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EWB's Favourite Films Of All Time - Votinng Thread


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1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

2. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

3. Spirited Away

4. Citizen Kane

5. American Splendor

6. Seven Samurai

7. Goodfellas

8. 12 Angry Men

9. Monty Python and the Holy Grail

10. This Is Spinal Tap

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1 Star Trek (2009)

2 Goodfellas

3 Clerks

4 Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

5 A Bridge Too Far

6 Star Trek 2: The Wrath Of Kahn

7 Lethal Weapon 2

8 Friday The 13th Part 2

9 Ghostbusters

10 Back To The Future

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1. Dr. Strangelove

2. 2001: A Space Odyssey

3. The Shawshank Redemption

4. Moon

5. One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

6. Oldboy

7. Battle Royale

8. The Celebration

9. Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas

10. Tetsuo: The Iron Man

God damn, tough list is tough.

Honorable mentions goes to; the original Star Wars trilogy, From Dusk Till Dawn, Terminator and Judgment Day, the Toy Story trilogy, Up, The Elephant Man, Spirited Away, This Is Spinal Tap, Naked Lunch, Ichi the Killer, Night Of The Demon, god damn, I could do this all day. But you get the gist of it I guess.

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01. Dumb & Dumber

02. Ghostbusters

03. Kngpin

04. They Live

05. Dawn Of The Dead (original)

06. Tombstone

07. The Shawshank Redemption

08. The Quick And The Dead (Remake)

09. Big Trouble In Little China

10. A League Of Their Own

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This will be difficult.

1. The Usual Suspects

2. Silence of the Lambs

3. Gremlins

4. Ghostbusters

5. Toy Story 3

6. Ghost World

7. The Exorcist

8. Beetlejuice

9. Se7en

10. The Empire Strikes Back

This list would probably be drastically different if I posted it tomorrow.

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1. Blade Runner

2. The Usual Suspects

3. The Shawshank Redemption

4. Children of Men

5. Pulp Fiction

6. Heat

7. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

8. Goodfellas

9. The Princess Bride

10. Ferris Bueller's Day Off

EDIT: I'm seriously the only guy to list Blade Runner? Fuck all y'all.

Edited by Heel Turn
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1. Kill Bill, Volume One

2. Pulp Fiction

3. Monsters Inc.

4. Inglourious Basterds

5. Mean Girls

6. Oldboy

7. A Bug's Life

8. Miss Congeniality

9. The Devil Wears Prada

10. Toy Story 2

I'm a Tarantino/Pixar/Chick Flick lover. What can I say? Probably 75% of these won't appear on anyone else's lists but they're my favourites :)

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1. Goodfellas

2. Anchorman

3. Heat

4. Pulp Fiction

5. The Dark Knight

6. Snatch

7. Before the Devil Knows You're Dead

8. Knocked Up

9. The Departed

10. Sunshine

So hard to not only narrow it down to ten but also order them because the Top 5 could easily change on any given day.

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1. Aliens

2. Empire Strikes Back

3. The Dark Knight

4. Reservoir Dogs

5. Predator

6. Return of the King

7. Terminator 2

8. Jurassic Park

9. American Psycho

10. Silence of the Lambs

The Shining is the only film I really regret not being able to squeeze on there.

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I've doubtless forgotten a few.

1 Le Dîner de Cons

2. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

3. Empire of the Sun

4. Gladiator

5. The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

6. Gran Torino

7. The Shawshank Redemption

8. A Fistful of Dollars

9. The Empire Strikes Back

10. This Is Spinal Tap

I need to watch more fillums...

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1. The Dark Knight

2. The Usual Suspects

3. Battle Royale

4. Pulp Fiction

5. American Beauty

6. Die Hard

7. Homeward Bound (Fuck you. I LOVE this movie.)

8. Fight Club

9. Boondock Saints

10. Zombieland

such a tough choice. This is my favourite films list, not films I think are the greatest. My list would be considerably different then.

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5. Forrest Gump

6. Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers

Read these as one entry and thought one of your favorite films was "Forrest Gump: The Two Towers."

"Mah mama always said a day may come when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day."

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