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Everything posted by lanky316

  1. The first display of fight from United there. "Fuck it just kick him". Luckily the officials had the spread at United to lose by no more than two and decided to ignore it. Then a follow up from Ronaldo! If United had shown this sort of fight earlier in the 90 minutes they might have been able to make a game of it.
  2. The deal with Warhammer was that they'd build up to bringing "the world that was" to life by offering everything from the tabletop (or near as damn it) to the TW franchise. Naturally putting it all in one was going to be unlikely even allowing for DLC and so it's been done a bit more piecemeal and will finally show it's "true" form when Mortal Empires V2 comes out. It's been such a huge money earner for CA and GW I'm anticipating DLC for quite some time after the launch of that. What it has done is show that the Total War formula can work and cater to audiences outside of the historical market and I would be very surprised if it's the last take on this style of Total War game. Whether that comes in the form of the long predicted Warhammer 40k TW or something else we'll see. The main thing will be getting the licenses but I'd suggest that the popularity of W:TW and the revenue that's bought in will be able to get someone like GRRM to be more than happy to give them the reigns on something.
  3. This is the most bizarre thing about Spurs. They're getting torn apart and beaten by teams who don't even really need to play that well to do it.
  4. Sounds like an interesting episode then. Thought it had been off air for years, has it had a reboot?
  5. Fucking hell, you'd think they'd have tried to build up some hype by now.
  6. Mark Kerr is the only real player card in the board game Counter Attack so his legend lives on!
  7. Not just paper famous, you were quoted on Sky Sports this morning as well.
  8. New manager bounce after the new chairman bounce. Newcastle will easily win by six at the weekend. Would be a good morale booster to get rid now.
  9. Fucking hell Crosby is shot.
  10. With Coco being mentioned above another great animation is Kubo and the Two Strings. Personally I rate Kubo higher but some of the best animations in years for me.
  11. This has been awful from Spurs, the whole "don't play with a midfield and whatever you do don't try to win the ball. If you should do, make sure to give it back without a fight at the first opportunity" strategy may not be the wisest decision.
  12. That was a beauty of a pass to put him through at the end there. Took the defence out of the game brilliantly.
  13. sounds like the shit hit the fan there then.
  14. Perfectly legitimate but the medical time out has come at perfect time there, momentum looked liked switching.
  15. She looks like she's just got the edge on it. Guess she's not Canadian/Chinese/Romanian tonight and proud of her Britishness!
  16. It may have been going away but a deflection from a few inches nothing he can do about it. To then send him off was just the icing on the cake. Shapes up for an amusing second half now at least!
  17. Waiting for your apology to the bent cunt now.
  18. This is a good idea, will stop the fucking stupid stuttering run ups all over the place.
  19. That does look good, I know they tweaked things a little with Chimera Squad so interesting to see how this one develops.
  20. So what Colly is saying is, Jimmy needs to start sending Kane death threats and all will be fine.
  21. To be honest, that one was down to Leicester going back to being shit.
  22. Tanganga was immense, City clearly targetted him and with Sterling and Grealish there running at him and trying their standard tricks and getting a few dubious calls he'd need to be but to keep both of them pretty much out of the game is a sign of how good he was today. Really good performance from Spurs in general, only the first game and they'll in typical Arsey style let themselves down but great result any way.
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