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3DS off to a slow start - Nintendo lose some money

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Nintendo on Thursday reported a net loss of 25.5 billion yen ($327.9 million) for the April-June quarter, citing the strong yen, a lack of many hit game titles, and research and marketing expenses.

The Kyoto-based company also cut its forecast for the year to March 2012 and now expects a net profit of 20 billion yen, down 74.2 percent from the previous year, also citing currency factors and a more cautious sales outlook.

The company also decided to slash the price of its 3DS handheld console, which was released in February at a price of 25,000 yen, to 15,000 yen from August 11 in Japan, followed by similar cuts in foreign markets by September.

The lower price aims to create "momentum" for the console and "accelerate its market penetration toward the year-end sales season," Nintendo said.

No-one's really buying a 3DS over here - kids are happy to stick with the DSLites, DSis and other DSes. I've never seen a console better supported with games than the DS (except maybe the PS2 by the end of it's term in office).

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Unfortunate typo in the thread title. >_<

Anyway though, I saw this coming. I don't know a single person who owns one and I'm somebody who's bought almost an incarnation of every generation of handhelds produced by Nintendo and I have no desire what so ever to pick this up. The games are shite and quite frankly from my two plays of it, the 3D is disorientating, sometimes blurry and made me feel queasy because of the small scereen.

I'm looking forward to the PSVita much more.

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I actually own one, I was sold on it when I saw the list of games coming out for it. It's actually pretty incredible, and if more people gave it a shot it would do very well I'm sure. I own Legend of Zelda: OOT and Super Street Fighter and both games are great, plus the virtual reality games that come equipped on it are fantastic. Shame that they're losing money on it.

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I think the general feeling is that the 3DS has very little in terms of software support at the moment, plus I'm not sure if the whole 3D thing is something people can get behind. Christmas was always going to be a big time for it but now they have a lower price point and bigger games on the way so I imagine it should do pretty well.

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When I was deciding what DS to buy for Pokemon White, the reason I didnt get the 3DS was a) the 3D effect from playing Street Fighter in store wasnt that good to me (and going too high just made it blurry), b) I didnt find it worth it for the exclusive titles it had named at that point, and c) I could have upgraded my old white 20gb Xbox to a used 250gb Xbox for cheaper.

I never found the mass appeal in 3D, so I wont ever jump onto any 3D electronics like a game system or tv or a phone (really, we need a phone to shoot video in 3D now). The only game I would want a 3DS for is for that Pokemon Rumble sequel, but Im not paying 170 or 250 or whatever it is in the States right now just for one game, two at the most if I bought White again.

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When I got my new phone the other week, as I didn't want to get an iphone (which my phone provider Softbank has the sole rights to market in Japan) I had a choice of TWO Android phones I could get (cos the HTC was out of stock too). I went for the Dell Streak in the end cos it would double nicely as Kindle Reader. However the phone the lady was trying to get me to go for was the Sharp Aquos phone because...IT HAS A 3D OPTION! WHOOOOOOOOO! She flicked it on, it looked funny. I said no thanks.

Ugh, I don't want 3D-in-my-pocket and I'm a FAN of 3D movies.

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I think there's three main reasons why the 3DS isn't selling well so far. The first is the price, the second is the lack of games and the third is poor marketing. Many people think the 3DS is just a DS with a 3D gimmick, they don't realize that the graphics have actually been updated. Plus it's hard to advertise a 3D games console well when most people don't have a 3D TV.

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It'll pick up once there's a Mario 3D/Mario Kart knocking around.

It is a difficult sell in terms of advertising, as has been mentioned, you don't get the full effect unless you actually have a go yourself. Unfortunately, I'd say three quarters of the people who've tried it at our place have been less "wow, cool graphics/effects" and more "ugh, I feel dizzy." I can't look at the damn thing for more than about half a minute, and so far, I've not really seen anything that makes the 3d more than just a pretty gimmick. However, the Augmented Reality stuff is very well done.

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I hate the 3D on it. I played like 3 mins of Pilotwings and afterwards I was noticeably queasy and my eyes and head just didn't feel right.

That's another problem I forgot to mention. With the reports of people feeling sick after playing people will want to play on the 3DS before buying it. It's not like any other console where you'd be willing to buy it online without playing on it first.

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Yeah, I remember that time they tried to remake Transformers into a movie. How did that turn out again? :rolleyes:

That this movie is terrible is besides the point. But if you already own the N64 Zelda for example you prittymuch get the same game with 3d slaped on and a screen the size of a "stamp". Thats just no reason to spend 300€ for handheld + game.

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