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Steam/PC Mega Thread

RoHitman Reigns

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Thusfar it's not a great sale, really. I'm waiting and hoping for FM13 to pop up.

I'm also hoping the RPG Maker app they've add goes back to $30 or lower, as it was near the beginning of the sale. Greatly intrigued to try it.

Find yourself a copy of RPG Maker 2000 and the RTP package somewhere. General rule of thumb is that the RPG Maker series gets less fun and more confusing the higher the number. You'd have to download it in the illegal sense, but there's a good translation and it's worth the fun.

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Anno 2070 looks cool as fuck but I can't justify £11.99 on something my PC could barely run and even so, I probably won't even started for another year.

I got Anno on a sale a few weeks back. It´s a good game, but you need a computer that no only can run it but also run it with some degree of optical qualety. On low you miss out on a lot of the fun (which in my eyes i just watching the city you build, there issent even a fast forward button) - Maybe check out Anno 1404, even being an older game - i like the art style more than 2070 and it is a bit less demanding on your system. (but still not a cheap game to get)

Also note that no matter were you buy 2070 you will need to install the UbiSoft uPlay software.


I'm also hoping the RPG Maker app they've add goes back to $30 or lower, as it was near the beginning of the sale. Greatly intrigued to try it.

Defenetly check out the old free version first. It makes creating games "easy" but it still is a very serious tool. You will need to spend a ton of time on it to get anything somewhat original don even when downloading premade pixelart and music.

Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Thusfar it's not a great sale, really. I'm waiting and hoping for FM13 to pop up.

Amazon will have FM13 on sale for $19.99 between 25th and 27th December. It's a Steamworks game too, so you'll get a product key that's redeemable through Steam. I'd keep an eye out in case it doesn't get a decent price reduction on Steam itself.

Yeah, I have that on my radar too. If it doesn't show up on Steam then I buy it there.

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For people who want to use the Steam Big Picture mode with a PS3 controller, a handy guide!


Since the introduction of Windows 7, the original set of instructions that appeared on this page no longer work. Never fear, though — nerd culture abhors a vacuum, and some enterprising coders have stepped in to provide a new solution. Follow along with the steps below to learn

how to use a PS3 controller on PC.

1. Download MotioninJoy

Motion in Joy is a Chinese company that makes a relatively straightforward utility for using PS3 controllers with PC's. Your first step is to download their client from GameFront's fast, free servers.

MotioninJoy 32-bit Client


MotioninJoy 64-bit Client


2. Unzip and Install the program

The expanded archive will create an .exe file with the same filename. Run it.

3. Run "DS3_tool" and plug in your PS3 controller

When the installation completes, there'll be a check-box prompting you to run "DS3_tool," the Motion in Joy client. Leave it checked when you exit the installer. When the program opens, you should see this screen:


When you plug in your PS3 controller to the USB port, Windows will recognize it, and begin installing drivers. This is misleading — even though the installation completes, and the controller shows up in the Device Manager, it will not work.

4. Load the driver

From the screen pictured above, click on "Load driver." At this point, Windows security will ask you to verify that you want to allow the driver installation process to continue. Since the new versions of Motion in Joy include signed drivers, this step is easier than it used to be. Assent to the installation and you should see a rapid series of messages in the DS3_tool window, pictured below:


If you can't find the "Load driver" button, or you accidentally end up in a different part of the DS3_tool utility, click on "Driver Manager" to return.

5. Configure the controller

With the driver loaded, your next step will be to configure the controller for use. Click on the "Profiles" tab, pictured below. In order to take full advantage of the DualShock 3′s twin analog sticks and many buttons, you'll want to select "Playstation 3," as shown in the picture. Once you've selected that setting, hit "Enable," then "Vibration testing." If you've followed these steps correctly, you should feel your controller vibrate. Motion in Joy also provides a convenient "Game Controller Panel" button, which whisks you directly you to the Windows controller calibration utility. You can use it to ensure that all of your controller's buttons are functioning correctly.


6. Et voila! Enjoy gaming with your PC-connected PS3 Controller!

Some addition configuration and button-mapping may be required to get it working with your game of choice

It works a treat!

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So I bought the 2k pack mostly for x-com and the game doesn't work. Heads up for those grabbing it you will need to google the ini that the install was missing and paste that in manually. My install is also missing some voices in some cutscenes. Weird.

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TBF it has been a pretty crap sale. I've struggled to find much worth buying and normally I go insane during these sales. The majority of games I've bought are the 'hidden deals' where some indie games are 75%+ off but aren't daily or flash deals (Zeno Clash for $1 etc). Amazon seems to be kicking Steams arse, I have money in my Paypal account I had saved for the sale though and Amazon don't do Paypal.

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Okay, so I play Star Trek: Online every so often, and Perfect World seems to have a library that is entirely Free To Play. Steam also seems to have some Free To Play games available. I don't really want to clog up my hard drive (okay, I suppose I could since I've got a 1 TB HD, but I'd rather not have games on there that I don't play), so are there any that you all have played that would be worth having on my PC?

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Terraria used to pick up again when it went on sale and the new people wanted to play it.

Then it went on sale so many times that every man and his dog ended up owning it so that whole thing kinda fell off.

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For GoGo, FM2013 has also went on Steam sale for $20. I've actually purchased a lot since I have Paypal and the Bill Me Later option. Got Sim City 4, The Sims 3 (which I didn't have a copy of on this machine), Galactic Civilizations II, Hotline Miami, and quite a few others. It's not bad for indie game deals for sure, it's just parsing the wheat from the chaff.

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