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Gears of War: Judgment


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Overrun does seem neat and it's greater emphasis on a class system does help people like me who aren't too good at the toe to toe nature of Gears combat and can focus on support. Don't know how quickly the novelty would wear off but it's a nice addition and the natural evolution of Beast mode.

But yeah, can't see myself getting it for a while.

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Overrun does seem neat and it's greater emphasis on a class system does help people like me who aren't too good at the toe to toe nature of Gears combat and can focus on support. Don't know how quickly the novelty would wear off but it's a nice addition and the natural evolution of Beast mode.

But yeah, can't see myself getting it for a while.


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I think the ammount of maps is a bit silly as well. I take it they justify it by having 4 separate maps for Overrun and MP. We are getting two and Execution in April. I honestly just want Guardian or i'm not going to really play the mp after it wears off. Me and my buddies all love Overrun so my time will be spent there.

The campaign is pretty good so far. I like the Declassified system because it add's a lot of depth to the gameplay instead of just shoot, cover, shoot. The Smoke Grenade ones are super fun on Hardcore.

Anybody wants to play sometime add me. YapapieDefMatch

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