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GAME no longer stocking EA Games..


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You ought to have bought a kinect game :/

They were sold out of the one I wanted but I bought it on-line the next day for less than half they were charging anyway they were charging £20 pre owed I got it £9 new TBH they didn't have many kinect's games at all left

Edited by Frederick Jameson
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Quom's bit on giftcards is pretty much entirely bullshit, so I'll just skip right over that.

A friend of mine pretty much burst into tears when I told her that the £90 of combined credit and giftcards she had were made worthless overnight.

It's things like these that make you think that time is up for GAME. Who would want to shop at GAME now? It doesn't matter how many stores they keep open if you've already lost the custom.

Why didn't she use it before this happened? I had loads of credit that I didn't really want to use but did anyway because it was clear this would happen.

There's a lot of this "more fool you, you should have seen it coming" tripe going around and it's annoying. Yes, it's been something on the cards for weeks, it's been around a lot online etc. But you guys are plugged in, you're aware of this sort of thing. The average bod coming into our shop doesn't have RSS feeds set to filter news about a game shop they come into. Hell, half of them couldn't even tell me whether they were in GAME or Gamestation if I asked, or aren't aware that GS is owned by GAME. I've even had folk surprised that I can't sell them something because it's out of stock when "your website has it" - they didn't know we're a chain and figured that the website was for our individual store.

What I'm getting at is that it is utter bullshit to be mocking people for not spending what they had saved up, it's a horrible thing to have happened, and we are not in the wrong for selling gift cards etc. up until the point they were cut off.

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Quom's bit on giftcards is pretty much entirely bullshit, so I'll just skip right over that.

A friend of mine pretty much burst into tears when I told her that the £90 of combined credit and giftcards she had were made worthless overnight.

It's things like these that make you think that time is up for GAME. Who would want to shop at GAME now? It doesn't matter how many stores they keep open if you've already lost the custom.

Why didn't she use it before this happened? I had loads of credit that I didn't really want to use but did anyway because it was clear this would happen.

There's a lot of this "more fool you, you should have seen it coming" tripe going around and it's annoying. Yes, it's been something on the cards for weeks, it's been around a lot online etc. But you guys are plugged in, you're aware of this sort of thing. The average bod coming into our shop doesn't have RSS feeds set to filter news about a game shop they come into. Hell, half of them couldn't even tell me whether they were in GAME or Gamestation if I asked, or aren't aware that GS is owned by GAME. I've even had folk surprised that I can't sell them something because it's out of stock when "your website has it" - they didn't know we're a chain and figured that the website was for our individual store.

What I'm getting at is that it is utter bullshit to be mocking people for not spending what they had saved up, it's a horrible thing to have happened, and we are not in the wrong for selling gift cards etc. up until the point they were cut off.

I can understand if someone rarely buys games and they lose a fiver or whatever or in the case of the person who bought a gift card for the kid.

But somebody who had £80 saved up? They must buy games pretty often, £80 is a fuckton of reward points, I just find it hard that somebody who actively buys games could have missed this, it's been in/on all forms of media (not just game sites, BBC etc have covered it and a lot of the breaking stuff is from the national newspapers), if I had £80 saved on anything and I saw even a slight possibility I'd lose it then I would at least read up a bit more on it.

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Game Blackburn was closed despite being the 4th best performing store in the company since last September. It really isn't about loss making stores, more likely the cost of rent.

We now have an indie shop and Bee. Com and that is it. Glad I got out when I did.

Wow, really? Whenever I went in there the game selection was poor and everything was about £15 more expensive than online. Then again there's a lot of dole money to be spent around these parts.

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As I say, I have regulars with tons of points built up who I have to tell which card they need to use because they have no idea which store they're in. Not everyone is as smart and plugged in as you, unfortunately. Just drop it. No one outside of the few asshole customers who've apparently been threatening staff with violence and the fuckmuppets who ran this ship into the ground is in the wrong here.

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I want to add in that it's not an uncommon thing. Hell, when I worked at EB Games we had people come in all the time who had absolutely no clue what store they were in and people who had credit upon credit built up just because they had been buying games for a long time and never used it. A lot of people, even if they aren't plugged into RSS feeds and such don't follow stuff about business/etc. on the news and there's nothing wrong with that.

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I worked part-time at one of the unlucky GAME shops to get the chop (we actually closed last month, before this week's huge wave of closures) and I can vouch for anyone saying that there are plenty of customers who build up huge amounts of store credit without being avid followers of the gaming industry itself. We had several loyal customers who came in every week to purchase games on a whim, usually after quickly glancing at the blurb on the back of the box, but who didn't even have Internet access at home, let alone follow the ongoing economic company struggles on a daily basis. Most of these people would save their credit for Christmas and birthday presents for their friends and relatives, which is why they never used to spend it.

To say that they were gutted would be an understatement, but they generally ended up being the first to wish us well in the future, unlike some of the clowns trying to barter for extra discount because they knew the shop was closing.

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