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What have you been playing this week?


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I dusted off Baldur's Gate 2 today. Man, this game is awesome. I've had it for years, tried to play it when I was younger but couldn't quite wrap my head around the gameplay and all the systems at work (I do have the massive game manual but hell if I was gonna read that all the way through). I'm used to the Bioware style of RPG now since I'm a big fan of KOTOR, Mass Effect, and Dragon Age, so that's been helping. Still, a couple of hours in and I'm struggling to escape the first dungeon/prison you start in. Not looking up any guides though, I wanna get the full experience of this game since I've seen such high praise for it everywhere.

Anyway, yeah, tough game to get started in, but I can already tell that I love it.

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I borrowed Dead Island from work as I never bothered with it when it came out due to the reviews. I was still intrigued because of the concept and that trailer, so I've given it a go. I love the idea of scavenging around the island, never truly being safe and the scarcity of firearms/ammunition. Unfortunately, the voice acting is shite, the quests are repetitive and the combat is kind if clunky and gets old quick. Still, the graphics are well done, and the weapon creation and upgrade system are both pretty cool. I find myself wondering if that trailer isn't at least partly responsible for the game feeling rushed. There was a nice nod to it at the beginning of the game though (if you go left instead of right - or vice versa, I can't remember now - out of the first room at the beginning you end up in the room the family had barricaded itself in and you can see their bodies).

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I borrowed Dead Island from work as I never bothered with it when it came out due to the reviews. I was still intrigued because of the concept and that trailer, so I've given it a go. I love the idea of scavenging around the island, never truly being safe and the scarcity of firearms/ammunition. Unfortunately, the voice acting is shite, the quests are repetitive and the combat is kind if clunky and gets old quick. Still, the graphics are well done, and the weapon creation and upgrade system are both pretty cool. I find myself wondering if that trailer isn't at least partly responsible for the game feeling rushed. There was a nice nod to it at the beginning of the game though (if you go left instead of right - or vice versa, I can't remember now - out of the first room at the beginning you end up in the room the family had barricaded itself in and you can see their bodies).

Dead Island is one that's a bit weird. It's not a bad game, it just... isn't good? It's reliable fun for a bit of angry smashing, but like you say, all the missions are quite similar. The lack of guns is great, and even when you do get to use them, they don't go overboard, and keep you using it preciously and wisely. If they make another, they need to make it a bit less pointless wandering about from location A to B so much. There's a shitload of potential in the game that is waiting to be untapped, and if the online connectivity hadn't sucked so hard, it might've been the key element that got more people into it.

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I borrowed Dead Island from work as I never bothered with it when it came out due to the reviews. I was still intrigued because of the concept and that trailer, so I've given it a go. I love the idea of scavenging around the island, never truly being safe and the scarcity of firearms/ammunition. Unfortunately, the voice acting is shite, the quests are repetitive and the combat is kind if clunky and gets old quick. Still, the graphics are well done, and the weapon creation and upgrade system are both pretty cool. I find myself wondering if that trailer isn't at least partly responsible for the game feeling rushed. There was a nice nod to it at the beginning of the game though (if you go left instead of right - or vice versa, I can't remember now - out of the first room at the beginning you end up in the room the family had barricaded itself in and you can see their bodies).

Dead Island is one that's a bit weird. It's not a bad game, it just... isn't good? It's reliable fun for a bit of angry smashing, but like you say, all the missions are quite similar. The lack of guns is great, and even when you do get to use them, they don't go overboard, and keep you using it preciously and wisely. If they make another, they need to make it a bit less pointless wandering about from location A to B so much. There's a shitload of potential in the game that is waiting to be untapped, and if the online connectivity hadn't sucked so hard, it might've been the key element that got more people into it.

This is what I mean about it feeling rushed. There's definitely potential there, but it just doesn't quite realise it. I've not had trouble online, it's been quiet good having people drop in and help me out on a few quests. Racked up the multiplayer achievements a lot quicker than I thought I would.

The one thing that annoys me about the guns is that there are certain parts that you just can't do without a firearm, which would be fine if there was an area nearby where ammo spawned. But there isn't, so if like me you have no shots to fire, you have to run in like a fucking berserker with an axe or something, hope you can take someone out without getting shot, and THEN hope that the guy you axed actually dropped some ammo. Because I swear some of these bastards are using vanishing bullets that disappear when dropped.

All that said, I've now put about 15 hours in and am halfway through. And I went all the way into town today just so I could borrow it again. I ebst have it finished by Friday, I want to play Amalur. And Skyrim. And Darsiders. And The Darkness 1.

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With the release of the sequel, I finally went back to do a replay of Final Fantasy XIII. When it first came out, I had gotten to about Chapter 4 or 5 (I remember getting stuck on Odin but I don't remember if I ever made it past him) when a ton of things hit me all at once in my personal life and I never went back to it. I just wrapped up Chapter 7 and I'm having a lot more fun with the battle system than I remember. Digging the characters as well.

If I want a break from that it's NBA 2k12 all the way.

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I wish I'd gotten more into the Final Fantasy series. I did REALLY enjoy 7, despite never getting off the second disc (borrowed it from a friend, disc 3 was scratched to buggery, yadda, yadda, yadda), 8 and 10 were ok (never played 9). I just never seem to stick with them to the end, and yet a lot of people I know are completely mental for the series.

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I've spent the better half of a week switching between Dead Island and International Cricket 2010. Got a 5-for with David Hussey in a Twenty20 match, which was my high point for Cricket.

On Dead Island, I've only just found guns, and am really enjoying shooting Zombies in the freaking face. About Level 24, and I agree its getting very repetitive. Still should be fun though.

And next week, my girl buys me UFC Undisputed 3 as a Valentines Day present. Because nothing says love, more then elbowing Anderson Silva's nose to the other side of his face. :wub:

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I've spent the better half of a week switching between Dead Island and International Cricket 2010. Got a 5-for with David Hussey in a Twenty20 match, which was my high point for Cricket.

On Dead Island, I've only just found guns, and am really enjoying shooting Zombies in the freaking face. About Level 24, and I agree its getting very repetitive. Still should be fun though.

And next week, my girl buys me UFC Undisputed 3 as a Valentines Day present. Because nothing says love, more then elbowing Anderson Silva's nose to the other side of his face. :wub:

I would advise not shooting anything that doesn't shoot back, barring perhaps the occasional thug or ram.

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Learn to recognise the suicider moans and keep a cheap knife around or something you're not too fussed about getting back to throw at them.

Thugs are a bitch. I hate them and they can fuck off. Although if you get lucky and get one trapped where they can't/won't hit, they're a good source of XP, as you get bonuses for breaking their limbs before killing them. Rams are pretty easy once you figure out to stay away from that bastard death kick (it took me a lot longer than I'd like to admit to learn this <_<)

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