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What have you been playing this week?


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Dipped into Valkyria Chronicles again, having had a vague urge to play it for a few days now. Once you've already played through it once though, the story-heavy balance becomes tiresome. Four or five cut-scenes per map = grrr.

Perhaps I'll just dig out Hogs of War. The gameplay's similar-ish. Sort of. :shifty:

Yeah. I started a new file last week and I just skip through cutscenes.

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Recently started playing a Wii and my copy of Zelda: Twilight Princess arrived today. It's alright so far, I've heard people say it's the best Wii game ever. But then I don't think people look for the same thing in games as I do for the Wii, as I found Mario Galaxy to just be pretty good to be honest.

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I'm playing through AC Brotherhood right now, and loving it as much as I love AC2 when I played it last summer. Occasionally, I'm doing some races in Gran Turismo 5. L.A. Noire should be arriving in the mail from GameFly on Tuesday so when that comes I assume it'll consume the great majority of my time.

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Now that it's completed, Prototype can taking a flying jump into the "never playing again" pile (seriously, even on Normal mode that game is cheap as fuck). My games to complete pile is going down nicely, one a week. The remains are...

● Alan Wake (X-Box 360)

● Assassin's Creed 2 (X-Box 360)

● Blue Dragon (X-Box 360)

● Crackdown (X-Box 360)

● Dead Space (PlayStation 3)

● Ghostbusters (PlayStation 3)

● Last Remnant (X-Box 360)

● Lost Odyssey (X-Box 360)

● Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (PlayStation 3)

● Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones (PlayStation 3)

● Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (PlayStation 3)

Playing Blue Dragon. I think Ghostbusters will be the next PS3 game to go for since it's the only other one I've started on that console (and I'm halfway through anyway). For 360 I think it'll be Assassin's Creed 2 and then Alan Wake once Blue Dragon is done with.

Been eyeing up a few sequels of games I've now completed, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 2, Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (when 2 is finished), Bioshock 2 (which I'm almost certain will be the soonest), GTA Stories, Left 4 Dead 2). Of course, with Duke Nukem and inFamous out soon, I'm going to be putting the brakes on the others soon, so I've got to time my completion well, else they'll sit on the shelf again >_>

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Playing Portal 2. Probably the funniest game ever, in between Cave Johnson, GLaDOS, and the Ricky Gervais-like Wheatley.

Not actually played it yet, but presuming the 'Ricky Gervais-like Wheatley' is the character played by Stephen Merchant, aka Rickys writing partner?

Anyway, my to do list is getting ridiculous. I've been playing Mario Galaxy heavily, and finally completed Tales of Monkey Island on PS3, but I really want to give LA Noire a go. Problem being I'm skint, and besides that I've got Goldeneye Wii, Red Dead Redemption, MGS4 and the GTA4 add ons to do first, plus all the goodness in the Orange Box. Still haven't played Heavy Rain or God of War 3 either, so need to get some gaming in sharpish. Might help if I could let FM10 go mind, keeping Luton in the Premier League when half the worlds current players have retired is getting less and less fun but just as addictive.

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I've spent the last week playing through Portal 2. Finished the campaign and then went back and got the other achievements. Now all I have left to do is play through the co-op.

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I've been playing Donkey Kong Country on the Wii and, mostly, quite enjoying it, but a lot of it seems a tad formulaic, and lacking in the charm that's made other recent Nintendo offerings like Kirby's Epic Yarn and Mario Galaxy 2 so brilliant. Also, parts of it are cheap as all hell.

Other than that, I had my bi-monthly attempted playthrough of Alex Kidd In Miracle World at the weekend, and did even worse than the last time, not even getting to the first castle. Disappointing. Downloaded Super Empire Strikes Back (the SNES game) for the Wii, and it's either a lot more difficult and bizarre than I remember it being, or I'm just shit at video games now. Either way, it's not aged nearly as well as I had imagined it would. What has aged well is Chrono Trigger, which I started on Sunday and, having not played it in at least ten years, I'm bloody loving it - other than the odd little thing here and there, I barely remember a thing about it, so I'm either constantly pleasantly reminded of things, or being genuinely surprised and amazed by the plot, and just generally how brilliant the game is. Has barely aged a day.

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I've been playing Donkey Kong Country on the Wii and, mostly, quite enjoying it, but a lot of it seems a tad formulaic, and lacking in the charm that's made other recent Nintendo offerings like Kirby's Epic Yarn and Mario Galaxy 2 so brilliant. Also, parts of it are cheap as all hell.

Other than that, I had my bi-monthly attempted playthrough of Alex Kidd In Miracle World at the weekend, and did even worse than the last time, not even getting to the first castle. Disappointing. Downloaded Super Empire Strikes Back (the SNES game) for the Wii, and it's either a lot more difficult and bizarre than I remember it being, or I'm just shit at video games now. Either way, it's not aged nearly as well as I had imagined it would. What has aged well is Chrono Trigger, which I started on Sunday and, having not played it in at least ten years, I'm bloody loving it - other than the odd little thing here and there, I barely remember a thing about it, so I'm either constantly pleasantly reminded of things, or being genuinely surprised and amazed by the plot, and just generally how brilliant the game is. Has barely aged a day.

Empire Strikes Back was the most flawed of the SNES Star Wars games. Do yourself a favour and pick up the first game or Jedi instead, as Empire wasn't really a great sequel to it. I love all three, but Empire wasn't particularly great.

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I've been playing Donkey Kong Country on the Wii and, mostly, quite enjoying it, but a lot of it seems a tad formulaic, and lacking in the charm that's made other recent Nintendo offerings like Kirby's Epic Yarn and Mario Galaxy 2 so brilliant. Also, parts of it are cheap as all hell.

Other than that, I had my bi-monthly attempted playthrough of Alex Kidd In Miracle World at the weekend, and did even worse than the last time, not even getting to the first castle. Disappointing. Downloaded Super Empire Strikes Back (the SNES game) for the Wii, and it's either a lot more difficult and bizarre than I remember it being, or I'm just shit at video games now. Either way, it's not aged nearly as well as I had imagined it would. What has aged well is Chrono Trigger, which I started on Sunday and, having not played it in at least ten years, I'm bloody loving it - other than the odd little thing here and there, I barely remember a thing about it, so I'm either constantly pleasantly reminded of things, or being genuinely surprised and amazed by the plot, and just generally how brilliant the game is. Has barely aged a day.

Empire Strikes Back was the most flawed of the SNES Star Wars games. Do yourself a favour and pick up the first game or Jedi instead, as Empire wasn't really a great sequel to it. I love all three, but Empire wasn't particularly great.

I probably will get the others eventually. Now that I think about it, it was Jedi that I played a lot more of at a friend's house as a kid, but I think my logic was to go with the best film >_>

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I've been playing Donkey Kong Country on the Wii and, mostly, quite enjoying it, but a lot of it seems a tad formulaic, and lacking in the charm that's made other recent Nintendo offerings like Kirby's Epic Yarn and Mario Galaxy 2 so brilliant. Also, parts of it are cheap as all hell.

Other than that, I had my bi-monthly attempted playthrough of Alex Kidd In Miracle World at the weekend, and did even worse than the last time, not even getting to the first castle. Disappointing. Downloaded Super Empire Strikes Back (the SNES game) for the Wii, and it's either a lot more difficult and bizarre than I remember it being, or I'm just shit at video games now. Either way, it's not aged nearly as well as I had imagined it would. What has aged well is Chrono Trigger, which I started on Sunday and, having not played it in at least ten years, I'm bloody loving it - other than the odd little thing here and there, I barely remember a thing about it, so I'm either constantly pleasantly reminded of things, or being genuinely surprised and amazed by the plot, and just generally how brilliant the game is. Has barely aged a day.

Empire Strikes Back was the most flawed of the SNES Star Wars games. Do yourself a favour and pick up the first game or Jedi instead, as Empire wasn't really a great sequel to it. I love all three, but Empire wasn't particularly great.

I probably will get the others eventually. Now that I think about it, it was Jedi that I played a lot more of at a friend's house as a kid, but I think my logic was to go with the best film >_>

Yeah, quite shocking it was the least fun. I must've beaten the other two about a thousand times between when my Grandmother's SNES and when I found out about ROMs.

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I've been, well, attempting to play Cyanide's Blood Bowl lately but seeing as I am really horrible at it, I haven't really had much luck (because I suck at it) so yeah. Would love someone to play against though, other than Bushmeister because he always maims me. :shifty:

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Briefly had a go on L4D2. Seems almost identical to the first, but additions have been made. None of the previous game's issues seem to have really been fixed, but I imagine it'll still be fun on multi.

Downloading the DLC for Dragon Age Origins and will be starting a new game today.

Waiting for my computer to finish some tasks before I start a new set of games on FM2011.

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