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What have you been playing this week?


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Through boredom this week I've been playing Champ Manager 01-02, the first and best Rollercoaster Tycoon and today Super Mario World for the Snes! Computer games have really passed me by these last few years to the point where I don't own a Playstation/X-Box any more, my game collection now consists of just a few classics on the PC.

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I've been playing inFAMOUS 1 lately since it was free. Beaten it as a good guy no working on the bad guy side. And mostly Black Ops alot

Ditto. Exactly so in fact, now on the third island for the second time as a bad guy, though trying to nail all the collectables and stunts etc this time round.

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Finished Old World Blues in Fallout: NV. Awesome stuff. Robot Scorpions are insanely hard to kill though and my ammo supplies are thin because of it though...

Can't wait for Lonesome Road and to meet Ulysses and tie this shit up altogether.

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Dusted off my PS2 the other day and started a new game in Dragon Quest VIII. The save file I deleted was over 15 hours in, and I remember liking it, but stopping because I couldn't figure out where to go. Hopefully this run will go smoother, because I really do find the art style of the game very charming, and I'm a sucker for classic JRPG combat/storyline.

Besides that, I've been getting back into Oblivion in anticipation for Skyrim. I'm playing as a good character for the first time ever, I don't think I've even stolen or broken into any place illegally with this guy. In fact, I only recently got the Dark Brotherhood prompt that comes up when you kill someone in cold blood (which was bullshit anyway, the guy definitely had it comingshifty.gif). Went to sleep soon after so I could level up, and there's Lucien Lachance hovering over me as he is wont to do. After trying to protest that I was no killer, he told me about the poor old bastard that needed killing, then began to spirit away, but not on my watch: "STOP RIGHT THERE, CRIMINAL SCUM!", I yelled at my TV as I killed him even though he became invisible. Then I took his cool robes and left his body upstairs in the Mage's Quarters at the Arcane University. Yeah, Oblivion is awesome no matter how you play it.

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Yeah, BioShock gets infinitely better the more you play it. When you start to play about with the plasmids more it becomes hilariously fun.


Also, been meaning to get back into Champions Online for ages now, think I finally settled with a hero I want to play. So yeah, I'll be playing that.

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Catherine is fucking awesome. Dead Space's "horror" has nothing on the true terror of running from Catherine's bosses.

Game. Of. The. Year.

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I just completed my 3rd playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas! NCR victory, baby!

Now, all that's left is to help Mr. House.

And going through the game, using only food to heal, got up to about 5k. Time to start drowning myself.

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Got back in to playing Tekken 6, never knew why I stopped playing it all these months. I load my game, and I realise why I quit: that fucking Alisa cyborg-girl. I cannot for the life of me pass that level where she is reprogrammed and starts fighting you. I'm playing as Hwoarang, because well, he's fucking Hwoarang. But no matter how hard I try to beat this cyborg, it's near enough impossible to win! Anyone got any tips if they have passed this level?

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Got back in to playing Tekken 6, never knew why I stopped playing it all these months. I load my game, and I realise why I quit: that fucking Alisa cyborg-girl. I cannot for the life of me pass that level where she is reprogrammed and starts fighting you. I'm playing as Hwoarang, because well, he's fucking Hwoarang. But no matter how hard I try to beat this cyborg, it's near enough impossible to win! Anyone got any tips if they have passed this level?

Yes, switch to Kazuya for this one level and spam spinning kicks like your life bar depended on it.

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I just completed my 3rd playthrough of Fallout: New Vegas! NCR victory, baby!

Now, all that's left is to help Mr. House.

And going through the game, using only food to heal, got up to about 5k. Time to start drowning myself.

What armor were you wearing? If you're going for the healing trophies you should be wearing light armor, nothing fancier than leather armor.

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Been playing Portal. Very fun. Between that and Bioshock, I've had my fill of games that I spent way too long to play and have a tremendous story.

Having said that, I've been eyeing up the first Witcher. Can anyone tell me what makes it different to any other PC RPG?

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I'm about 1/4 of the way through FFIX and I still don't enjoy it. There's not a single thing I really like about it. I mean I'll probably finish it just because the other games I have at the moment aren't on the PSN just yet so I can't play them at work, but man, this bores me to tears.

Also about 6 hours into Legend of Dragoon which is just as fun as I remember it being, the only problem is that I've got the massive urge to play FFX. But I don't want to start playing it because I know it means I'll never get around to playing Legend of Dragoon again, at least not until I finish X which would be a long ass time away seeing as if I'm playing it through now, I'll be playing it to do everything. I'm talking breaking the Health Limit and Damage Limit, levelling like crazy, beating all the Dark Aeons and Penance. Maybe even getting everyones Ultimate Weapons. Apart from Wakka's. Because fuck Blitzball. I remember being awesome at it ages ago, now I suck.

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