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Looking back on it, I've noticed many seasons have had a somewhat lackluster episode somewhere early on in the first bunch. For some seasons, it's the first episode, for some it's the 2nd episode, and for some it's the third episode.

I don't really take this as representative of the season, even though it was an awkward episode and just largely not funny.

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This week's episode is titled Breast Cancer Show Ever and the synopsis is

Wendy Testaburger gets into trouble after she threatens to beat up Eric Cartman after school. In the preview Wendy's parents question her for threatening Cartman.
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I hated this episode, if only because the whole rape thing wasn't THAT funny. And, the Chinese thing works with Cartman, but Butters and the way they did it just never clicked. But, then, you're never going to get a home run every game, are you? It happens. It's personally one of my worst episodes, but it's better than the Mormons one.

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I hated this episode, if only because the whole rape thing wasn't THAT funny. And, the Chinese thing works with Cartman, but Butters and the way they did it just never clicked. But, then, you're never going to get a home run every game, are you? It happens. It's personally one of my worst episodes, but it's better than the Mormons one.

The mormans one was brilliant, if only because it built up the stupidity of it all until the punchline.

And maybe because I have some mormon mates who are EXACTLY like that

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It was a all right episode, but nothing special. Cartman getting his ass kicked was awesome, though. I honestly thought he'd end up winning, or something like that, to kinda swerve us, but it was cool that he got his ass kicked.

And yeah, the Mormon episode is a classic.

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I think what was the moment that made the episode is when Cartman was talking to stan when he randomly puked out his underware to stans WTF look. That just made my day. Also I couldnt believe they made the cancer chest joke i was like :o but i did chuckle as horrible as it sounds .

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I laughed out loud when Cartman regurgitated his underwear and coolly dropped "That's where I put those" and again when he took a dump on Garrison's desk to get out of the fight.

Much better episode than last week.

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"Fuck him up, Wendy!" and Cartman's hilarious reasoning after being beaten up.

That was a good episode.

Edited by El Hijo Del Sousa Jr.
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I don't think anybody realizes it, but the episode more or less was a wrestling feud. Cartman, playing the heel makes fun of the face, Wendy. It continues till the Wendy can't take it anymore and challenges Cartman to a match. Cartman's lackeys more or less accept the match for him, however Cartman really doesn't want the match because of a fear of losing. So he tries his hardest to get out of the match in various ways. This includes getting an authority figure to make a ruling that Wendy can't fight Cartman. Cartman gloats to the point that Wendy says screw the rules and the match happens. The face wins, but the heel is still about to keep his heat because of his own screwed up heel logic.

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