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Steam/PC Mega Thread

RoHitman Reigns

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I got Dark Void Zero from GMG for 60p. Theyre doing a capcom sale. Dead Rising 2 OTR is really tempting for 4 quid but i want it on xbox since i have all the others on that.

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I like the concept of MOBAs but.. the people who play those things in general are intolerable.

Plus I don't have the time to study every little aspect of every character and know exactly where to plan, and where to go if that plan fails and who counters who with what... gah.

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Licky you, im never fully upgraded come the boss. This is including going and spending as much time in a zone as possible before moving on before the swarm catches up. Got through the boss once but when he teleported I failed the second attempt and didnt even get a third shot before game over.

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The fucker has like - four weapons stations and a cloaking device. They never even touched their teleport room which is a good thing for me because I suck at enemies that teleport to my location. I usually just end up bombing the room they're in and locking the blast doors like crazy on them. But yeah - I'd get their shields down, bomb the room to pieces and then use one of those lasers to take out their weapons.. but then they'd cloak and I'd be kind of screwed there for a bit.

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I'll just say this, guys:

Teleporters are effective both ways.

Like, really effective. Especially if you've got a few Rock Men who've had combat experience in your journeys.

...and I'll also say, don't destroy all of his weapons in the first fight. If you leave one of them, it gets a bit easier.

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Christ, EA, calm down with the EULAs. Initially with the DRM and now this, poor SimCity is just getting hammered with negativity.

Terrible. There is no excuse for this, thats something a lawyer dos not simply come up on his own with. News like this make you feel good when you find a offline only way to play the game in the end... sad for the people that came up with this game, but you just cant trust EA.

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How is this a story, aside from "Matzat is wrong again" - there's a simple fucking solution - just tell them about the bug. Don't want to get banned? Report! Is there really a legion of players going "FUCK I WAS GOING TO EXPLOIT THIS BUG AND EVERYTHING" and are now incensed that they can't? Shame on them.

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No, it's a story since if you fail to report a bug they reserve the right to block you from every one of their games. Basically you tweet or blog or mention a bug prior to telling them and they state they can potentially lock your Origin account and take all their games back.

I'd call that a PR fail and potentially a huge news story (as in front runner for story of the year) if they followed through on it. If Instagram's recent ToS debacle was news then this is equally so.

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I'd argue there's a massive difference between the two. If you are a reasonable person, then the circumstance in which they would act on this would never come up. It's akin to someone telling me it's now against the law for me to wear a beige dress while I play golf. Big deal, I wasn't going to do it anyway.

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How is this a story, aside from "Matzat is wrong again" - there's a simple fucking solution - just tell them about the bug. Don't want to get banned? Report! Is there really a legion of players going "FUCK I WAS GOING TO EXPLOIT THIS BUG AND EVERYTHING" and are now incensed that they can't? Shame on them.

Thats a very right wing thing to say. Why not let the government have surveillance of all your internet usage? If you do nothing wrong you have nothing to fear right?

They are planing to take away every game you ever bought (on origin) for not reporting a bug... so what if you play drunk and just don´t give a fuck? What if your little brother or daughter plays and just dossent know better? What if you, like 99,9999% of the people have not even read these EULA (even a good answer on why this is a story, because if this wassent a story you just would not know)... maybe, if they actually ban you, things can get fixed - but your on trial, you won´t play and you´ll have to fight for the right to play games you payed pretty high prices on, and hey, it even is origin... want to go on plaing a EA onlinepass game on your PS3/xbox? Looks like you need a new user account and buy a new online pass there aswell. All just because you let your grandma play 30 minutes of sim city while you were cooking in the kitchen.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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