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Everything posted by TMM

  1. Chelsea fans...they have fans leaving at half-time usually, I'm surprised they lasted 90 minutes.
  2. Please, loads of fans left at full-time.
  3. TMM


    Wow...it's frightening that my opinion of the film is almost EXACTLY the same as Zero's. They really couldn't work out whether it was aimed at kids, teenagers, adults or people who watched the original, which really annoyed me. My friends came out of it calling it "wicked" and they took the piss when I said it was only "very good", but that was right after walking out of the cinema and my opinion has now changed to "good". The Transfomers were done fantastically, looked amazing, but the sub-plots were silly and pointless. It's sad that seeing Tom Lenk in a Hollywood film was the best part of the film when the Transformers weren't on screen.
  4. Quinto will be awesome as Spock. He plays Sylar cold, almost Vulcan-like at times, and he looks very much like Nimoy. This news has certainly changed my opinion on this film. I was a bit nervous about this new film, with all the sodding Affleck and Damon rumours, but Quinto has changed my outlook on the whole film.
  5. I thought that as well, but when you actually see it, it looks really, really nice.
  6. TMM

    Concert for Diana

    Anyone else hoping for/expecting Robbie to come out anytime soon? No? Just me? Ok then...
  7. TMM

    Concert for Diana

    Fat chicks, thin chicks, old chicks, young chicks, fat men, thin men, old men and young men love Tom Jones. Fact.
  8. TMM

    Concert for Diana

    I didn't catch a word those guys said at all...holy crap it's Scully!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. TMM

    Concert for Diana

    I had to put it on mute when James Morrison was on...god he really, really does annoy me. Yay, Lily Allen!
  10. Anyone else watching? Ah, Duran Duran are great. Elton John's been on so far, there's Take That and Kanye West on, but I can't remember anyone else. It's disappointing to see so many empty space though...ah well.
  11. As great a player as Tevez is, he comes with to much baggage and bollocks. Apparently if we did loan him, we'd be loaning him from Kia Joorabchian and neither West Ham or Corinthians, so I'm still hoping for Anelka.
  12. Yeah, that's a load of bollocks though. Only member of the board who'd be against Anelka and would throw a hissy fit about it would be the orange goblin himself, Mr. Dein, and he's gone, so if Wenger wanted Anelka, the board wouldn't say a word against it.
  13. Scouting them will bring it up if it isn't there.
  14. Reyes staying might be nice, but he's made it crystal clear he doesn't like England and doesn't want to come back, so where's the sense in keeping a player who clearly doesn't want to be at the club?
  15. Good god I hope not. What is the most annoying thing about all this is that Henry's loyalties lie with Arsene Wenger and not Arsenal, which as the captain of the club is very disappointing, but if a player wants to leave, let him, it's not the end of the world. People thought Overmars and Petit leaving signalled the end of everything, but it didn't. People thought Anelka leaving would end out chances of winning things, but it didn't and the same will be true of Henry leaving. Ok another transitional season is in store, but I don't think we were realistic challengers for the title anyway, only Chelsea and Man Utd were last season and at this point in time, still are. To be honest, I wouldn't mind if we brought in Anelka as he's a proven goalscorer at this level, and Arsene Wenger would bring out the very best in him, but we'd need another player on top of that. That said, we need to make some serious signings now that Henry is off. Eto'o, while a great player is nowhere near as good as Henry, which unfortunately, Eto'o thinks he is. Eto'o has a huge ego which has him thinking Henry has been brought in to partner Eto'o, where as I personally don't think they can play in the same team. Eto'oI wouldn't mind as a player, but I dunno, while Henry had a huge ego on the pitch, he had nothing of the sort off it, whereas Eto'o has always struck me as a player who needs to be the centre of attention all the time. As it stands now we only have two recognised goal-scoring strikers at the club in Adebayor and van Persie. Now, I love Adebayor, but he's not a 20-30 goal a season players, and while van Persie was showing signs of it last season, I don't think he is ready to carry the weight of Arsenal on his shoulders in regards to scoring that many goals either, not even counting whether he stays fit or not. We've sold Aliadiere (who got injured and couldn't score anyway), let Baptista go back to Spain (he's shite anyway) and will hopefully be selling Reyes, which'll mean another £15m (at least) on top of the £16m for Henry, so that's £31m for a couple of new players, and whatever you say about Wenger, he can find a deal if he needs to. Whether this money could fund a £30m+ deal for an Eto'o, a Ronaldinho, a Villa or a Torres, or whether it funds two or three very good players (Babel, Robinho) who will keep us up there and maybe win us the FA Cup, then next season will be a success, because again, and annoyingly, next season will be a building process for the next year UNLESS we bring in a proven 20 goal a season striker. Now there's also the rumours about Arsene Wenger leaving. He's not leaving until next season if he even does. Wenger will honour his contract, that something I think Arsenal fans have nothing to worry about, and if he goes next season, yes it'll be disappointing, but again, it's up to him. My opinion is Wenger likes the challenge. He came to Arsenal and set about slowly rebuilding the squad, and now he'll have to do that again by bringing in a striker and bringing us back to the top. There is also the issue of the new captain. Personally any of Toure, Gilberto or even Fabregas will be better captain's than Henry. As great a player is Henry is, he was not a captain, whereas I can see any of the above captaining the club. Personally I would love to see Kolo in charge, leading from the back as I've always thought the captain should be a defender or a midfielder.
  16. If Eto'o goes anywhere, it'd be to Arsenal I believe. Personally I'm getting bored of this. Part of me is getting sick of Henry's lack of commitment to the club he CAPTAIN's and the club that made him a name. As the captain you should put the team first, and Henry isn't doing it. If he would just come out and say I'm going or I'm staying it'd be much better, but he hasn't said a thing, and because of it I've lost a little respect for him. See, I don't get this. These past few seasons there has been no-one MORE committed to Arsenal's cause than Henry. Now the landscape has changed. Arsenal is becoming a different club for many people. He's done a good service. Maybe it's better for him to just admit he's going, but maybe it's a little hard for him to choose? He loves the club, but is worried for the future. Let him work it out. If you keep him, it's a boost. If you sell him, it's 16m in the bank. The problem with it is is how long does it take to decide? I mean last season he signed a contract and said it was his last contract and he'll stay with Arsenal for life, so what's changed his mind? It's not Wenger saying "yeah he can go" because if he goes, it'll be Henry's decision and I think he might put it down to David Dein's dismisall because he's been talking about him, saying he should never have left and how all our players are unhappy...really helpful captain stuff eh?
  17. If Eto'o goes anywhere, it'd be to Arsenal I believe. Personally I'm getting bored of this. Part of me is getting sick of Henry's lack of commitment to the club he CAPTAIN's and the club that made him a name. As the captain you should put the team first, and Henry isn't doing it. If he would just come out and say I'm going or I'm staying it'd be much better, but he hasn't said a thing, and because of it I've lost a little respect for him.
  18. Didn't you sign a Polish keeper just the other week? Well...that's two!!! Yay! ¬_¬
  19. Arsenal Sign Someone!!!! It's amazing, we've signed someone...ok so he's only 16, but it's something right? Right? It's beginning to look more and more like Henry might leave. God I'd love it if he just came out and said "I'm staying" or "I'm leaving", but all this "I'm an Arsenal player for now" stuff helps no-one at all, and him commenting on the David Dein thing is annoying as well. Keep out of the board-room level stuff Thierry please.
  20. ...naked...? I might be interested then.
  21. Except for Robin van Persie...he can't tutor anyone, he seems to piss everyone off. I tried to have him tutor Nacer Barazite and despite having the same personality, they had a falling out.
  22. You can now sign players without work-permits just like in real-life, but they have to be sent out on loan somewhere to get one.
  23. I swear you went on 'move to affiliate' and then pick your team from Belgium or wherever and send them there? (although, to be honest, the option is always greyed out for me, for some reason.) EDIT: Thomas beat me to it. It's only usually greyed out if you're outside a transfer window because you can only send them on a year long loan. Ochoa actually got a work permit after one-year at Beveren.
  24. Ochoa always turns out amazing on this game. I usually sign him and then ship him out to whichever Belgian club I have as a feeder club for two years and then he'll get a work permit. My Arsenal season finished on a high, despite some dodgy performances over the season. Lost eleven games in the Premiership and went out of the Carling and FA Cup's to Everton early on, but I won the Champions League, so it's all good in the hood. Franck Ribery (and Ochoa) are the only main signing's I've made while stealing Bojan, Iago, Thiago and Dos Santos from Barcelona as well, but this summer I'll be bringing in Thomas Hitzlsperger on a free, as well as Lukasz Fabianski for £2.8m and Manuel Fernandes for £4.8m, which I'm hoping will be my summer spending, unless I can get Daniel Alvez perhaps. I'm looking at Igor Akinfeev who plays for recently relegated Werder Bremen, but my funds are looking pretty poor at the moment. I'm trying to offload Freddie Ljungberg, Mathieu Flamini, Jose Reyes and possibly Emmanuel Eboue for a tidy sum to fund some more signings.
  25. Oooo, I hate the stall offer option. Aberdeen offered Legia £1.6m for Lukasz Fabianski so I offer the same amount. Well, they accept their offer and stall on mine. Finally I get the chance to offer him a contract, he's already accepted the bloody Aberdeen offer. Wankers.
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