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Everything posted by METALMAN

  1. I’m quite enjoying this one. USA have been better than I expected and England have really not been living up to expectations.
  2. Both these teams will get humped by Iran. Pretty poor stuff.

    Cover Songs

    Ballroom Blitz is possibly the most successful song to be inspired by Kilmarnock.
  4. Gambling is forbidden by shariah law so Fifa should really be banning this too.
  5. They should give him a shot of the Red Bull for this last race, just for old times sake.
  6. I don’t think I’ll watch this World Cup. Not because of human rights concerns. It just looks like it will be really shit.
  7. I think given current world events it is in very poor taste to call a game Fight Forever and I will be writing to Adult Entertainment Wrestling to share my views on this with them.
  8. My new policy for this thread is that if you make a post that isn't about Game of Thrones (which is BORING and SHIT and for LAME ASS LOSERS - shut up yes it is) I will give you one like. You've earned it.
  9. Oh I love Vasseur so that's cool but I also quite like having Binotto around because of his funny hair and glasses so it would be a shame to lose him.
  10. Aww that poor guy. He’s just setting himself up to be attacked by random internet beer snobs: “That beer is rubbish, all real Ecuadorian beer connoisseurs prefer El Pezón.”
  11. Verstappen is utterly charmless. It’s this sort of attitude that is why I will find the impending Max domination era far more unpleasant than Vettel or Hamilton doing the same, because at least those two aren’t cunts.
  12. Oh well. One of the things on my very small list of reasons for watching the World Cup was the possibility that Senegal might do well. That’s under severe threat now.
  13. How much are the Qataris paying you for this?
  14. I think what they’ve done with the races is great - that really goes beyond what I expected - but the rest of the game is so dry. At no point do you feel like your drivers or staff are actual people. Given that so much of F1 is about rivalries (invented or real) and personalities it is odd to see so little of that represented. You might hate me for saying it, but I’d like to see more of the Drive to Survive type stuff. I mean it doesn’t need to be ludicrous, but FM does it (admittedly they’ve had years to refine it). In FM people can fall out, not be able to handle the pressure, mouth off to the media, lose their motivation and so on. For instance, if you make the assumption that Daniel Ricciardo at McLaren is the wrong person at the wrong team at the wrong time (rather than assume that he just became a crap driver) you have a situation that can’t be replicated on F1 Manager the way it is. When it comes to off-track stuff F1 Manager 22 is still a long way off Motorsport Manager and when you consider that Motorsport Manager is like seven years old you really should be expecting better from Frontier. It’s a good game and a good start but there’s still a long way for it to go for it to become a top tier sports management game. Also in next year's game I'd like the option to boot the Las Vegas, Miami and Qatar GPs the fuck out of the schedule.
  15. I got it and I'm pleasantly surprised. It's been quite a while since I played a Paradox game that I genuinely liked on release. There's obviously a fair bit of standard Paradox jank and it could do with a bit more flavour and some way of automating some of the more tiresome building aspects. But I think the fundamentals are solid, and unlike many I love the new warfare system. I always found moving those stacks around very tedious, so it's nice not to have to think about it so much.
  16. That is like setting up a race in Marseille and calling it the Corsica Grand Prix
  17. The Abu Dhabi stuff is silly but It is quite remarkable that Red Bull are the only team that breached the cost cap regulations but still try to portray themselves as the victims. If they want to break the rules people aren’t going to like that. They have to be big boys and suck it up!
  18. wow. Not a vintage season for F1. Plenty of arcane off-track issues and mostly boring races.
  19. Killing rival YouTubers can also impact your video performance but that doesn’t make it okay. Also I imagine the face thing works better if it’s someone attractive rather than a gurning pasty idiot who spends too much time inside playing FM.
  20. Yeah, I've got a feeling the cost cap failed at the first hurdle. We're in FFP territory here.
  21. Cliff only ever loved Sue Barker
  22. Jerry Lee Lewis has died. This means Cliff Richard is the last of the 50s rock and rollers.
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