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Star Trek - Into Darkness

Herr Matzat

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Response to Lint spoilered:

Well, here's the problem with the villain...
It isn't Khan. The trailers make it clear that it is a man that was a Starfleet agent. Khan was a villain locked in cryosleep for years. So it's not so much that they're trying to keep it a secret as it is that, barring it being Garth of Izar, the name might be totally unfamiliar to fans, and therefore it would be pointless, from the view of fan service, to mention it.

Chances are it's somebody completely new.

Go back a page and click the link Mick posted to a review from the Australian premier of the movie...alot of spoilers in it though..

Nick Adams? Wrong about something? Colour me shocked! ;)

Just got back from seeing it, great movie overall I thought Pine, Quinto and Pegg were great and Cumberbach was phenomenal. My gripes are below and spoilered, i will not be giving away much of the plot but some bits will be spoilers.

I thought that a lot of the story telling rather than an homage to Star Trek II was far too much of a rip off and it felt cheap and easy, but I guess satisfying as well, but the Kirk/Spock scene near the end had me rolling my eyes a bit.

The Spock character and Uhura characters are a little too full on, Spock has almost too much emotion and Uhura just irks me as a spoilt brat

The pacing was a bit off, a bit more steady build rather than BIG ACTION SCENE! Would have helped the story.

Oh and for the biggest spoiler here: PIke's death felt really unnecessary!

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Totally unimportant 'spoiler' of the geeky mark-out variety:

Loved the name-drop of Section 31! Deep Space Nine's canon remains intact... XD

I agree with the first of Rich's gripes. It may be a difficult balance for them to get right, but they needed to ease off juuuust a little more than they did, because it came off as a bit much.

Although...(much, much more vital spoiler giveaway so AVOID):

Myself and half the cinema couldn't help but burst out laughing at Spock's "KHHHHHHAAAAAAAAN!"

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My thoughts

Mediocre. I would say it's in the middle as far as the Trek films go.

I thought there were way too many cliches and way too many homages, the only thing missing wan an obvious reference to 47. So...yeah. At least we got to see Klingons this time.

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I really liked the movie. I thought that all the performances were very good and everything moved along nicely.

JJ Abrams has said multiple times he didn't like Star Trek at all growing up and wanted to use that experience to make a broader movie that casual fans get into while still being true to the original and I think he's really succeeded at that. I had watched an episode or a movie of anything Star Trek related until the 2009 movie and the way they are making these movies want me to learn more. I honestly think they are trying to stay as close to the original timeline as they can while using the reset to make things a little more commercial friendly, that's why we saw Khan in the second movie. That's why you have Spock Prime refusing to tell Spock how they beat Khan and how it all resulted because he did not want to alter the future (even knowing that Khan was the reason Spock died). Plus, I enjoyed the homages to the things that crossed over to the main stream (multiple redshirt references, which we know that Damon Lindeloff loves using) and Spock's KHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!

I love the cast and I just want more. Great film, loved every second.

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That was excellent. I knew if it stayed on target it would be better than the first film just because you didn't have to get the hour of bringing the crew together, introducing everyone, etc. But one thing kind of made me go "hmm" as it was never really mentioned again.. but...

What happened with the Klingon thing? I mean, it seems that they'd still trace it back to humanity so... how was that taken care of? Or was it? And either way, shouldn't it have been mentioned again?

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