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The Hardcore Canuck

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Everything posted by The Hardcore Canuck

  1. I say we start a petion to have this person sterilized.
  2. Lacuna Coil I have no clue if you'd like them, but its worth a shot. Some of their good songs are: Swamped Circle Heaven's A Lie Falling Stars
  3. I'm Rick James Bitch! (Chapelle Show) Any of the Celebrity Jepordy from SNL The Debbie Downer sketch from SNL with Lindsey Lohan (it's only funny because everyone forgets their lines and laughs so hard throughout the entire thing)
  4. Simply put, they are amazing. I borrowed the box set from my friend and refused to return them for several months as I kept watching them.
  5. You want to purchase a pair of either Sony's or Panasonics. Plus you will need to spend at least thirty bucks on a pair. Anything less and they will most likely break on you. Plus, if you get them from a large chain, like Best Buy, you may be able to get a warrenty on them. I got a 2 year on my headphones, and no pair (even high quality, expensive ones) have lasted more then a year.
  6. Right now the only movie I want to see is the Spongebob movie (yes, I'm a nerd, I don't care). I wouldn't care to see any of the movies on the list above me.
  7. Of course you started to cry. Six Feet Under is nothing like AC/DC. Hence, if your an AC/DC fan you're going to think they butchered it. However, me being a Six Feet Under fan I actually like the song better then when AC/DC did it. It's all prespective.
  8. I've only found one decent CD in a bargin bin. I purchased Static-X's Machine for $5 (Canadian). It was at a HMV so I was impressed.
  9. Nice. You, my friend, are one luckey SOB.
  10. Other goods songs by Sevendust not mentioned are Bitch and Waffle.
  11. All-Star - Smash Mouth Safety Dance - Men Without Hats I Ran - Flock Of Seagulls I could list like a hundred more, but these are some of the more embarassing ones.
  12. Team America: World Police 9.5/10 Honestly, just about the funnest movie I've ever seen, only outdone by The Holy Grail.
  13. Are you talking about "Don't Worry, Be Happy"?
  14. I hate you. Because of this topic I was forced to insert my "Now 3" album into my stero and listen to the entire album.
  15. Anything with Pauly Shore rocks my socks.
  16. My Musical Taste Slipknot System of a Down Ramnstein Nothingface Fear Factory
  17. I got 2 in before I gave up...
  18. As much as it pains me to say it, the Houston Rockets have the best chane (in my opinion) to win the Championship. Yao Ming + T-Mac = Gold
  19. I feel, as a baseball fan, that I need to insert my two cents into this thread. I don't like the Red Sox at all, but they're not the GOD DAMN YANKEES!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Try Pain as well. They're kinda like Ramstein, except American.
  21. You got boned El Blanco. WK for the sweep.
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