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I mean I like the game, but I feel like the skills for Zero are almost useless. It takes so long to use the disappear skill that it became useless against Flynt, who was a massive dick. I mean maybe it's a lot more useful when you get some decent upgrades, but I was expecting it to be a lot more useful. I'm really enjoying it so far, wish there were others playing on PS3, but it's fun single player.

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Flynt was hard. Took me 3 times to do it. Strangely enough my best weapon or the one I do best with anyway is a revolver. I am not exactly accurate and it fires quickly and reloads even quicker.

And my god I hate driving so much. I know lolz woman cant drive. But bleh! Hate it. Took me 5 tries to do the jump when you first get the car.

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Flynt was hard. Took me 3 times to do it. Strangely enough my best weapon or the one I do best with anyway is a revolver. I am not exactly accurate and it fires quickly and reloads even quicker.

And my god I hate driving so much. I know lolz woman cant drive. But bleh! Hate it. Took me 5 tries to do the jump when you first get the car.

Yeah, driving hasn't gotten much better. I wouldn't mind so much if it was a bit less necessary to get around. I think the bosses (or, Flynt at least) definitely seem aimed more towards playing with co-op. I found the best weapon was my revolver too, as everything else took to long to reload and didn't do enough damage when it DID hit him. Shotgun was pretty much useless, as was Sniper Rifle. I get the feeling I probably should have tried with a Rifle, though they always seem so crappy when comparing the stats. I never really know how useful they are in terms of rate of fire/lesser damage. I wish they'd just say "Well, it's damage is 40, but because it fires so many rounds, a full clip will do more damage than a full clip of a shotgun" for example. Maybe in less words. >_>

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With Flynt I just threw my turret down and let it do most the work while running around with a revolver trying to get extra shots in. I think so far in the game I have been using pistols more than anything apart from the odd time using a rifle or some shotgun I found that you throw after 3 shots and it explodes. Pistols just seem to be doing the job for me.

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I mean I like the game, but I feel like the skills for Zero are almost useless. It takes so long to use the disappear skill that it became useless against Flynt, who was a massive dick. I mean maybe it's a lot more useful when you get some decent upgrades, but I was expecting it to be a lot more useful. I'm really enjoying it so far, wish there were others playing on PS3, but it's fun single player.

It seems like something that's going to be useful in a few specific scenarios rather than just whimsically chucking out a turret or whatever. Considering how he sues the sword in the cinematics, I was hoping it'd be a bit more involved in the actual gameplay. Yes, I know LOL BAZILLION GUNZ, but it would've been a fresh take. Still, early days.

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I mean I like the game, but I feel like the skills for Zero are almost useless. It takes so long to use the disappear skill that it became useless against Flynt, who was a massive dick. I mean maybe it's a lot more useful when you get some decent upgrades, but I was expecting it to be a lot more useful. I'm really enjoying it so far, wish there were others playing on PS3, but it's fun single player.

It seems like something that's going to be useful in a few specific scenarios rather than just whimsically chucking out a turret or whatever. Considering how he sues the sword in the cinematics, I was hoping it'd be a bit more involved in the actual gameplay. Yes, I know LOL BAZILLION GUNZ, but it would've been a fresh take. Still, early days.

Yeah, I'm hoping somewhere down the line I'll find a use for it. I imagine once it's fully maxed out in one tree it could be useful, but right now I'm just tempted to set it up to benefit a Sniper, which isn't why I picked the class, I was expecting a lot more fun melee. You'd think it'd at least have a bit more distance or something. It's a minor gripe of a game I'm really loving, but if I knew now how useless it'd be, I'd go back and play as the Soldier again, because that seems like the all around class.

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I have just beaten Flynt. Took me three tries as well. The first time I tried using dual assault rifles, the second time dual shotguns. The third time I just hid by the ammo machine so he couldn't reach me.

I really want to find some decent-good guns with high magazines once I'm able to get that Gunzerker skill where the final shot in a magazine has bonus damage, but at the moment I need a weapon I can shoot from a distance with. Been using a fire pistol with a good sight and an assault rifle with explosion element for a while now.

Definitely feels like I'd be able to play the Gunzerker role better co-op, but that is the main reason I enjoyed the first one.

Want to level my Assassin up to see how he works. Try and build him towards melee, which as others have said feels like it won't be any good until you reach some higher levels.

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I've been playing as the Commando, which is the same class I used in 1, essentially. I don't see what all the hate is towards Flynt, I took him out in nothing flat, but that might have been because my guns were pretty beefy. I basically just dropped the turret and unloaded on him. I'm level 14, almost 15, and I just did the bit with Roland, which was freaking awesome, if not a bit tedious. My favorite weapon has become a sweet explosive pistol I found with a really good fire rate, although I also have a pretty excellent assault rifle and sniper, but I tend to only break those out when I really get pinned down, I just enjoy seeing things blow up way too much. I'm playing PS3, but probably won't move to playing co op until I get a headset, which is gonna have to wait a bit. Also, it helped immensely early on that I pre-ordered, giving me free weapons at the beginning, which was kinda nice. The main issue I'm running into is that I want to try iterally all the weapons, and there are a few bugs, I have Zed and Tannis bugged on a mission they won't let me complete, but it's a small price to pay for a game that I'm loving just as much as I loved the first.

Also, when I pre-ordered, I got the deluxe loot chest, the one with everything, so I'm getting the Mechromancer when it drops, which looks like loads of fun. I also got all the extra goodies, which were freaking awesome, especially the cloth map and the banner. ALso, my art book is printed upside down and backwards, which was pretty funny, but I don't care enough to get it fixed.

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I did too to be fair. I did scoff at the idea when I first heard it but Benji was, for whatever reason, some way in front of me and I thought he had done it first and got through so I went for it as well.

Not a good idea...

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I was fortunate I had a decent shield anyway as I not only tried to do as he suggested, I also listened to his suggestions of trying to go faster and attempted a few more times before hologram bird pointed out probably not best to listen to Claptraps advice... No idea how much I'd struggle when a real problem comes up...

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I did too to be fair. I did scoff at the idea when I first heard it but Benji was, for whatever reason, some way in front of me and I thought he had done it first and got through so I went for it as well.

Not a good idea...

It was hi-larious :shifty:

How did posing for a photograph by that massive exploding barrel work out for you?

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