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News on bonuses for those who pre-order Saints Row IV.

ATTN: Dragsy

Earning the special edition content means you'll get a snazzy Uncle Sam outfit, a "Screaming Eagle" jet, and a "'Merica weapon," which boasts flamethrowers, "dub step guns," and rocket launchers.

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Started playing the new Star Trek game, which is a 5/10 or 6/10 at best.

When you go to the only place you can go in the level (an elevator) and there's no prompt to activate it on the first three tries, you don't have a good game on your hands.

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Started playing the new Star Trek game, which is a 5/10 or 6/10 at best.

When you go to the only place you can go in the level (an elevator) and there's no prompt to activate it on the first three tries, you don't have a good game on your hands.

I was expecting to be disappointed when they announced it was a co-op focused game. It seems so stupid to me to make a game for co-op first, then add AI for single player. It seems like you're so much more likely to have a success if you just make a single player game and add co-op support.

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I was looking at it when I went to pick up the "new" Dragon's Dogma today and it just kind of screamed MEH to me. One guy who came in at work was raving about how great it was going to be however - and then I saw the word 'Gorn' and instantly wondered how true this could be.

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I was looking at it when I went to pick up the "new" Dragon's Dogma today and it just kind of screamed MEH to me. One guy who came in at work was raving about how great it was going to be however - and then I saw the word 'Gorn' and instantly wondered how true this could be.

Wait, it's a sequel? I thought it was like an expansion pack or something?

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I was looking at it when I went to pick up the "new" Dragon's Dogma today and it just kind of screamed MEH to me. One guy who came in at work was raving about how great it was going to be however - and then I saw the word 'Gorn' and instantly wondered how true this could be.

Wait, it's a sequel? I thought it was like an expansion pack or something?

Pretty sure it's the first game packaged with the expansion.

I've always been interested in trying Dragon's Dogma, just because climbing a griffon and stabbing it in the back seems awesome.

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I was interested until I tried the demo, which put me off it. It seemed like it lacked a ton of polish. Good idea, execution, not so much. I'm looking forward to the possible sequel for the PS4, though.

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I wonder if we played the same game, because the original Dead Island was dishwater dull. If this "sequel" is anything like that, it doesn't sound worth the time.

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I wonder if we played the same game, because the original Dead Island was dishwater dull. If this "sequel" is anything like that, it doesn't sound worth the time.

I think he was responding to Dragons Dogma. And yeah, Dead Island was real fucking boring. I can see how it might appeal to the sort of crowd that's just into these games for finding the orange drops and highest stats, but I need more than that to keep me interested.

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So, Dead Island: Riptide. This is a rib, right? It looks exactly the same as the first game, bugs and all. >_>

I haven't had chance to play it, but from what I've read, it's treading water at best, and a huge step backwards at worst. As much as the first game gets trashed (and I've trashed it a fair bit myself), there was definitely something in there to keep me playing through to the end for 50 hours. I'll probably give Riptide a go for that reason, but I'm not buying it day one.

As for the zombie torso, they shouldn't have bothered apologising. You're offended? So what, don't buy it. You see worse in films and television nowadays.

I am concerned for the fate of Saints Row 4 however, since that's now being overseen by Deep Silver.

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Isn't Deep Silver just a distributor, though? I don't think Dead Island is actually made by them. It also sounds like SR4 was pretty far along already, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.

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