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2011 NFL Season

gunnar hendershow

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Tony Romo missed one big pass. He also had a ridiculous game where he picked apart the Giant defense. Not to mention, he drove a team down the field in thirty seconds to put his team in Field Goal range. Honestly, I don't see how anybody could realistically blame him for that loss.

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Going away from the Tebow thing, re: 49ers, anybody who blames Smith for the loss today is either retarded or didn't watch the game. It's not his fault the d-backs can't tackle Larry Fitzgerald and its not his fault when the o-line can't block a blitz. And the entire offense was terrible in the redzone.

Don't get me wrong, he's not elite but they CAN win with him.

I wasn't saying it was his fault, or they can't win with him..... just that he will never be better than average. the defense has been their strong point, along with the run game when it shows up.

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Tony Romo missed one big pass. He also had a ridiculous game where he picked apart the Giant defense. Not to mention, he drove a team down the field in thirty seconds to put his team in Field Goal range. Honestly, I don't see how anybody could realistically blame him for that loss.

He missed a simple pass to a wide open receiver that would have sealed the game. Yes, I can, and do, blame him for that. Picked apart the Giants defense? The Giants defense played terrible and made huge mistakes that any NFL QB should have been able to exploit. Do not preach to me about Tony Romo's statistics and performance, I have been down this road way too many times. He'll rack up all the stats you could ever hope for, except the one that matters, a fucking win. He also has the lovely tendency as of late to get his team back into it after almost knocking them out, so the blame falls on someone else. A good QB makes that pass and wins that game, he didn't, because he's not a fucking good QB. When he needs to win, he doesn't and that's all there is to it.

He's fucking Danny White without the ability to advance to an NFC title game.

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His QB rating for the game was 141.3. If he completes that one pass he pretty much had a flawless game. It's not his fault his defense completely sucked it up and the coach doesn't know what to do with time-outs.

I'm not a Cowboys fan, so I'd like to think I have an unbiased view of this. I've seen Romo blow a few games, but I think he takes a totally unfair amount of heat. The only QBs, off the top of my head, that are better than him are Brady-Brees-Manning & Manning-Roethlisberger-Rodgers.

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Oh, so just every QB currently in the league that's won a Super Bowl? Something Romo will never do? Good to know.

Ignore the stats, focus on the intangibles, namely the ability to win when the game is on the line. He doesn't have it. Don't tell me, oh he's one pass from having a perfect game, when that one pass was a simple, wide open pass that would have ended the game. I'd rather he threw 5 INTs and won, because that's what the team needed. Not a great stat line, not a high QB rating, the team needed a win, and as usual, Romo didn't deliver.

Yeah, blame lies on the defense too, but you can't put it all on them when Romo had his chance and blew it.

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Oh, so just every QB currently in the league that's won a Super Bowl? Something Romo will never do? Good to know.

Ignore the stats, focus on the intangibles, namely the ability to win when the game is on the line. He doesn't have it. Don't tell me, oh he's one pass from having a perfect game, when that one pass was a simple, wide open pass that would have ended the game. I'd rather he threw 5 INTs and won, because that's what the team needed. Not a great stat line, not a high QB rating, the team needed a win, and as usual, Romo didn't deliver.

Yeah, blame lies on the defense too, but you can't put it all on them when Romo had his chance and blew it.

I guess Dallas blowing a 12 point lead in five minutes is all on Romo. He played a great game and put his team in excellent position to win the game. How about his kicker missing a game defining field goal in the final seconds (two games in a row)? I suppose that is on him too.

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Yeah, it is all on him, because if he had made a simple fucking throw, none of that would have happened.

Yeah, Dan Bailey really shanked that second attempt, it was fucking blocked. You want to toss blame on everyone else, pick the right people.

Elite QBs make that fucking throw and win that fucking game. They don't miss a wide open man, then put it back on their defense yet again to bail them out. Jesus fucking christ, I am the board's biggest Cowboys fan, stop this stupidity. Romo can't win when it counts. You want evidence? Okay, how about his entire career? When it matters, he doesn't win, so who gives a shit what his fucking QB rating is?

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Tony Romo missed one big pass. He also had a ridiculous game where he picked apart the Giant defense. Not to mention, he drove a team down the field in thirty seconds to put his team in Field Goal range. Honestly, I don't see how anybody could realistically blame him for that loss.

The Giant defense picked itself apart a few times, and Romo missed the money TD. That's the story of Tony Romo in one sentence. Manningham dropped a gimme TD and Eli still got the victory a few plays later. Romo had a 12 point lead and a chance to seal the win with a wide open receiver and failed. I can understand why Maxx can't stand the guy because he does just enough to tantalize, but not enough to deliver. Romo does just enough to get your hopes up and then crushes your dreams if you're a Cowboys fan. He's LeBron James without the MVP trophies.

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Tony Romo missed one big pass. He also had a ridiculous game where he picked apart the Giant defense. Not to mention, he drove a team down the field in thirty seconds to put his team in Field Goal range. Honestly, I don't see how anybody could realistically blame him for that loss.

The Giant defense picked itself apart a few times, and Romo missed the money TD. That's the story of Tony Romo in one sentence. Manningham dropped a gimme TD and Eli still got the victory a few plays later. Romo had a 12 point lead and a chance to seal the win with a wide open receiver and failed. I can understand why Maxx can't stand the guy because he does just enough to tantalize, but not enough to deliver. Romo does just enough to get your hopes up and then crushes your dreams if you're a Cowboys fan. He's LeBron James without the MVP trophies.

He's not even that, because LeBron can at least get to a championship game.

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Yeah, it is all on him, because if he had made a simple fucking throw, none of that would have happened.

Yeah, Dan Bailey really shanked that second attempt, it was fucking blocked. You want to toss blame on everyone else, pick the right people.

Elite QBs make that fucking throw and win that fucking game. They don't miss a wide open man, then put it back on their defense yet again to bail them out. Jesus fucking christ, I am the board's biggest Cowboys fan, stop this stupidity. Romo can't win when it counts. You want evidence? Okay, how about his entire career? When it matters, he doesn't win, so who gives a shit what his fucking QB rating is?

I am not calling Tony Romo an elite QB by any means, but putting the blame majority on Romo for this game, a game that the Cowboys were offensively kicking ass and leading by 12 with 4-5 minutes to go, instead of the Cowboys defense that let up 511 yards all day and two scores within the last 3:41, you're evaluating the wrong thing. The Cowboys did not lose this game primarily because of Tony Romo.

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He had a chance to win, he didn't. Defense never should have had to go onto the field again. A good QB makes that throw and ends the game right there. Stop blaming the defense, it's ridiculous, because you might as well just come out and say the Cowboys lost because the defense didn't shut the Giants out. Game on the line, Romo didn't come through, as usual, and that's so much bigger than anything the defense did. If this was the first time this kind of thing happened with Romo, then yeah, I'd be blaming the defense. But it's not, it's more of the same from the guy who can't win when it matters.

Everyone seems to be forgetting that the blocked field goal would have only tied the game. Romo's missed pass wins the game, big difference.

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