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Went from 40 or 50 LP to in a series with 1-0. On a win streak :D

Edit: And boom! Promoted.

Edit: Get into Silver 2, lose twice :shifty: Still not demoted! Although, man, losing this sucked: http://matchhistory.na.leagueoflegends.com/en/#match-details/NA1/1569697154/202665528

Matchmaking droped me hard from silver 1 40lp down to silver 5 again. that sucked. Back on my why up. There are still a few weeks left. Gold so close. All those eloboosters better end up on my team. I want that morgana skin. :crying:

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I got rekt against a Riven the other day, and have thought about bringing her back (same with Vlad...I think my rotating roster of top laners should be Vlad/Riven/Irelia/BestLowELOMaokaiNA). Tried a few games with her in team builder, you can tell I am a little rusty. Gonna start following a proper guide...and learn how to use her animation canceling combos.

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Got to my Gold Promotion Series and it was.... well interesting.

Game 1: Jungle Amumu - no chance in this game as all of my lanes just did awful. Our Mid Kayle got demolished by Zed, our top Irelia went 0/7 against Akali, it was a mess. I ended up 6/8/5, bad start.

Game 2: Top Maokai - We had a Ezreal Jungle who was murdering everyone, he was 7/1 in less than 10 minutes. Unfortunately our Mid Lux went 0/8 in that same time meaning they had a super fed Syndra and Lee Sin so even super fed Ezreal was no match for them. Lux was literally the worst, two deaths before minions spawned because he was watching TV. I did good in lane and in the end went 9/12/17. Ezreal got 23 kills and the rest of our team got 6. I've never seen someone carry so hard and have someone (Lux) fail so terribly. 0-2...

Game 3: Support Blitzcrank - Went to my favorite champion. Completely won lane (with Lucian) against Ashe and Thresh, including picking up three kills for my AD, topped with a mid Dark Passage Hook to kill Ashe. Our top lane Ryze was basically playing solo the entire game, but every team fight they blew everything on me so my team had an easy time killing them afterwards. 1-2 at least!

Game 4: Support Taric - I thought we were done here. Top lane Mundo went 0/7 to Warwick. We did good bottom despite their jungler camping us. By mid game I had a Face of the Mountain and Locket so team fights were me out sustaining their Fizz and Warwick damage while Corki picked them off. Corki getting caught out actually won us the game as they went full bore on him and with both my shields, and my heal they got horribly positioned and killed.

Game 5: Support Braum - I almost knew things would go terribly here, but instead I had their ADC completely zoned for most of the lane, including getting first blood. Starting roaming to help mid while our Jungle covered top. By mid game our front line of me, Jarvan and Volibear was too much for their complete lack of tankyness.

Gold ranked!

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It's a good thing I never learned jungle fully, I'd have to relearn it now.

A couple of those changes look like they'll impact support too. It's necessary to ward more of the jungle and especially dragon now. Still waters is something I could abuse as a support to help set up ganks too.

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