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What have you been playing this week?


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So, Disgaea 2, last night I did a bit of power leveling,....most of my party is mid-high 70's, with a few of them in the low 80's (my two mages are 81 and have the epic ice/fire spells. Boo-yeah!). Tonight, gonna try and get everyone to 80ish and then unleash hell!

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Ms. Splosion Man. It's hard, just like the first one was, but it's very rewarding when you get through a section. Had to replay certain levels loooooads of times but the game's supposed to be completed by trial and error so that's alright. They're generous with checkpoints too which is always a bonus.

Completed Reefer Madness on LA Noire which is okay I suppose, more of the same. Also restarted Fallout 3 because I WILL COMPLETE IT THIS TIME >_<

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Knights of the Old Republic. Finally decided to start playing it after I bought it on the LucasArts steam pack all that time ago. I'm not really gripped by the gameplay or anything, but man I just want to see what happens next!

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OK, now I need EWB's help. Years ago, I remember reading a walkthrough of a game, for what I'm 90% certain was exclusive to the N64.

In the game, You are a young woman, who returns home to her Grandfathers Mansion, after he dies. The game goes all around the world, from Rome to the deserts of South Africa, and essnetially is told through many peoples POVs. You choose one monster, and the evil also chooses a monster, and they go through the world killing almost every one of the people you're seeing things through. It eventually comes back to the mansion, where your Grandfather hid something within the walls, and then you fight the monster one-on-one, and get help from all the people who've been killed by it.

I know its vague, but its also bugging the hell out of me. I keep thinking Castlevania, but its not any Castlevania I know. Someone help me, please?

And to keep things on track, I've been playing through ME2 again, still playing FallOut 3: GotY Edition, and have only beaten Anchorage and haven't touched any other Expansions, and I got Magic last night, which is a pretty fun game.

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Is it Eternal Darkness? Quick google search came up with that and harvest moon.

I figured it wasn't the latter.


On topic: Last few days I've spent back and forth on Shenmue II.

I never completed it and I've had it for the better half of a decade now.

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I finally beat Mass Effect the other day, and man, what an ending that game has. The word "epic" gets thrown around a lot, but that's really the best way to describe it. They did such a fantastic job of creating an immersive sci-fi universe that's on par with Star Wars and BSG. Played as a Renegade, which was a ton of fun, and my next playthrough will be a Paragon run. Also, apparently I missed a decent chunk of sidequests along the way, as I'm missing a bunch of achievements. Excited to play through it again, and super excited to start ME2.

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Been playing F:NV again with the new DLC.

Honest Hearts is awesome. Two minor details that made me go WTF AWESOME...

The night sky.... it's full of stars!

And there's RAIN!

I can't get Johnson Nash to leave the damn Vikki and Vance though... even though I had already solved all of Primm's issues beforehand...

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Fallout: New Vegas, YOU HAVE BEEN BESTED. Will probably go back and get DLC/play out old subplots and shit at some point, but I think I might finally start on Mass Effect 2 now that I've finished the main games of Fallout 3, L.A. Noire, and New Vegas.

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Knights of the Old Republic. Finally decided to start playing it after I bought it on the LucasArts steam pack all that time ago. I'm not really gripped by the gameplay or anything, but man I just want to see what happens next!



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Played more F:NV, Dead Money in particular. 20+ level my ass, you'd need to be at least 25+... and good luck if you don't have good Science, Lockpick, Repair, and Melee skills.

Also, Riot Shotgun + Slugs + Shotgun Surgeon + And Stay Back = Win. Can easily drop a Deathclaw with full VATS.

After I get/beat Old World Blues I'll be putting FNV on the backburner in favor of Catherine, which based on the demo is even more awesome than I expected. It's got the storytelling Atlus is known for, with puzzles that I can only describe as part Tetris, part tower climbing, part OH FUCK THAT GIANT DEMON IS GOING TO DISEMBOWEL ME WITH A FORK.

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I'm amazed Bioware hasn't made a new Star Wars RPG for the consoles considering the success of Mass Effect and Dragon Age. Do they still hold licenses?

They do and they are working on a massive Star Wars MMO and have been for the last year or so.

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