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2011 NFL Season

gunnar hendershow

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I'm fucking sick of Romo. I want a QB who actually gives a shit if he loses, I'm tired of seeing Romo's stupid grin every time he makes a fucking retarded mistake. Leave it to the Cowboys to lose a game when they're up by 7 and on the fucking 1 yard line in the 4th quarter. I certainly hope Garrett is better at motivating the team than Phillips was, because if he were still the head coach, the season would be in the shitter after that loss.

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I think that the Philadelphia Eagles clinched the NFC Least today <_< Giants/Cowboys battling it out for last place will be interesting though.

I don't know, we have to see how Rex does against a secondary that isn't made up of practice squad players.

I hope the Cowboys can sucker a success starved team into taking Romo off our hands for a few draft picks next off season. Come on San Fran, remember the early 90's when we'd just switch players every season, lets start that up again. :shifty:

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I'm fucking sick of Romo. I want a QB who actually gives a shit if he loses, I'm tired of seeing Romo's stupid grin every time he makes a fucking retarded mistake. Leave it to the Cowboys to lose a game when they're up by 7 and on the fucking 1 yard line in the 4th quarter. I certainly hope Garrett is better at motivating the team than Phillips was, because if he were still the head coach, the season would be in the shitter after that loss.

Replace "Romo" with "McNabb" and thats how Eagles fans felt for the last decade <_<

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I think that the Philadelphia Eagles clinched the NFC Least today <_< Giants/Cowboys battling it out for last place will be interesting though.

I don't know, we have to see how Rex does against a secondary that isn't made up of practice squad players.

Rex Grossman has a 94.7 passer rating in four career starts against the Giants. 68.6 against the rest of the league.

That is from Nate Silver.

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Romo is just Favre without the killer instinct talent, which was one of Favre's few redeeming qualities. So yeah, love having that at QB.

Fixed that for you..

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The strangest thing is that, outside of maybe 2 years in Green Bay, Romo's squads on the Cowboys since 2007 have been much more talented than any of Favre's Packers teams. I think half of it has been the playcalling on offense and half of it has been Romo's difficulty making plays. But the defense and running game certainly put Romo in a position to win the game week in and week out. It's one of those rare situations in the NFL where if the QB were just slightly better (or less prone to mistakes) the team would win 3 or 4 more games a year.

Sorry Maxx. ({)

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