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2012 NFL Season


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And lets not forget one of them got kicked off the Saints game today, as he posted a bunch of pictures of himself in his Saints gear on Facebook.

Really Roger, thanks for the professionalism you've injected into this games.

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And I read a tweet that said one of the Eagles touchdowns was scored on second down according to the chains, the referees called it fourth down and it was actually third down. I appreciate there's different rules at different levels, but I'm pretty sure every league ever has been based around the fucking four down system.

Canada. (Y)

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Geez..the Eagles/Ravens game had a bunch of near fights...the Redskins/Rams game is having a bunch of near fights..

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Are we sure thats an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty? Maybe a Rams player looked at him funny, and should get a flag instead. Can't have that kind of behavior on 6th and 4, don't want to give up an easy home run.

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And I read a tweet that said one of the Eagles touchdowns was scored on second down according to the chains, the referees called it fourth down and it was actually third down. I appreciate there's different rules at different levels, but I'm pretty sure every league ever has been based around the fucking four down system.

Canada. (Y)

Well yeah, but if we're talking sets of rules, I think it's fairly obvious I'm talking about American football. Neither codes of rugby have four downs either...

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I dont understand hating teams. Maybe if they are like the main rival of your team but otherwise just odd to me

I agree. Don't understand the hate for NFL teams.

Do you guys actually like your teams or just hate Boston?

It's the price you have to pay to have a good team. I have like seven teams I "hate" and New England is not one of them. But them being on top for so long is going to have people that don't even know what a football is despising them.

I don't hate the Pats because they are successful. I hate them because their fans are pompous, annoying bandwagon jumping fucks.

See... I hear this argument in almost every "I hate this team" argument and it's rather flat. You are describing a type of fan that has been in sports for decades. I've met some Steelers fans who didn't watch a day of football till the Arizona/Steelers Superbowl from 2009 and after that tried to pass themselves off as Steelers fans. Does not mean I hate the team. I know people that do hate The Steelers, mostly for stupid reasons, IMO. Same thing with The Jets/Giants. Fans of those teams have the ability to suck because you got a city where it's easy to jump ship to the 'other' team whenever one does better than the other (such as the infamous fan that was asked who of The recent Superbowl champions they want to see and she yelled "SANCHEZ"). That shit hurts for people that live in a city or region with one team. But I don't hate them for it because I know there are REAL Giants fans. REAL Jets fans.

Though if you really wanna blame the fans of a particular team, don't blame the team themselves. As far as The Pats go, every fan I know either A: Wasn't old enough to be following the Pats during their rise (you can't blame people for not being old enough to understand sports or Football) or B: Was following them since the Bledsoe days. Are there people that jumped on the band wagon in 2001-2004? Absolutely. But that's just the same as a billion Saints fans coming out of the woodwork 2 years ago. Or 49ers. Or The Lions since they managed to win games again. It happens with every damn team. I know there are ignorant jerks on all sides that love to hate teams and their fan bases but I refuse to be one of them. One of the things I hate the most about sports.

Edited by Universal
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