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The only funny part was literally the last second of the show. The show is pretty hit or miss. I understand the whole lice scenes were making fun of dramatic cliches but if you're going to make fun of dramas like that you can't be as boring as the shows or movies you're making fun of.

Edited by David Hassellhoff
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I loved the episode, thought it was a great storyline and I got what I asked for; more Clyde. Sure there weren't many extremely funny jokes and Cartman wasn't at his best but for some reason I really liked the lice storyline and I'm a sucker for scenes with classical music playing in the background.

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They referenced The Thing... how could I not love this episode?

It was good because it got back to the basics of the show, 9 year old boys acting like 9 year old boys.

Edited by Zero
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Fucking loved it.

The head lice part of the show was amazing and how he kept talking about his fucking baby. Hahaha. And Cartman calling lice "dirty ass head cooties" was amazing. As well, the last joke was KEY.

By far my favorite season so far.

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Little bit more of a description

Hillary Clinton is in town for a big campaign rally. Cartman follows a lead on a possible terrorist attack, and he suspects the new Muslim student is behind it. The clock is ticking as the citizens prepare for Hillary Clinton's big campaign rally. Every minute counts as Cartman uses his own methods to interrogate the suspect. But could the plan to target Hillary Clinton be just the tip of the iceberg? You'll have to wait and see for yourself.
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Can you spolier tag those previews or something? I don't like reading them before I watch the shows.

I thought the lice episode was hilarious, as soon as the scene cut to the lice, you could just tell it was going to be funny. I don't get why only the the scalp got covered with the green stuff though, wouldn't he have rubbed it in the whole of his hair? :S. No matter, was still funny.

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Absolutely fucking hilarious parody that had the 24 formula exact.

Departments absorbing others? Check

Power struggles? Check

Ridiculous over-usage of the phrase "cross reference?" Check

Torture? Check

Russian conspirators working for a secret employer? Check

Conspiracy goes straight to the top? Check

Someone kills themselves? Check

And the blinking "12:00" when the power goes off had me on the floor because I was going to do that in "Jack Bauer: Cable Repairman."

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I've never watched 24, which I think would have probably made the entire show a lot funnier, but still great nonetheless. Not a lot of "jokes", but it was still a great episode regardless. That seems to be a theme in South Park - some of the best episodes are the ones that aren't necessarily the funniest.

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