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AND last weekend I made this song. I used my drum machine for the drums then played a fuzzed out bass, a synthesizer, and a baritone guitar with a weird synth pedal on it. It came out to be a pretty neat dancy but hard sounding song. It gives me the vibe of being in an electric thunderstorm or something. It's gotten some relatively decent feedback from people as well. :) 


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 15/08/2021 at 12:04, VerBlue Christmas said:

Hello everybody, I made a video again. 

So I wrote the music, but my friends Larry and Vinnie did the lyrics and vocals for this one. I made the video. I used mostly footage from archive.org. I kinda wanted to stray from using really horrific images just because I didn't want to be crass ya know? Maybe that's not punk rock, but ya know I also don't want to be an edge lord either. Still think this turned out fucking cool either way. 


okayyyyy so i forgot this thread existed but i love this btw this is exactly the sorta shit i would see at a dive bar in front of like thirty people max and it was great, gonna have to go through the rest of the thread too

i got wistful about my old band so i uploaded a demo from like a decade ago, it's pretty good until it isn't! this was only 2/3 of the band and my drumset in general was so shitty, as was our recording equipment, but i still love it tbh and am so glad i found it in my emails tonight


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Thanks, yeah its fucking pretty raw with the fuzzy bass added. 

So Sundays jam proved fruitful. I have a lot to mix but wanted this one done asap. Probably my favorite of the day. I'm on drums, friend on guitar, friend on bass. They're both great musicians, dude on guitar especially, he can play anything well. My drumming is a bit eh at first but improves. This one is kinda long but I think feels shorter.

Listen to Thought It Would Never End by VerbalRick on #SoundCloud

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So lots and lots more music. 

Me on bass, Larry on Drums, Adam on Guitar. The picture below for this track is from my old backyard and is a picture of Larry's moms backyard. I miss that house so much. 

This next track is me on bass again, Larry on drums, Adam on guitar. 

A fun surf tune. Me on drums, Larry on guitar, Adam on bass.

I like jamming with these dudes because they're really good and make me look good. But also because they're some of my best friends in the world and are just the most wonderful people to know. 

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22 minutes ago, METALMAN said:


please talk me out of buying this. It looks amazing but there is a cost of living crisis coming.

I'm probably the worst person to talk you out of buying something to do with music. I always encourage frivolous purchases when it pertains to creating music. 

So buy that shit. 

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Couple more...

This one was my favorite. I'm on drums and I suck compared to my dudes jamming on guitar and bass. Still, this one is a good track ,it's 8 minutes, if you want to skip to like 3 minutes in thats fine, thats when my drumming gets a bit better. 

Me on guitar. I'm trash at trying to play lead, again my mediocrity is saved by superior musicians. 


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5 hours ago, Malenko said:

I like them. Maybe a bit too long for my liking but that's ok.

Also, I think you're too hard on yourself. You play a different instrument in every song you upload and they still sound good.

Yea. The jam sessions tend to go longer than if we were to make them actual songs. I think I keep them long because I like to figure out what works, what doesn't, and where a fill/bass line/leas guitar part might work in the framework pf the song.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am by no means a tough guy, a fighter, etc. etc. I avoid conflict at all costs. 

But god fucking damn did it feel so good to bellow this song out with a guitar. This song is basically me playing dirty power chords and screaming that I'm a Bad Mother Fucker and I'll Kick Your ass.

I don't want to beat anybody's ass and I'm not a bad mother fucker. 


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56 minutes ago, VerBlue Christmas said:

Wow, that is super fucking cool. Did you use Garageband to create all of that? I like the beat a lot and the ambient swirling going on.

Yeah! I'd used DAWs before but never played around in Garageband, its wayyyy more powerful than I realized.

I feel like I cheated it was so easy lmao, the drums were made by fucking around with their drum machine which is amazing tbh. Lots of different sound packs too, I barely scratched the surface in the like four-five hours I played around with it this morning/afternoon.

Also, because I felt like I'd cheated with the drum machine I started making a beat from scratch. I only had a half hour so I didn't get far...but I realized a couple hours ago that its totally going to be the introduction for the main song when its finished.


Edited by LittleDaniel
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