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Everything posted by TMM

  1. Yeah, and Martin Taylor tried to win the ball
  2. Well OJ only killed people, Taylor broke Eduardo damnit!!!
  3. Come on Chelsea! This will be the one and only time I'm supporting Chelsea, ever.
  4. Intent or not, it is a tackle that could end the guys career. That deserves a lengthy ban. So how long are we banning Eboue and Flamini for after those shocking tackles last week? Flamini clearly had intent in trying to take Nani out, and we can just be thankful he missed. 'Shocking'? Hardly. Eboue, I despise the cunt, it was a dangerous tackle and he deserved the red card. Ban him for life for all I care. Flamini's tackle on Nani was one of those 'fuck you keepy uppy bastard' tackles born out of frustration, but was perfectly legal because it was along the ground, one footed and he got the ball, so...yeah, I have no idea how on earth you can compare the two.
  5. I can see what you're saying about Essien, but you need to remember Flamini's performances this season. He has been our most important player this season. Fabregas' assists and goals are great, Adebayor's goals as well, but how many of those have been directly or indirectly assisted by Flamini; a hell of a lot. I agree the central defensive partnerships is always going to be simply down to who you support. I think Gallas and Toure are the best, you think Ferdinand and Vidic. I can see the arguement for both. AND WHO CHANGED MY NAME!?! :'(
  6. I think it's accepted there was no intent to injure him, but was there intent to 'let Eduardo know he was there' which is exactly what that challenge seems to me. Bear in mind Martin Taylor's foot is about a foot off the ground which doesn't really make it 'mis-timed'. Mis-timed would have had Taylor clatter into his ankle instead of his leg, which may had done exactly the same damage, worse or nothing at all. It's clumsy and dangerous but it isn't mis-timed, which to me says there was intent to make Arsenal players aware that the game wasn't going to be a walk in the park.
  7. This is the sort of thing I'm trying to get at in regards to the length of the ban: Intent or not, it is a tackle that could end the guys career. That deserves a lengthy ban. Back on to the strength of the starting line-ups. If I had to select my best eleven from the top three, it'd be like this. GK - Cech RB - Sagna, LB - Clichy/Evra (one I'm not 100% sure on as they are both as good as each other, but Evra might just shade it) CB - Gallas CB - Toure/Ferdinand (again, they are both as good as each other except Ferdinand can switch off at times, so maybe Toure) RM - Hleb LM - Ronaldo CM - Fabregas CM - Flamini ST - Adebayor ST - Anelka Two Chelsea players, two/three Man Utd players and the rest Arsenal. Call it bias maybe, but I've seen enough games this season to say that, going on form, that is the best team in my opinion. I still don't rate Lampard and never will, Terry is a dirty fucker and is to slow, Rooney can vanish from a game so quickly and other than those, I can't really see any arguements. Actually it'd be interesting to see what people would chose actually.
  8. Wenger is a very thoughful person, someone might have told him about how it sounds, but he would know it wasn't the right thing to say and I can be pretty sure he retracted the comments of his own accord. I still think we'll win the league. Van Persie should be back soon, and when he is we have two of the best strikers in the Premiership/world, and I think the Eduardo injury and the cock-up against Birmingham will only serve to spur us on for the rest of the season. Man Utd might have strength in depth, but best eleven's, ours is by far the best. I honestly think we have the best central midfield partnership in the world and the amount of goals they create for us (directly or indirectly) is silly.
  9. It seemed out of character for Wenger to say that, I had a feeling it was in the heat of the moment but obviously everyone jumped to the conclusion and had a go at Wenger.
  10. Maybe he shouldn't be banned from football, but that was a horrendous tackle where Taylor was nowhere near the ball and dangerously high. That should be at least a 10-game ban...minimum. People are talking about cutting out these horror tackles for this very reason and now you've got a player who's lively-hood may very well have just been ended. Eduardo may never play football again, so if you put in that context, maybe he should be. I don't agree that he should be kicked out of football, but it deserves a very, very long ban. It wasn't that bad, there have been plenty of tackles that season that have been much worse but just haven't injured a player to that extent. It's a red card, that's it. It was high and nowhere near the ball, intent or none, it's broken a players leg and may end his career. For those simple facts it should be a lengthy bad. It puts a career-threatening tackle on the same term as a petulant kick, which it isn't.
  11. Maybe he shouldn't be banned from football, but that was a horrendous tackle where Taylor was nowhere near the ball and dangerously high. That should be at least a 10-game ban...minimum. People are talking about cutting out these horror tackles for this very reason and now you've got a player who's lively-hood may very well have just been ended. Eduardo may never play football again, so if you put in that context, maybe he should be. I don't agree that he should be kicked out of football, but it deserves a very, very long ban. On the subject of post-match comments, I have lost any respect I may have had for Alex McCleish. He's defender Martin Taylor because Taylor has said he "felt he didn't make much contact" and McCleish then said Eduardo "may have caught his studs in the ground". Sorry, fuck off. Eduardo's shin bone being disconnected from his foot says Taylor did that, not the pitch.
  12. That would be me. Some other bastard had TMM so I had to come up with some other fancy name...and I was in a Star Wars mood. Monkey Molestor?! I haven't seen you about in ages. Ah problems upon problems! Firstly, haven't been in a posting mood outside of the football threads for...ages. Then I had an operation on my toe so I'd end up spending ages on my laptop...which nicely died on me. But that's fixed now, and taking it's place in the dead pile is my damned X-Box! :'( Damn. ({) Damn it! I always end up being the black chick!!! (})
  13. That would be me. Some other bastard had TMM so I had to come up with some other fancy name...and I was in a Star Wars mood. Monkey Molestor?! I haven't seen you about in ages. Ah problems upon problems! Firstly, haven't been in a posting mood outside of the football threads for...ages. Then I had an operation on my toe so I'd end up spending ages on my laptop...which nicely died on me. But that's fixed now, and taking it's place in the dead pile is my damned X-Box! :'(
  14. Grrr...I have just got my laptop back from HP after it's hardware died a death, and after playing some FM and surfing the net (something I haven't been able to do for over a week) I decide to play my Xbox 360 and play Mass Effect...DAMN YOU RINGS OF DEATH!!! Damn thing suddenly freezes, crashes and dies. So this has given me an excuse/reason to get another console, which I've debating for a long while anyway, but I don't know which one to get. I'm leaning much further to a PS3, but I'm still not 100% sure. The PS3 bundle on Amazon.co.uk is £329.99 for the 40gb version with Ratchet and Clank and Drake's Fortune, which is swaying me. But the Wii sounds fun, so, options damnit!
  15. That would be me. Some other bastard had TMM so I had to come up with some other fancy name...and I was in a Star Wars mood.
  16. TMM


    Evanescence annoy me. The first song I ever heard from them was Bring Me To Life and I thought it was awesome, so I bought the album, and it is one of those albums where every song is pretty good, but if you listen to it from start to finish is terrible. Amy Lee, for such a talented singer sounds almost the same in every single song she sings, which then makes every Evanescence song sound the same.
  17. TMM

    Mass Effect

    Ooopsy, missed that. Didn't even see it. I swear I searched for it and didn't see anything.
  18. TMM

    Mass Effect

    Is awesome. Seriously, fuck Halo 3, Mass Effect is the best game of 2007. Anyone who has played KOTOR, play this is it is an improvement over an already awesome game. The original story is very good, and doesn't have you going "ok, next shooty bit please" because the story is damn engrosing and there are tonnes, tonnes of little side-quests to do and I'm only on the second world of I-don't-know-how-many worlds. So yes, go buy it, it's the game of the year.
  19. Chelsea vs. Olympiakos sems to fit that mold as well.
  20. Well I was sort of hoping for Barcelona, but AC Milan will do because we have the better squad. Their goalkeeper is shite, they're strikers are average and I really, really can't see Pirlo or Gattuso having any great affect when Flamini and Fabregas are the best central midfield pairing in the world right now. Their defensive partnership could cause us problems maybe, but I can see the passing ability and pure talent of Cesc and van Persie able to get through them. I'm supremely confident about it quite frankly.
  21. You understand one of the main reasons for these signings is because of the utterly ridiculous rule where, in England you can only sign under-18's (I think) within a stupidly small radius. Platini is a tit in pretty much everything he talks about, and doesn't sound coherent because, as Wenger has said, you can get a fantastic talent from Barcelona, but can't sign an equally fantastic talent from 80 miles away in England. Think about that.
  22. Why does Alex Ferguson get so much credit for the likes of Giggs, Beckham, Neville, Scholes?
  23. No flack, I completely agree. I was hoping they might consider killing her off in SM2 or SM3 and then go with Gwen Stacy as his love. Or re-cast her. She is awful in the films, how am I suppose to buy someone so...so, generic-looking as a supermodel?
  24. Booo...Chelsea are ruining everything and...grrr, stupid Crouch.
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