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The Oscars 2012

GoGo Yubari

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I enjoyed the show... It wasn't WOW or anything but it was entertaining. I can honnestly I haven't seen any of the films nominated but I was pulling for Streep to win Best Actress (admitedly based on the few clips I had seen and her previous work) and was extremely shocked when she did (in a good way). Aside from that, none of the other acting categories were too surprising based off of other award shows and word going around.

Maybe 2012 will be a better year all around for movies, as 2011 was short on real contenders.

That being said.... Who would everyone like to see host the Oscars next year?

Personally I'd like to see Ellen Degeneres get a second shot, as I thought she was good the last time (though my personal favorite was Steve Martin & Alec Baldwin who I wouldn't mind seeing again). I can't help but think, especially after seeing their interaction tonight, that Emma Stone would make a good co-host if paired with a comedian like Ben Stiller or Steve Carrell for example. I also wonder how George Clooney would be as host, as he is known to have a good sense of humor. And Robert Downey Jr. could probably be a good time too. Even Tina Fey would be an interesting choice, especially if paired with Steve Carrell (they have tons of chemistry together) or Amy Poehler. Thoughts?

Edited by arwrestling
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I would honestly love to see Chris Rock (again), Robert Downey Jr., Zack Galifinakis, or anyone with that sort of "I don't give a shit, but hey, this is pretty fun" kind of attitude hosting. The room's always gonna have plenty of pomp, circumstance, and self-congratualtion, so let someone cut the treacle now and then. I think that's even what Billy Crystal aims for, but his stuff doesn't seem to connect for anyone who is under 60 and isn't one of my more "everything is beautiful" sheltered friends.

It was a decent show, overall. Shit I could have done without in there, to be certain, but it was all a wash in the end. I made constant fun of it on Twitter, but that's the whole reason I got that thing.

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I do think if it were Fey she would need a co-host. Alec Baldwin is probably too obvious, though he does have hosting experience.

And as for Downey being a lock to be great, after that dreadful documentary thing tonight I'm not 100% about it.

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Hugo was brilliant. Overall, the list of winners is a bit unspectacular, nothing really suprised me at all. I liked The Artist and dug Jean picking up the leading actor award, though I would've loved to have seen Oldman get the nod, though I never really considered it a possibility. Looking at it, this year wasn't the best for films, though there are a few decent performances and a few good films - but I don't think there was anything that is going to have people talking in years to come.

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I wouldn't say it was a bad year for films. Just not a great one for the sort of films that the Oscars like. There was no one to root for, really. I've always enjoyed these shows when you have a Mickey Rourke or Jeff Bridges to root for. Or a real star making performance up against the usual suspects (which I suppose Jean was, but I haven't seen The Artist and don't really care to).

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Would like to have seen Fasbender nominated, or maybe even Gosling for Drive (though I've seen neither yet, I really like both actors and have heard great things about their performances, so maybe this point is a little silly.)

Honestly, I loved Drive and I love Fassbender, though I haven't seen Shame, but even with the nomination I don't think they would have been much more than a tacked on 10th nominee. Which is a shame, but these two guys are already stars. I guess at least this gives Jean a little more spotlight.

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