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Yeah, I thought I'd start this for the sake of it. It might work, might not, no harm if it doesn't. Just a general thread for talking about games if there isn't one somewhere else.

Basically, I'm playing Mass Effect right now for the first time (the first one, I've beaten the second!) and fuck, it's hard to navigate the Citadel. I just picked up Garrus but man, the map is kind of shitty. Enjoying it so far, the combat works pretty well on PC.

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I've always enjoyed Mass Effect tons more on PC than I ever did on console, even though I played the shit out of when I had my Xbox. It just seems a lot easier to navigate with a mouse and keyboard than a controller; then again, for me, that goes for all action-based games and shooters. :shifty: But yeah, the first Mass Effect has always been my favorite even though it has that horrible inventory that fills up in seconds and the Mako. The fucking jumpiest bus of death ever created.

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Asking a silly question that's more a tv question than a game one, but I'm just getting into LA Noire on ps3, and I'm having issues where black areas are showing as deep blue on my tv. What should I adjust to sort this, or is my tv just rubbish?

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I saw that video of the woman earlier and right at the end there's a little symbol so I was like 'Hmmm, what is that? Almost looks like a little biohazard symbol...oh!'

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Biohazzard 6 goes... viral? :shifty:

(That's Resident Evil 6, folks). Not even close to confirmed, but considering who's behind it, there's a chance. I think it's more likely for the film though.

I hate being such a sucker for this kind of marketing, especially since nothing of note will come of it beyond "Hey, sweet, there's an element of horror in RE/BH again!"

Unrelated: good gawd does GT5 have its hooks in deep. Was up until 3a last night earning coin to pick up more cars. Getting the Driving Force Pro GT wheel for X-mas didn't help things, either. 20% of the way to the 1,000 cars trophy! :shifty:

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I'd have to install it again and I don't know if I can be bothered downloading it's several GB's just to play it once and never again, as is EWB tradition.

Yeah, 10.6gb to download. <_<

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