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Everything posted by punky

  1. punky


    I've always loved me some blink with Dude Ranch being my favorite album, just edging out Enema of the State. All of their albums were pretty good to greatness but their last one sounded more like Boxcar Racer than blink but they still had some great songs on there.
  2. Terminator 2 wins but the best Arnold movie of all time was Last Action Hero.
  3. Spoiler: Click here to viewSeriously, that was an awesome race. They fucking killed it. And finally Costas & Karolyi say what I was thinking, these Chinese women gymnasts look like they're 12-15 and the age rule is 16.. Spoiler: Click here to view.. and these middle schoolers are kicking our asses.
  4. Don't forget Bryant Johnson, Darrell Jackson and Vernon Davis.
  5. LL could possibly have the best list so far especially with Three Men and a Baby.
  6. Thank fucking Christ. It's all over ESPNews now.. maybe we can finally move on. Unless Favre decides to continue to be a big fucking baby and doesn't want to play there.
  7. This Brett Favre shit is so fucking annoying.. it's getting near Kobe/Denver and Michael Vick/Dogfighting levels. Just enough already.
  8. AMH wasn't Mr. Reese, he was Mike Engel.
  9. I remember as soon as they panned to him me and my buddy said at the same time "DEEBO!" real loud and the people behind us just cracking up. And if they do decide to recast Joker.. even though I like him, I wouldn't want Depp as him. They should cast someone out of left field like they did with Ledger. Maybe someone like Casey Affleck or Ryan Gosling.
  10. The Departed was '06 son. Edit: .. and I just realized I forgot Beverly Hills Cop for '84.
  11. 1983: Trading Places 1984: Beverly Hills Cop 1985: The Breakfast Club 1986: The Color of Money 1987: Lethal Weapon 1988: Die Hard 1989: Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure 1990: Total Recall 1991: Point Break 1992: A Few Good Men 1993: The Fugitive 1994: Maverick 1995: The Usual Suspects 1996: Swingers 1997: Good Will Hunting 1998: Rounders 1999: Office Space 2000: American Psycho 2001: Ocean's Eleven 2002: Equilibrium 2003: Old School 2004: Saw 2005: Waiting... 2006: The Departed 2007: Fracture 2008: The Dark Knight
  12. If any team in baseball deserves to be contracted it's the Pirates because they're never, ever going to seriously try to compete.
  13. I still can't believe Detroit traded Pudge to the Yankees for Kyle Farnsworth. Wow. And if that trade is true.. I really don't understand it for Boston. Yeah, Jason Bay is a good player but why the hell are they getting rid of Manny? I hope they start losing for the next few years now so we can hear about the curse of Manny.
  14. Apparently Hester's deal is a four year deal that could be worth up to $30 million with $15 million guaranteed.
  15. Hester is the single most explosive player on the Bears entire team. The guy is the best return man in the business, he could realistically get you six every time he catches a kickoff/punt and when he doesn't, he's giving you great field position when a team doesn't kick to him. When the Bears drafted him they knew he was a great return guy and a decent DB, not a WR. Just because the guy is fast and explosive in returns doesn't mean he can be a great wideout. I'm not saying you break the bank to keep him happy but he definitely deserves more than the 445k contract that he currently has. At the very least he should be getting 1 to 2 million.
  16. Hester is the best offense the Bears have, he's single handedly won them many games. I'd definitely try to keep him happy.
  17. punky


    Boston Legal and House. I'd love to see Alan Shore & Denny Crane defending Dr. House against one of his patients.
  18. Oh, I know the situation. I meant more so 'let's hope he revives his career where he doesn't just sell his shit becaue he needs a payday and he sells his shit to make a good movie'. Ah, well, he doesn't need the money. He recently released an awesome novel, Mister B Gone. Check it out if you haven't. It's a little anitclimactic, but it's a hell of a read. Along with that, he's writing the final novel to involve Pinhead. That's right, he's killing him off. He's doing extremely well, so he doesn't need the cash. Which means that we can probably safely assume that any films coming out with his name attached won't be utter shit. I actually read that a few weeks ago and thought that it was really good but as you said, kind of anticlimatic. While reading it, I thought it could make an awesome animated movie.
  19. I love both shows and own several seasons of each but there is no comparison, South Park by a huge margin. Don't get me wrong I love me some Family Guy and usually always watch it when it's on but when Matt & Trey are on, a good South Park blows every great Family Guy episode out of the water. But so far everyone's been wrong, all the cool animated shows were on MTV but then got cancelled. 3 South, The Maxx & Undergrads. All ownage.
  20. Rachel Bilson, bitches.
  21. Spoiler: Click here to viewI think you're reading way too much into that since Fox could just be a code name.
  22. It's possible since I found "Watchmen" in the library today but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  23. Ohhh, so that's what people were talking about with "The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning".. I thought it was words on the trailer I missed. I'm retarded. Thanks.
  24. Upon seeing the awesome trailer twice at The Dark Knight, I thought the movie looked pretty bad ass so I decided to rent the graphic novel from the library and I've through three chapters, it's already an awesome read. Also, does anyone know what the name of the song in the trailer is? Cause it kicks ass.
  25. I agree, it does sound like a WNBA team. Did they have a few choices for people to vote on like the Bobcats did a few years ago? And if so, was that really the best name they could come up with?
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