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EWB's Favorite Movie of 2012: The Voting Thread

GoGo Yubari

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The best way to judge if a film came out in 2012 is IMDB. Simple as. Wreck-It Ralph was only released in the UK this month. And bizarrely, Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty were nominated for BAFTAs before they were released over here in late January.

Staggered release dates in the age of the Internet is just stupid but there we go.

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1. Avengers

2. The Man with the Iron Fists

3. Amazing Spider-Man

4. Prometheus

5. Skyfall

I fell asleep through most of Skyfall (movie wasn't boring, I was tired going in) but I still saw some of it and this is all I could think of. Avengers and Iron Fists were great, though.

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Les Mis counts. I always forget these technicalities once a year passes. I'm going to say that if a movie gets wide release in North America it counts, even if it hasn't premiered in the country the studio is from.


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"Country of origin" is pretty useless when talking about movies. There is that many countries involved in terms of production and financing that most of the biggest films will be truly multi-national. e.g. Harry Potter was a British film ... but not really because it is a Warner Bros film as well. I think a better distinction would be date of first wide release.

1. Looper

2. Seven Psychopaths

3. The Avengers

4. Cabin in the Woods

5. Wild Bill

6. Frankenweenie

7. Friends with Kids

8. Argo

9. Pitch Perfect

10. The Imposter

Hon Mentions: Moonrise Kingdom, Searching for Sugarman, Wreck-It Ralph, Django Unchained, The Raid, ParaNorman, Ruby Sparks, Killer Joe, Beasts of the Southern Wild, Life of Pi, and a tonne more. 2012 has been a great year.

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I didn't watch a lot of movies last year, and a lot of the "big" ones I didn't like.

1. Searching For Sugar Man

2. (The Secret World Of) Arrietty

3. Lawless

4. Dredd

5. The Man With The Iron Fists

6. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

7. Wreck It Ralph

8. The Avengers

9. Prometheus

10. Cosmopolis

Honourable mention goes to Jack Reacher for the bloody mental, yet brilliant, decision to cast Werner Herzog as the villain.

Of those films, I watched Arrietty in the cinema in 2011 (in Japanese; I think the English language version was released in 2012?), and Wreck-It-Ralph and The Hobbit in 2013. But eh.

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1. Django Unchained

2. Argo

3. Dark Knight Rises

4. The Avengers

5. The Hobbit

6. Wreck-It Ralph

7. Cabin in the Woods

8. Looper

9. Prometheus

10. Skyfall

Hon Mentions: Moonrise Kingdom, The Raid and Sinister.

Edited by Phobia
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The Muppets (which was great) came out in 2011

Ahhh, you're right. It got a UK release in 2012. I'll come back and edit later once I've thought of something else to make the list...

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