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2012 NFL Season


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That's why I put it in quotes. As far as Dallas' defense goes, that's one of the main reasons I'm happy with their off-season pick-ups. Through free agency and teh draft, they addressed their biggest defensive need, which was the secondary. They already had one of the best defenders in the league (imo anyway) with Demarcus Ware, and adding some guys behind him that can hopefully stop SOME of the passing attacks will only help. Not saying they'll be on the level of the Bears that year or the Ravens in 2000, but should be a strength now instead of a liability.

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Yeah, I grew up in Texas, so it's ingrained in me, lol. And even before that, I knew about and liked the Cowboys thanks to my Mom, who was a big fan of Roger Staubach. And I was lucky enough to marry a woman who's just as big a Cowboys fan as I am. And she gets even MORE upset when they lose, which makes for fun times at our house.

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Romo has had 14 or fewer interceptions during his past three complete seasons. And watching a Cowboys game, you'll realize most of Romo's interceptions are completely fluke-ish. They come off crap like Dez Bryant running the wrong route or bouncing off Witten's hands.

The one that really sticks out to me is last year's opener in NY against the Jets and Dez ran the wrong route and Romo ended up throwing a perfect pass to Revis that led to a Jets win.

I think the problem with Romo is the season he broke out ('06?) he had that disastrous hold that cost them a playoff game in Dallas against the Seahawks. That has followed him around for his whole career and every time he does something wrong, Dallas fans are so quick to jump against him.

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That's not Brady to Welker where it's 50/50 on who should get the majority of the blame. Austin is wide open from the snap, and all Romo has to do is float one to the outside shoulder and even with his bad hammy, Austin grabs that and the Giants season ends. Even Tim Tebow makes that pass :shifty:

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Romo has had 14 or fewer interceptions during his past three complete seasons. And watching a Cowboys game, you'll realize most of Romo's interceptions are completely fluke-ish. They come off crap like Dez Bryant running the wrong route or bouncing off Witten's hands.

The one that really sticks out to me is last year's opener in NY against the Jets and Dez ran the wrong route and Romo ended up throwing a perfect pass to Revis that led to a Jets win.

I think the problem with Romo is the season he broke out ('06?) he had that disastrous hold that cost them a playoff game in Dallas against the Seahawks. That has followed him around for his whole career and every time he does something wrong, Dallas fans are so quick to jump against him.

I'll grant you that weird stuff sometimes happens to a QB and that it's not always that QB's fault. But when so much weird stuff seems to happen around ONE QB, whats the common denominator there? That, plus his less than impressive December winning percentage are my main problems with him. And sorry, but no, I don't hold that playoff game against the Seahawks against him. He shouldn't have been holding on that kick to begin with. And let me just say that I'll agree that Romo wasn't the big problem last year, the defense was. Or more precisely, the defense's inability to hold onto a LEAD was the problem last year. There's no doubt that Romo has tons of talent. But I'm just afraid that MENTALLY he's not ever going to get over the hump. I hope I'm wrong. I really really do.

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I tried to find fourth quarter stats for Romo, but found this article.


A lot of people will point at Tony Romo for the reason the Dallas Cowboys have not returned to glory. You will often hear that Romo lacks any clutch gene and that he shrinks in the big moment. These criticisms of Romo sound awfully similar to those you used to hear of Peyton Manning or that you now hear of Miami Heat star LeBron James.

ESPN’s NFC West blogger Mike Sando wrote a piece inspired by LeBron’s fourth-quarter insufficiency and looked at the NFC West quarterbacks in clutch situations. Sando’s piece then inspired ESPN Dallas’ Todd Archer to look at Romo’s statistics in the big moments.

Does Tony Romo really lack the clutch jean? Is he unable to get the job done when pressure is on? The numbers tell a different story than what you may have been led to believe.

Archer looks at Romo’s stats in fourth-quarter games where the score was within seven points. In those situations, Romo has a passer rating of 101.5. In those close fourth-quarters during Romo’s career, he has 2,418 yards with 17 touchdowns and only 8 interceptions.

That doesn’t sound like a guy who shrinks in the clutch to me. In fact, only Peyton Manning has a higher passer rating in those same fourth-quarter situations.

People may continue to tell you Romo is not a clutch quarterback, but you can’t ignore the facts.

The Cowboys inability to make a serious run lately cannot be blamed on Tony Romo. He is doing all he can and the statistics back it up. If you want to point blame on anyone, blame the horrible offensive line play and the defense that has more holes than Swiss cheese.

Also found that Romo has the most yardage, second most touchdown passes and third highest passer rating in the fourth quarter by any QB since '08.

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I tried to find fourth quarter stats for Romo, but found this article.


A lot of people will point at Tony Romo for the reason the Dallas Cowboys have not returned to glory. You will often hear that Romo lacks any clutch gene and that he shrinks in the big moment. These criticisms of Romo sound awfully similar to those you used to hear of Peyton Manning or that you now hear of Miami Heat star LeBron James.

ESPN’s NFC West blogger Mike Sando wrote a piece inspired by LeBron’s fourth-quarter insufficiency and looked at the NFC West quarterbacks in clutch situations. Sando’s piece then inspired ESPN Dallas’ Todd Archer to look at Romo’s statistics in the big moments.

Does Tony Romo really lack the clutch jean? Is he unable to get the job done when pressure is on? The numbers tell a different story than what you may have been led to believe.

Archer looks at Romo’s stats in fourth-quarter games where the score was within seven points. In those situations, Romo has a passer rating of 101.5. In those close fourth-quarters during Romo’s career, he has 2,418 yards with 17 touchdowns and only 8 interceptions.

That doesn’t sound like a guy who shrinks in the clutch to me. In fact, only Peyton Manning has a higher passer rating in those same fourth-quarter situations.

People may continue to tell you Romo is not a clutch quarterback, but you can’t ignore the facts.

The Cowboys inability to make a serious run lately cannot be blamed on Tony Romo. He is doing all he can and the statistics back it up. If you want to point blame on anyone, blame the horrible offensive line play and the defense that has more holes than Swiss cheese.

Also found that Romo has the most yardage, second most touchdown passes and third highest passer rating in the fourth quarter by any QB since '08.

That's all well and good, and in fact, I was aware of all of that. But pure numbers don't always tell the entire story. Look, I support Romo because he's my teams QB, and he's a good QB, and lord KNOWS he's not the only thing that's kept the Cowboys from achieving what they should have achieved. But it's like I've told my friends: There's a difference between Tony Romo and QB's like Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. Romo really likes to win. Those guys HATE to lose. It's a leadership mentality that I think lets Romo down at the most inopportune times. He's not the only QB in the league that (I feel) lacks it, but he's the one on MY team that lacks it, so obviously I'm going to focus more on him than any others. Again, I hope that he proves all of the doubters, myself included, wrong this year. Lord knows it's been long enough since the Cowboys made a serious run deep into the playoffs. I need SOMETHING to say to the Saints/Ravens/Steelers fans that make up my workplace. :D

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I like Romo, he just doesn't seem to have much luck.

Rex took nobody anywhere. That defense was insane, and last we saw, Dallas isn't there defensively.

I think with Rex, when he was on, he was really good and he could really gun the ball. He just wasn't on very often, and he was stuck behind a shitty line. He'd be alright as long as he wasn't having to play from behind.

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Where I live, everyone knows i'm a Dallas fan, so they always dog on me, because of Romo. To be honest, i've never really been a fan of his. Ever since that screw up against Seattle, I haven't liked him. But, in his defense (though not saying much), he has been their best QB since Aikman retired.

Yeah, onto Grossman, i've always thought the same thing. If he can take Chicago to a Super Bowl (yeah, mostly the defense did it), Romo should've done it by now. We need a new QB, but looking at the best available QB's, Romo is our best bet, this year.

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Where I live, everyone knows i'm a Dallas fan, so they always dog on me, because of Romo. To be honest, i've never really been a fan of his. Ever since that screw up against Seattle, I haven't liked him. But, in his defense (though not saying much), he has been their best QB since Aikman retired.

Yeah, onto Grossman, i've always thought the same thing. If he can take Chicago to a Super Bowl (yeah, mostly the defense did it), Romo should've done it by now. We need a new QB, but looking at the best available QB's, Romo is our best bet, this year.

A pain I used to know all too well. Now I'm surrounded by Cowboys fans, we shall all suffer together! :D

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