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EWB's Top 30 Album of All-Time: The List


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Really guys, Eminem Show over Slim Shady LP? That is assuming Shady doesn't show up later on the list. I just feel one is a good pop album and the other is an essential hip-hop album.

You're so wrong it's not even funny. Eminem Show is superb and not even close to being a 'good pop album'. Actually, I don't even get why you'd even consider it even close to being anything like 'pop'. It's got fantastic tracks from start to finish and eclipses Slim Shady LP by a country mile for me.

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Really guys, Eminem Show over Slim Shady LP? That is assuming Shady doesn't show up later on the list. I just feel one is a good pop album and the other is an essential hip-hop album.

I didn't vote, but I think Eminem Show was his best album. He was too green on Slim Shady LP. He was just finding his niche. By the time Eminem Show came out, he had his own unique style that appealed to both pop fans and hip-hop fans. And he developed into an amazing lyricist by the time Eminem Show came out.

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I don't think I voted in this, but I'll just drop my two cents that D.I.'s Live at a Dive is the greatest live album ever, and would have been my number one. Only like, VP, and maybe Skummy (*maybe* fr34k) would have heard of it, though.

Appetite for Destruction for number one, though. Best debut album of all time.

There is a great video of them on youtube from the movie Suburbia that I'd post but there is some partial female nudity in it, and I'm not sure if that violates any sort of rules on the board.

As for the list, I like seeing Demon Days on there. There a recent love of mine, I never gave them much of a chance prior to hearing Demon Days via my wife. Since then I've really dug them and honestly I never thought they'd be a group I'd be interested in. I really love Demon Days, and probably would be inclined to vote for it at some point myself. Honestly, I probably should have but opted not to because it hasn't been part of my music library as long as the other albums. It's a lame reason honestly.

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The Marshall Mathers LP was better than both of them, even if I didn't vote for any of them.

I'm quite okay with this list so far. Haven't really been disappointed with any of the placings considering the wider tastes of EWB.

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Yeah, Em's first two albums are MUCH better than his later work, where he stopped being an actual, you know, rapper. Which is fine, I guess, because rap doesn't exist anymore, it's just people trying to rhyme over techno tracks. No, I'm not angry...

OK, I am. Fuck what passes for hip-hop these days.

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I've only heard The Flaming Lips remake of Dark Side Of The Moon but I liked that, so I guess I am going to give 'Yoshimi...' a listen as well. Will report back with eventual findings.

Ugh. I'm a big Flaming Lips fan--even their more avant-garde stuff like Embryonic--but I hated that Pink Floyd thing. And since my tastes are right, you should be ashamed. :angry:

Well, honestly, the album is very hit and miss; I was a bit angered that they mutilated 'Money' completely but otherwise I thought it was an interesting take on a classic album. And also, Henry Rollins. :blush:

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Place 15: Metallica - Ride The Lightning

(45 points, 4 votes)


Place 15: Muse - Origin of Symmetry

(45 points, 3 votes, one 1st place)


Place 13: Brand New - Deja Entendu

(48 points, 4 votes)


Next: Getting closer to the Top 10, which means people I PM'd should start finishing their stuff if they haven't done so already.

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Clearly nothing good is in the top 10 because I didn't get PM'd :shifty:

Given that I voted for a fair few things that are likely to come high based on similar EWB lists in the past (unless my memory of them is shady) and I didn't get a PM, I reckon that fr34k just picked people that voted for the albums at random. That or he hates me. Probably the latter since I got this extended to 20 albums each rather than 10 :shifty:

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Well, it's the best Metallica album. Which isn't saying much.

Origin Of Symmetry might be the best Muse album too - I've never been a fan, but I prefer the first two albums to everything that followed, when they were still vaguely interesting instead of the naff stadium rock they churn out now.

Brand New are toss.

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Yeah, I'm saying they're not a good band. Lars Ulrich is a clumsy drummer, Kirk Hammett has made a career out of ripping off Diamond Head (amongst others), James Hetfield has no range whatsoever, and punctuates every other line with "URGH!" in the most annoying way possible, and they can't write a solid song to save their lives. When they're "on", they can manage a decent enough song, but they haven't really been "on" in years.

Kill 'Em All was rudimentary thrash metal played my teenagers, and while I'd admit it's fairly forward-thinking for the time, it's aged horribly, and was pretty rough and ready in the first place. Ride The Lightning at least has "For Whom The Bell Tolls" which is a fairly solid metal song, with some great bass work from Cliff, though it's saturated with James' "OOOH-UGH!". Master Of Puppets is the most self-indulgent wank they've ever produced, which is saying something - the title track in particular.

Everything post-Cliff Burton is punctuated by their egos and self-indulgence, and their complete inability to use Jason Newsted at all because of their gripe over him being "the new guy" - to the extent that they effectively sabotaged what could have been by far their best album "...And Justice For All" by burying the bass so much in the mix that it's barely audible because, hey, why should the new guy be allowed to sound good?

The Black Album is the "this heavy metal shit sucks, let's make a grab at this popularity thing" album - it's got Bob Rock written all over it, and it sucks for it. See also - James' OOOH-UGH being all over it. Hard rock by whiny millionaires for angsty middle-class teenagers.

After that...Load? Re-Load? St. Anger? Death Magnetic? Do I need to bother?

Rob Trujillo is a fantastic bassist, I'll give them that - infinitely the best musician in the band, though struggling from Mike Patton Syndrome, in that he's most famous for his work in his least interesting band, but they don't have much else going for them - or, at the very least, not much that you can't find in a thousand other metal bands, and often with far more of worth. They have a handful of decent songs, but after twenty-five years and nine studio albums, I expect more than a handful of good songs.

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Though I really like Metallica, you do make great points. I can't really argue with much. Those are actually my complaints about the band, but I still enjoy them.

I also agree that their bassists have always been their best musicians.

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Clearly nothing good is in the top 10 because I didn't get PM'd :shifty:

Given that I voted for a fair few things that are likely to come high based on similar EWB lists in the past (unless my memory of them is shady) and I didn't get a PM, I reckon that fr34k just picked people that voted for the albums at random. That or he hates me. Probably the latter since I got this extended to 20 albums each rather than 10 :shifty:

I usually picked the person who had the album in question highest on their list.

I only got three PM's so far, so it's entirely possible that I will have to send out more PM's :shifty:.

Concerning the list:

Don't really care for Metallica, Origin of Symmetry is great and it placed high on my list and Deja Entendu is okay, but nothing that would make my list ever.

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Good, a Sunn O))) reference, then I don't need to do it. But yeah, I couldn't agree more with Skummy; "Ride The Lightning" is easily the best Metallica album. On a less music-oriented level, Lars Ulrich is also one of the most annoying people ever. :shifty:

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