Warriors

I saw Blue Velvet for the first time on Saturday. I predict after a few more viewings, it will be lodged in the top ten for years to come.

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1. A Clockwork Orange

2. Robocop

3. Se7en

4. Raging Bull

5. Double Indemnity

6. Fight Club

7. Memento

8. The Usual Suspects

9. S.N.A.T.C.H

10. Blade Runner

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My favorites list is basically "movies I could watch a million times"

1. Memento

2. The Princess Bride

3. The Big Lebowski

4. Chinatown

4. The Room (I've seen it too many times to not include it)

5. Children of Men

6. The Shining

7. Throne of Blood

8. The Fall

9. Suspiria

10. Lawrence of Arabia

Honorable Mentions

* In Bruges

* Beauty and the Beast

* every Chris Nolan movie except Insomnia and Following

* Transformers: The animated movie (childhood favorite)

* every Kubrick movie except Full Metal Jacket and Eyes Wide Shut

* every other Coen brothers movie

* City of God

* The Third Man

* Vertigo

* about half a dozen Scorsece movies, especially Taxi Driver

* Once Upon a Time in the West/Sergio Leone's work pre-OUATI America

I think some of the movies in the Honorable Mentions category are objectively better then, say, The Room, but I don't love them quite as much.

Edited by the machine
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Movies I could never get tired of:

1. The Stupids (will defend this to the death)

2. Road to Perdition

3. LA Confidential

4. Amadeus

5. There Will Be Blood

6. Network

7. The Royal Tennenbaums

8. Battle Royale

9. Little Miss Sunshine

10. The Addams Family


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Falling Down

Confessions of a Dangerous Mind

Let The Right One In

Hot Fuzz/Shaun of the Dead

Throw Momma From The Train

The Producers

La Vie En Rose

Princess Mononoke


National Lampoons Christmas Vacation

The Presitge

In Bruges

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1. True Romance

2. Halloween (Original)

3. Silence Of The Lambs

4. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

5. The Beach

6. Catch Me If You Can

7. Friday

8. American Pie 2

9. Inception

10. The Departed

Likely missed out quite a few movies that would make my list, really cant think right now so may edit the list at some point. Lot's of DiCaprio, because he's fucking awesome (Y)

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5. The Beach

Can we get a vote going for the worst film listed? And can I start it with this?

1. Cinema Paradiso

2. Audition

3. This Is Spinal Tap

4. Big Fish

5. Life Is Beautiful

6. Pulp Fiction

7. A Clockwork Orange

8. Taxi Driver

9. Rocky

10. The Happiness of the Katakuris

Admittedly, I have a huge list of films I really need to see, so I'm missing a fair few more obvious choices (stuff like Scarface, Godfather films, Blade Runner, etc etc).

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5. The Beach

Can we get a vote going for the worst film listed? And can I start it with this?

1. Cinema Paradiso

2. Audition

3. This Is Spinal Tap

4. Big Fish

5. Life Is Beautiful

6. Pulp Fiction

7. A Clockwork Orange

8. Taxi Driver

9. Rocky

10. The Happiness of the Katakuris

Admittedly, I have a huge list of films I really need to see, so I'm missing a fair few more obvious choices (stuff like Scarface, Godfather films, Blade Runner, etc etc).

The Beach is a great film IMO. You and many may disagree of course, but it's basically been one of my favorite films since the day I see it. Brilliant from DiCaprio :P

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1. The Clockwork Orange

2. Forrest Gump

3. The Wrestler

4. The Dark Knight

5. (500) Days of Summer

6. Rocky

7. Inception

8. Billy Madison

9. Aladdin

10. Up

Honorable mentions go to: Pineapple Express, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Shining, Scarface, Back to teh Future, and so many more.

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1. Annie Hall

2. Usual Suspects

3. Fargo

4. Shawshank Redemption

5. Twelve Monkeys

6. Swingers

7. Office Space

8. The Royal Tenenbaums

9. Withnail & I

10. Anchorman

I'm not entirely happy with this list, but I wanted to vote, so it may have to stick.

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5. The Beach

Can we get a vote going for the worst film listed? And can I start it with this?

1. Cinema Paradiso

2. Audition

3. This Is Spinal Tap

4. Big Fish

5. Life Is Beautiful

6. Pulp Fiction

7. A Clockwork Orange

8. Taxi Driver

9. Rocky

10. The Happiness of the Katakuris

Admittedly, I have a huge list of films I really need to see, so I'm missing a fair few more obvious choices (stuff like Scarface, Godfather films, Blade Runner, etc etc).

The Beach is a great film IMO. You and many may disagree of course, but it's basically been one of my favorite films since the day I see it. Brilliant from DiCaprio :P

I don't really have an issue with what people put here, but I hate The Beach something chronic. Saw it at the cinema, and to me, it had so little going for it. It also had one of the worst sequences I've seen in a film where DiCaprio turns into a videogame character. Totally stupid and pointless.

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There's just too many awesome films to list but these came to mind at first, now that i look at the list these are also the movies i most often go back to watch on DVD...

01. Inception

02. Kill Bill Vol. 1

03. The Dark Knight

04. Pulp Fiction

05. Fight Club

06. Battle Royale

07. The Shining

08. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

09. Lost In Translation

10. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Edited by The Sandman
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