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Next Generation Consoles


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Nothing about the next gen appeals to me so I'll be sticking with my PS3 for the foreseeable future. I also only bought my new PS3 in June, GTA V is coming out soon, and the fact that there's no point in getting my own copy until Xmas, I don't even need to consider getting a PS4 unless a huge new game that I just have to get comes out.

There's also no way I'm ever giving Microsoft money for anything other than a PC ever again.

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Neither, getting a new PC...pc master race

Seriously though, if I don't decide to buy a new Gaming PC, I'll definitely go for the PS4. Superior in every way from what we've been told, and a lot cheaper. Although I will probably opt for a superior PC

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I got the Playstation shortly after launch, The PS2 shortly after launch and the PS3 shortly after launch...So I've dropped about a grand on them.

PS4 on launch will be a real struggle though with our income. My only hope would be Christmas and birthday money from eeeeeeeveryone I normally get stuff from which would get me most of the way, plus trade-ins (which I'd need to do soon before the value drops come).

So then the questions becomes: Wouldn't I rather just get other stuff instead? Possibly but then I never planned on getting the others near launch either.

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I'm leaning towards the PS4 right now, but I'm unlikely to buy any new system for quite a while, so I'm keeping my options open. A lot can change in the space of a year, and right now, there's nothing on either console that jumps out at me that's not also coming out on a current-gen machine.

I like the look of both consoles, though, at least from a technical standpoint. With the PS3 struggling to gain traction within the first couple of years of its release because of its bespoke, dev-unfriendly system architecture, it's nice to see both Microsoft and Sony using more 'standard' components, which should hopefully make it easier for developers to adapt to the new production process. With any luck, we'll see a much faster transition into the true next-gen titles than we did last time round.

What I'm looking for above all, though, is for developers to use the new hardware to be a little more adventurous than they have been in recent years. I'm talking about using the greater processing power available to them to craft more sophisticated AI behaviour and player choice systems that affect game worlds in ways other than the binary "choose good option to be the hero; choose evil option to have everyone shout at you" quandary that affects very little in the long-term. On the other hand, if a developer's simply going to churn out the same games as before, only with better lighting effects and more polygons, I'm much less likely to be interested.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I put my PS4 pre-order in yesterday.

My PS3 is fucked. It has been waning for a while since I got some sort of blue screen of death a couple of years ago. Now it won't play anything any more and it is little more than a DVD player and Netflix platform now, but it can't do that without being loud, overheating and shutting itself off after an hour.

I didn't get a PS3 until two years after launch, but I may as well bite the bullet now.

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If I get anything, it will most likely be the WiiU. I have no intention of buying an X-Box One, because no matter how much goodwill they generated around doing a U-turn on some of the features, that's left a bad taste in my mouth, and pretty much lies opposite my views on how digital data ownership should work. And I expect there'll be plenty in the LUA and terms & conditions to suggest that Microsoft can change their mind on all that stuff any time they like.

There's also just been nothing announced for either the X-Box One or the PS4 that sells it for me. Just more of the same. I managed without a PS3 or 360 very easily, and can just as easily manage without their successors...I could probably not buy a console at all this generation and be more than happy about it. But there's a few games on the WiiU, and coming out for the WiiU in the future, that I'm excited by. And that's more than can be said about either other console. I'll still probably leave it a year or two, though.

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  • 1 month later...

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