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EWB's Favorite TV Show 2011: The Voting Thread

GoGo Yubari

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1) Doctor Who

2) Community

3) Parks and Rec

4) The Walking Dead

5) New Girl

6) Modern Family

7) The Office

8) How I Met Your Mother

9) 2 Broke Girls

10) Happy Endings

11) Chuck

12) Suburgatory

13) Wilfred (US Version)

14) The Big Bang Theory

15) Conan

Edited by edcq1987
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It took a long time for me to come up with 15 shows since I mainly watch sports on the rare evenings that I'm home. USA and Syfy's interchangeable shows were quite helpful.

1) White Collar

2) Leverage

3) Castle

4) The Amazing Race

5) 2 Broke Girls

6) Boardwalk Empire

7) The Mentalist

8) Alphas

9) Pardon The Interruption

10) Haven

11) Top Chef

12) Covert Affairs

13) Suits

14) Up All Night

15) Once Upon a Time

Are Sunday and Monday Night Football legitimate options? If so, I'm shuffling my list.

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1. Doctor Who

2. Game of Thrones

3. Outnumbered

4. Top Gear

5. Glee

6. House

7. Have I Got News For You

8. Mock the Week

9. QI

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1. Community

2. Breaking Bad

3. Friday Night Lights

4. Parks & Recreation

5. Louie

6. Sons of Anarchy

7. Game of Thrones

8. Justified

9. Parenthood

10. True Blood

11. Walking Dead

12. Beavis & Butt-Head

13. How I Met Your Mother

14. The Colbert Report

15. American Horror Story

I normally wouldn't vote for a show like The Colbert Report since it has so many more episodes than regular TV, but Colbert has been absolutely on fire this year. Not an episode goes by that doesn't make me legitimately laugh out loud at least once. Sons of Anarchy would've been #2 had it ended two episodes sooner, but its awful finale bumped it out of the top five. True Blood bounced back on my list with a fun season, HIMYM bounced back with a series of rock solid episodes, Beavis & Butt-Head was a surprise addition but the return has been amazing and Community remains the best show on television, period. Oh and I can't decide if American Horror Story is the best new show of the season or the worst, so it rounds out my list.

Notable exclusions include:

House - I stopped watching altogether after last year's abysmal season.

Dexter - came off two of the best seasons of television I've ever watched with one of the worst.

Glee - I stopped watching awhile ago (should've stopped after episode 13), but I occasionally pop in to see if it still sucks as bad (it does).

The Big Bang Theory - which I will never watch, ever.

NCIS - a show that I refuse to believe is watched by anyone under the age of 65.

Modern Family - A show I still enjoy and watch every week, but don't feel an all important connection to.

Homeland - I have every episode on DVR, just haven't gotten around to it yet. Sounds like a Top 5-worthy show though.

Burn Notice - Still love it, but have fallen way behind. I need to catch up.

Two Broke Girls - Definitely far too sitcommy, but I do heart Kat Dennings and with a few tweaks, it could be a decent show.

South Park - The show's been really, really good this year, and thanks to fast turnaround, it can never jump the shark, but it's not top tier anymore.

The Office - James Spader has been a fun addition, but the show's best days are obviously far behind.

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1. Sons of Anarchy

2. Archer

3. Shameless (US)

4. The Walking Dead

5. Community

6. Justified

7. Chopped

8. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

9. American Horror Story

10. South Park

11. Pawn Stars

12. Bob's Burgers

13. The Daily Show

14. The Killing

15. Parks and Recreation

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1. Sons of Anarchy

2. Archer

3. Shameless (US)

4. The Walking Dead

5. Community

6. Justified

7. Chopped

8. It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

9. American Horror Story

10. South Park

11. Pawn Stars

12. Bob's Burgers

13. The Daily Show

14. The Killing

15. Parks and Recreation

Cant believe I forgot all about The Killing.

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10. NCIS

11. NCIS

12. NCIS

13. NCIS

14. NCIS L.A

15. Hawaii 5-0

Ok I really Like NCIS but if you made me pick 15 it would be



3. Hawaii 5-0

4. Rizzoli & Isles

5. Castle

6. Burn Notice

7. Covert Affairs

8. Law & Order svu

9. White Collar

10. The Mentalist

11. Amazing Race

12. Survivor

13. How I met your mother

14. Big bang theroy

15. Say yes to the dress

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1. Community

2. The Walking Dead

3. Castle

4. The League

5. Sons of Anarchy

6. Modern Family

7. Bones

8. Spooks

9. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart

10. Doctor Who

11. House

12. Happy Endings

13. Blue Bloods

14. Top Gear

15. How TV Ruined Your Life

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I watched a couple seasons on DVD. Then they killed off the character I liked and replaced it with one I didnt so I quit.


They did a really cool Ep in season 8 called A Man Walks into a Bar

that had a lot of flash backs of Kate also some deleted stuff as well!

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NCIS - a show that I refuse to believe is watched by anyone under the age of 65.

So Teej then?

Even I dont watch that shit!

Oi watch it you dont hear knocking Justified (which i've never even heard of)

Oh I've seen bits of NCIS over the years, what with the USA Network airing episodes of it 22 hours a day. Plus my parents, in their 60s, watched the shit out of it. NCIS is the Matlock and/or Murder She Wrote of the 2000's.

And Justified is greatness, you should track the first episode down.

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1. Dexter

2. Chuck

3. Walking Dead

4. House

5. How I Met Your Mother

6. Big Bang Theory

7. South Park

8. QI

9. Ricky Gervais Show

10. Mock The Week

11. Doctor Who

12. Family Guy

13. Simpsons

14. Match of the Day

15. Football League Show

Really struggling at the end there, but have barely watched any TV regularly this year. Sure, Dexter, House and Chuck I keep up with, but that's about it. Just started catching up with The Walking Dead but it's good stuff. Shame I can't put Sherlock on though, that was absolutely brilliant last year.

Basically, I need to watch more good current TV shows instead of slowly catching up with The Soprano's or The Wire.

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