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EWB's Top 50 TV Shows of 2012: The Results

GoGo Yubari

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Thoughts on Top 10:

Off the top of my head I've got:

Breaking Bad


Game of Thrones


Parks & Rec

The Walking Dead

So that leaves 4 others and I'm not really sure what they'd be at the moment...

EDIT: Oh, Louie is another duh. So 3, hmmm.

EDIT 2: I keep forgetting people somehow still like Sons of Anarchy. Ugh.

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Feel good about top 3's order, and that these are the ten, unless I'm dumb and I've missed one of them already placing.

1. Breaking Bad

2. Community

3. Walking Dead

4. Game of Thrones

5. Parks and Rec

6. Dexter

7. Mad Men

8. Louie

9. Justified

10. Sons of Anarchy

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Feel good about top 3's order, and that these are the ten, unless I'm dumb and I've missed one of them already placing.

1. Breaking Bad

2. Community

3. Walking Dead

4. Game of Thrones

5. Parks and Rec

6. Dexter

7. Mad Men

8. Louie

9. Justified

10. Sons of Anarchy

I'd agree with this for the most part but I think Dexter is lower than Louie and Mad Men so I'd put it 8.

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1. Breaking Bad

2. The Walking Dead

3. Game of Thrones

4. Community

5. Parks and Recreation

6. Louie

7. Sons of Anarchy

8. Justified

9. Mad Men

10. Dexter

I think the first 3 will probably be correct, Community and Parks and Rec could go either spot... After that, it's mostly guess work. Though if Dexter is above any of those shows, I'll never forgive you, EWB. I understand Yvonne was in this season. But come on people.

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- Supernatural's just not on my radar and this isn't changing that.

- How I Met Your Mother I have zero interest in.

- It's Always Sunny strikes me as a fun exercise in comedy writing, but I'm not really drawn to watch it.

- The Big Bang Theory can die in a fire. Die. Die, die, die. Why aren't you dead yet? Fuck off and die.

- Haven't seen Homeland, but I'd like to. I likely won't for the foreseeable future, due to no access to Showtime stuff.

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Supernatural's in my Netflix queue, I'll get to it someday.

How I Met Your Mother has rediscovered its mojo... still has its valleys, but the winter finale this season was perfect.

I can only handle so much It's Always Sunny, but when it's good, it's hysterical.

Fuck the Big Bang Theory and fuck any of you who voted for it. Fuckers. Seriously. Fuck it. Right in it's fucking face.

First season of Homeland was amazing, second season veered into 24 territory, and that is not a compliment. It was still good, but nowhere near season 1.

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I love It's Always Sunny. I thought Season 7 was the worst of the lot but this one that just aired was a return to form.

Big Bang Theory is shit. I'll sometimes watch if my housemate has it on but it's never made me laugh once.

I liked the first season of Homeland but always felt they should have had it be just a one season show. This one was a bit weird, started strong but I felt they rushed it a bit much to the point it got pretty bad through the middle and end episodes.

Haven't seen either of the other two.

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Big Bang is horrible. It's just a neverending string of random references and middle school math/science with pauses for a laugh track. It's the only sitcom that's even worse than Two And A Half Men.

EDIT- Oh, and of course, there's the "lol he's Jewish" and "lol he's Hindu" "jokes". Ugh.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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Quick thoughts on the last five; Supernatural I'll maybe try one day but I doubt it. HIMYM I've seen up to the season three episode about Ted trying to have a three-way, and it was unbelievably awful. I'm waiting until that's purged from my memory to keep going. Always Sunny I like and will try to catch up on soon. Big Bang Theory, no comment. Echoing the "season two of Homeland wasn't nearly as good as season one but it's still a good show" comments. Also, congrats to Homeland on being this year's big debut show (it got votes last year but it didn't make the list proper, so I'm counting it as a Favorite Show debut).

And here... we... go.


10. Justified (134 pts, appeared on fourteen ballots) (Last Year: #29)


9. Sons of Anarchy (142 pts, appeared on fourteen ballots) (Last Year: #6)


8. Mad Men (160 pts, appeared on thirteen ballots) (Last Year: N/A)


7. Louie (162 pts, appeared on seventeen ballots) (Last Year: #12)

Next Time, on EWB's Top 50 Shows of 2012: Well, it's Valentine's Day, and I'm working the late shift at the snowglobe museum, so I'm right where I wanna be.

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The Late Night trilogy on Louie was amazing. If I had to name my favourite episodes rather than favourite shows, they would be pretty close to the top. Rest of the season was solid.

Sons and Justified are on my list of shows I should probably watch at some point, but they are probably a long ways away. Mad Men I tried really hard to get into, because everyone who likes the same stuff I like like it, but I never got into it, and dropped it an episode or two into Season 2.

Also, mixed up 9 and 10, as well as 7 and 8, but pretty close at calling the top ten so far. Let's hope I was right about Dexter being 6th.

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I still haven't seen Justified and I feel like the more Livid gives it a big, sloppy wet blowjob the more I'll put it off because goddamn is that ever annoying.

Sons I like despite the apparent formula of "slow first half, explosive second half of the season". The only season I can think of that wasn't like that was 2, and I'm probably just remembering wrong anyway because Henry Rollins.

Mad Men I keep meaning to watch. My brother started watching it last year and he loved it. I'll probably get around to it.

Louie's in my instant queue.

TKz: I know, right? Dexter had a really hot-and-cold season this year where when it was cold it was like sticking your dick in a block of ice, and when it was hot it was refreshing like a swim on a hot summer day. There's no way it should be in the top 10, let alone top 15 if you ask me. Top 20, maybe. Ray Stevenson was good though.

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In defense of Livid, it's pretty damn good! Took me forever to start watching, but once you get a few episodes in, it picks up. The pilot didn't do a ton for me, but as usual, you need to give it a little time. Season 2 is wonderful, though. And yeah... Dexter. Top 10 is a massive stretch. It really makes me sad that it'll never end because of Showtime. I love them for that in some regards, it means that Californication and Shameless will be on for a long time and they haven't got enough hyperbole behind them for me to really get annoyed by that. But Dexter has been awful for some time now.

Anyway, yeah, really love Justified now I've gotten into it.

I'm still pretty into Sons of Anarchy. The story hasn't really been quite as thrilling since... well, probably Season 2. But I love the cast so damn much. Harold Perrineau was a ton of fun this season too. I sense a pretty heavy quality drop coming soon though. I'm hoping the show has an end in sight, because it starting to overstay it's welcome.

I've still not managed to get into Mad Men and I don't see that changing any time soon. I've heard all the hype, I watched the first episode and I still haven't had the urge to go back for more. It's got a ton to live up to now as well, after all the time you guys have hyped it up.

And Louie... I like Louie CK. I liked what I watched of the show. But it was never something I found myself excited to watch the next episode off. It was good, but I'm pretty behind and I'm not sure I see that changing soon.

And just to say again, screw you guys for letting Dexter not only reach Top 10, but be higher than plenty of better shows.

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Don't bother with Mad Men, Ruki. I am reasonably confident won't like it.

Justified I saw the first season of this year. It was a good procedural with a great ending and I have every faith that it becomes a great show in subsequent seasons. Hopefully I start on season two within the month.

Sons of Anarchy... hmm. I actually think it's a pretty overrated show, which doesn't make it a bad show but it is a show that sometimes gets lumped in with the actual elite dramas on TV when it's more like The Walking Dead than anything. I finished season five a couple days ago and by this point there are so many cliche stock scenes/plot devices the show throws out that have lost meaning (WELLP, TIME TO DO A CHASE SCENE WITH HIGH OCTANE MUSIC. Need angst? KILL A WOMAN). That being said, I'm always happy when it throws a good curveball in and it usually does it a couple times a season and it always brings in some good actors each season (this year it was all about Jimmy Smits, who was fucking great), and it managed to decently justify the stupid decisions it made in the season four finale. I had to sit through some awful Gemma subplots to get there, though.

Mad Men is the best show on television. You can disagree, but unless your answer is "no, Breaking Bad is the best show on television" or maybe Parks or Community, I will scoff and dismiss it. Sorry! It's not for everyone in the slightest. Still the best.

I agree that the Late Show trilogy was by far the biggest triumph of Louie this year. I don't think season three was on the whole as good as season two, but I also really really loved the way season three ended. I think it's the best season ender the show's had.

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Sons is great, glad it got this high.

I've never heard anything of Justified except that it is good. What's it about? And I want to get into Mad Men. Maybe after I get caught up with Doctor Who.

It's kind of hard to explain. I mean, if you were to read a summary of it on... IMDB, say, it doesn't really get very well across what the show is. It's not really a procedural cop show, at least in the later seasons, but it dips into that at times. Really it's all about the great cast, Walton Goggins being wonderful, Timothy Olyphant being the coolest guy ever and some really fun characters and scenes. It's kind of like a western in a lot of respects, but set in the modern day.

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