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Everything posted by punky

  1. punky

    NFL Thread

    TO played a hell of a game but Donovan just sucked today except for that pass to Lewis at the end. And what the fuck were the Eagles thinking letting about two minutes run off the clock, when they could've gone no huddle? Jesus Christ. Edit: .. Fuck New York, bitch!
  2. Alone in the Dark - 5/10 I didn't expect much coming into the movie since I hadn't played the game and the previews looked kinda strange. I was pleasantly surprised, not bad but not that good either.
  3. 3 South (MTV) Fastlane (FOX) Fraternity Life (MTV) Greg The Bunny (FOX) Happy Family (NBC) Luis (FOX Lyon's Den (NBC) Playmakers (ESPN) Push, Nevada (ABC) Titus (FOX) Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn (Comedy Central) Undeclared (FOX) I know there are a few more that I was pissed were cancelled at the time but I just can't remember them right now. Edit: Remembered three.
  4. Assault on Precinct 13 (2005) - 6/10 Pretty good popcorn flick with solid performances by Hawke, Burne and Leguizamo.
  5. Looks like a pretty good soundtrack but I agree, they could've gotten a better "main" theme song. I love me some Green Day but I don't think Boulevard is a good song to describe Batman, when you could get a harder song. Tristy, I'm with you with Navarro's solo album. I liked it and I hope he makes another one.
  6. Grind - 6/10 Not a great movie by any means but I've seen it about ten times already and it's still an entertaining movie. Secret Window - 7/10 I heard all the bad reviews on the film, so I waited until it came out on tape a few months ago and I actually found it to be pretty good. As someone said a few posts ago, it really was a one performance movie but it was still done pretty well. This is my third viewing and it still keeps up from my first viewing.
  7. I liked 100 Girls, it had the kid from that one show all grown up. Larissa Olyenik is who I was thinking of.. she had that Alex Mack show. Empire Records > * Edit: There was also a cool movie that used to come on HBO about a kid that wasted his whole summer trying to date this chick and like sat outside her house for the whole summer.
  8. I think Trish could be a pretty decent White Queen as long as she doesn't have many lines but therein lies the problem because she should have loads of dialogue. I'm thinking maybe Charlize Theron or Maria Bello someone like that as Emma would be a good fit. On the other hand, Lita as Psylocke just can not work if any Diva could pull Psylocke off it would be Victoria. I could definately see Sienna Guillory as Psylocke but she's already Jill Valentine in RE.
  9. punky


    Minus the fact that it's kinda silly. ←
  10. punky


    I thought it was pretty good for the first episode, as it set the groundwork for some interesting storylines except for the Eddie/Miami thing like naiwf mentioned. Besides that, I think the show has got a good future so far especially with the guys behind Rounders at the helm, I loved that movie way before the big poker craze hit and it's still a kick ass movie.
  11. I think the only reason people think that The Village is disappointing is because many people thought it was going to be a horror movie. People were walking out of the theatre I was in because they thought it was going to be like Alien or something but it was like all of Shyamalan's other movies, it was drama/suspense that kept you guessing, even though you thought you knew the ending. I thought I knew the exact ending just from the previews but I was wrong, which made it that much better of an experience.
  12. Team America is fucking hilarious. The marionette sex scene > *
  13. Meet The Fockers - 6/10 It was basically what I expected coming in but with a few more laughs. It wasn't as good as Meet The Parents but I thought it was a whole lot better than most comedy sequels like The Whole Ten Yards. Thumbs up.
  14. If he was lucky enough to tap that ass :thumbsup:
  15. Yeah, Pitt's been quoted many times as saying that he wants to start a family but Aniston doesn't. Which sucks because now her career will slowly fizzle away because she's not really that good of an actress.
  16. I really don't see Kate Bosworth as Lois Lane either. Don't get me wrong, she's hot but I just don't see her as Lane. I think someone like Lake Bell would be perfect for Lois Lane.
  17. Miami should trade down a few spots to a team looking for a quarterback (Tennessee or Arizona) and pick up Cadillac or Ronnie. I don't think Benson is going to be as good of a pro as Cadillac or Ronnie will end up being. Plus, Miami can pick up a player, cash or another draft pick to slide down a few notches.
  18. It was a horrendous performance but did anyone really think Ashlee Simspon could sing BEFORE she made a record?
  19. punky


    Nevermind. Joey is ALL NEW tomorrow night. Joey
  20. punky


    It's either cancelled or they didn't have new episodes because of the holidays.
  21. Yeah, Polyamorous & Firefly are their best songs next to So Cold but I also like Follow.
  22. One of the all-time Eagle greats. RIP Reggie.
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