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In regards to #1 Apsham...

I noticed that report too. My best guess is that they forgot to take it out of the list of recycled ones and it's only supposed to happen AFTER his details are leaked. Otherwise it just makes no sense. Either way, it's stupid Ubisoft being stupid.

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Now that I got the hang of the convoy missions they're not so hard.

My usual MO is to find a point in the route with a steam pipe or blockers, if not a traffic stop, then take cover with jam coms and genade launcher.

I also grabbed the spec ops Goblin and it's awesome.

Also did some digital trips. Madness is REALLY HARD in the later bits but otherwise pretty fun. A good rule of thumb is to try to stick to the Loop and Mad Mile, using the highways for the killstreak sections as they only count ramming kills. The outfit you unlock is pretty cool too.

Alone is also pretty sweet, kind of like Metal Gear Solid but with robots. The Alone perk that boosts your hack range doesn't seem to actually work though, so don't bother with it.

Psychedelic is also fun but frustrating at some sections.

Other thoughts:

Is it just me is or is Poker WAY too easy? Shell Game, Chess Survival, and Drinking Game are awesome but man the AI in poker is awful.

There's a Cthulhu cult in Chicago. Or whatever the hell being a "Cthulhu enthusiast" means because I've seen like five of them. Maybe they just play CoC together.

One of the people I ran into during the poker game was a bouncer named Gary Hart.

The sniper rifles are utterly worthless. At least so far, I've not done many main missions past Open Your World.

Spec Ops Goblin however, is the shit. Get it ASAP.

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Yeah, I really haven't used the sniper that much (and if I have, it's usually the one that only holds two rounds at a time to destroy shit). I prefer the silenced Goblin I think (or whatever the silenced rifle is). If I get caught, I switch to the LMG and go to town, or the grenade launcher.

Hoping that there might be more customization for guns in the next one, or at the least a silenced sniper.

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Yo dudes, is the objectiver marker on the mini-map(and the overall collor of the gameplay like the progress bar etc) yellow or green?I see it green but my friend who plays the game together with me says its yellow and we been arguin about it like fools haha.What color do u see it?

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Finished the story yesterday. Overall it was okay. I think it serves better as a set up for sequels than anything.

I ended up letting Maurice walk away. I struggled with killing him to put him out of his misery after what he went through, but though letting him live would maybe allow him to find peace in another way. Plus, Aiden seemed pretty forgiving for being betrayed by Clara, someone he trusted.

Glad that the final gang hideout unlocked after the credits. Still need one song from the song sneak thing, then I think the only achievements I'm missing are the cop ones and then the few online ones.

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The worst for me was the last one I did, where I would hack people's grenades only for them to throw the grenades right at the target :bang: .

EDIT- the ctOS Scan perk is really useful in hideouts though, as it basically maps everyone on your minimap. targets are typically veterans so if you find just one veteran around several elites that's probably your guy.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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I love the game, despite the story being okay, and I'm not upset that I paid full price for it, but waiting until September definitely won't hurt you, especially since there will be the inevitable price drop.

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It's really fun to use the distraction hack to troll people before blowing them up with a nearby booby trap.

Last person I did this to was a zombie fetishist.

Me: "You sick fuck"

Him: "You saw my ad?"

Me: "You know it's not really fucking a dead person right?"

Him: "Really? Aw :( "

There was also a guy who was banned from the zoo, with similar results.

Also, I did a crime prevention where the guy tries to get away in a car by climbing on the car and using the shotgun to damage the engine.

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No power to the secret fortress island... but the electronic locks still work.

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Escaping the slave auction was INTENSE. I totally wanna kill the shit out of Lucky Quinn now.

Also, what is everyone's outfit of choice? I use the Mobster outfit, really gives Aiden a pulp hero vibe especially in cutscenes. Madness is pretty rad though.

EDIT- Oh and

Love the news reports underlining that hacking the CTOS causes a LOT of collateral damage. Even though it's probably propaganda, it does show that Aiden (and Dedsec) aren't exactly saints.

Edited by OctoberRavenO
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HOly crap...just got the game tonight, only played it a few hours and I love it! I love the hacking stuff while walking down the street...kinda giving you a moral choice without making you choose. Was walking down the street with the profiler open, saw someone who was an investment banker with over 100K income, and the hack was bank account. Just before I pressed to hack, hobby came up and it said "Volunteers 3 days a week at soup kitchen"

Well crap...your a greedy investment banker, but also a good person. You can keep your money...

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Another fun thing to do: Hack electronic road signboards.

I'm the one who hacks.

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