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EWB TV Club Session #1 - Firefly


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Right. We have 50 shows to pick from, we need 2. Nevertheless, if we're going to be trying to pick shows for the next session or whatever, it helps if we know what seem to be more preferable contenders. So please pick up to five shows from the list. If there are no shows in the poll list you want, that's what option 10 is for, since I can only have 10 per list dry.gif

Anyway, I added in two more of mine, The UK Office and Community. The UK Office since I've never seen it, and Community because I have, and I'd love to have a session discussing it tongue.gif.

Vote away, and we'll start this on Friday.

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Okay then, the votes are slowing down, so it looks like we're going with Firefly and Arrested Development.

The main requirement is of course to watch the first episodes of each shows, probably around an hour each (the exception being the Pilot of Firefly, which was double the usual run time), although if you're wanting to view ahead, discussion is allowed as long as you spoiler it. People keeping to the schedule will catch up as they do.

Episode To Look At:

  • Serenity (The Episode, not the Movie)
  • The Train Job
  • Bushwhacked
  • Shindig
  • Safe

EDIT: I'm going to trim down the polls, so bear with me and the giant wall of text at the top of each page will shortly be gone, I just need to make a note of the more popular shows for Session 2 voting.

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Watched the pilot. I wasn't too into it at first, but it got better as it went. Adam Baldwin is always awesome, and the shephard and doctor are cool too. Didn't learn much about Gina Torres or the pilot, and I don't like Nathan Fillion's character. That's probably because I don't know him yet, and he's not doing a bad job acting it, but he rubbed me the wrong way.

Spoilers about Kaley.

I remember Joss Whedon wanting to put some guy who died in the first episode of Buffy into the credits to throw people off and getting overruled, so when Kaley got shot, I thought she was a goner. And again when her arm fell, and again when Reynolds told the doctor she was dead. Really surprised she made it out of the episode alive. I like her though, glad she made it.

Also, revolvers in the future? Weird. I know they're going for the western theme, but that seems over the top.

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Not seen it before Pizza? I understand your comments on Fillion. The character changes a lot over the first three episodes as they really try and get him exactly how they want him. The changes are for the better, too.

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Watched the pilot. I wasn't too into it at first, but it got better as it went. Adam Baldwin is always awesome, and the shephard and doctor are cool too. Didn't learn much about Gina Torres or the pilot, and I don't like Nathan Fillion's character. That's probably because I don't know him yet, and he's not doing a bad job acting it, but he rubbed me the wrong way.

Spoilers about Kaley.

I remember Joss Whedon wanting to put some guy who died in the first episode of Buffy into the credits to throw people off and getting overruled, so when Kaley got shot, I thought she was a goner. And again when her arm fell, and again when Reynolds told the doctor she was dead. Really surprised she made it out of the episode alive. I like her though, glad she made it.

Also, revolvers in the future? Weird. I know they're going for the western theme, but that seems over the top.

I think the idea is that everyone outside of the Alliance is pretty much left to scavenge for themselves, so it makes sense that they'd be using weapons that were probably passed down from their family and/or easily available for people to find and sell on some kind of Black Market. It's where the Old West comes into it, because on most planets they're left on their own. So technology and so on is set back a few hundred years in most respects.

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Watching Serenity now...


... and I forgot how much I hate the opening scene. Confusion, chaos, a grand battle which is basically the only one in the show's history. I know it's the end of the war, but the entire thing could have been done with scenes closer to...


... the part where Mal is helping out his lower ranking soldiers in a quiet environment...

... which I feel would have had added to his sense of helplessness about the whole situation following surrender, that he wasn't even in the right place for The battle of Serenity Valley.

On the plus side, the second scene is just fantastic classic Wash, and "curse your sudden, but inevitable betrayal" became an immediate meme among my friends upon watching it. It's a scene that actually helps emphasise the previous war torn scenes by being absolutely juxtaposed to it too.

More to be edited in as I watch, unless someone replies in the interim.

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More discussion for Serenity...


I forgot how instantly everyone's personality comes through. Joss Whedon seems to have a penchant for showing things like that in the early going of his writing, but it doesn't hurt that the cast is so strong too. The tension between Mal, Wash, and Zoe is interesting from the offset, and...


... only gets better as the series goes on, but not in the most typical way television aims for. The second episode with Niska being one of my very favourite ones in the series.

I never really had love for Inara as a character, and always feel that from the start she's the most passable of the cast. I do like the unique aspects of Companions which is explored though.

EDIT: More.


The entire docked scene is amongst my favourite of this episode. From Shepherd Book's "I never married" scene, to Kayleigh's adorable umbrella trying to get people to go by their ship ("Oooh, grampa"). The parts with Badger (a character who I would have loved to have seen further explored had the series continued) are great, with the ground team being given their roles outright of brute in Jayne, the negotiator/leader in Mal, and the calm head of Zoe. The early seeds being sown of Alliance and Reavers are small touches I like too.

Again, the chemistry between actor is incredible for a pilot. Mal's treatment of the "Ambassador" (though his great amusement in trying to make the Shepherd and the Companion feel awkward is a scene that irks me, considering he needs the money both bring in at this point), Book and Kayleigh's uncle/niece kind of friendship, The Doctor and Mal's friction from the first word said.

The universe is relatively well explained from the offset, with dinner discussion of terra forming and introducing the one character who's yet to appear in the form of the Doctor. Random Chinese swearing is a great way to show people angry, without actually having to swear.

Also, "She shot you!" "Yeah, but just a little bit!" is an exchange that never fails to make me chuckle.

And then... BOOM! Kayleigh is shot :crying: As mentioned earlier, Whedon had previously stated he wanted to kill off a main character in the opening episode, so when I first watched I was devastated that it was typical Whedon killing a character you love the most and pulling your heart strings. I was especially convinced when they opened the cargo to reveal another cute girl, who I presumed would be her replacement, and that's where part one of the sewn together two part Pilot "Serenity" ends, and where I'm leaving off until tomorrow :P

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More discussion for Serenity...


Mal's treatment of the "Ambassador" (though his great amusement in trying to make the Shepherd and the Companion feel awkward is a scene that irks me, considering he needs the money both bring in at this point)

that is kind of the point about Mal though, he'll pretty much always speak his mind even when it's not in his best interests, there's plenty of times when he could have just got paid but he always ends up doing what he thinks is right. This is just an example of him needing their money yeah, but he still dislikes religiosity and Inaras whoring too much to kiss their ass about it.

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Ok! Gonna watch the two first episodes right now :D


"We're too pretty to die."

And man, the music? Absolutely love it!

I love Wash and Kaylee...such a great show. Now I am sad the show was cancelled.

"What DO you pay him for?

"Public relations."

Episode 2

I really like the opening scene with the bar fight....and then when Mal is talking to the companion (I forget her name) and asks for her to do his hair.

I like every character on this show.

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