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Everything posted by lanky316

  1. Following on from last seasons very late drama... Macclesfield Town have been wound up today. article here It was a certain inevitability from even before Covid hit but with this factor in I don't think it's going to be the last team to go before this all blows over. Southend are on the brink and they aren't alone in that.
  2. Felt like it was coming that one, Leeds were getting deeper and deeper and stopped playing those easy balls over the top Liverpool kept struggling to cope with. Silly lazy challenge when you're up against it. Could still be room for more.
  3. You really shouldn't have praised him for that
  4. She's already been threatened with legal action for this one. I look forward to the sequel.
  5. If timing worked out, bagsy goblin barbarian
  6. Had a terrible season and got lucky on that one, hard to argue with the reasoning for the reprieve, in part due to the ridiculous way the season had to close but need to hope the signings do something to improve the side because will need to be a lot better to get away with it again. The situation at Macclesfield though is shit and I hope they're able to get their own financial reprieve and someone is able to come in and keep the club afloat, tell Campbell to fuck right off by not closing down completely.
  7. This was in the 1/100 times that the opposition did their research and waited for him to go wandering of course which, added to the hilarious late dive made it look a lot worse than if he'd been simply wrong footed. It's not the most bizarre goalkeeping we saw during the season but for it to happen then and in that game is going to be badly magnified.
  8. At 2-0 going into stoppage time I said that it'll be sods law Brentford get a goal back when it's too late to pressure them, especially when you get the inevitable tussle in the net for the ball taking up time. Anyone who's seen football before knew full well that would happen at that point should Brentford score. It's silly but it happens any time a team are trying to hold up a game to hang on at the end. We had pretty much a keeper time wasting full house by the end of the game.
  9. It's obviously very close but the angle isn't great. Definitely needed a second look from a better angle. If only we had some sort of technology they could use to be sure. That said, despite being unlucky with the sending off Arsenal have edged the game and deserving winners.
  10. Why didn't they look back at the goalkeeper on the edge of the area? He looked comfortably out of the box with the ball there but not even looking at it again?
  11. They might do the same as League Two and do deductions that just about save them to avoid making a difficult decision.
  12. Bonus points for the referee gesturing at his shoulder to explain the handball decision. Missed that change to the rule.
  13. Looked like he moved it in the way from the replays. Obviously slowing it down makes it harder to judge that though.
  14. Not even sure why he punched that in, it was probably in if he hadn't done so. Guess makes up for the blatant penalty but how shit do Spurs look?
  15. Good thing VAR barely looked at the penalty incident in the first half, it'd be getting ridiculously late if they'd delayed due to that.
  16. I can see why they gave the red, he's caught him around knee high. He hasn't tried to do him with that though and it's not like he was off the ground and completely out of control but trying to second guess the officials is impossible these days.
  17. I.... Can't believe my eyes. Did a referee really just check the VAR monitor?
  18. The defending has been really shocking. Say what you want about the first half but that just isn't good enough from Spurs.
  19. I mean, if we were sure it hit his arm I'd get it but the lack of a freekick for the foul and the deliberate forearm to the face of Son a few minutes later not even being worth a yellow it's a whole bizarre sequence.
  20. God knows how he didn't give any of those corners either. Thank fuck Spurs got away with that one because that second half was beyond shit.
  21. Mission Accomplished. Not sure why Spurs have worked so hard to blow this but job done.
  22. Another of those actors you remember how good they were when people do the little summaries of their career. Was so good.
  23. Spurs trying to force United to score here...
  24. Wonderful, it took them 40 minutes for the most ridiculous footballing things to come back into the game. Never change football, never change.
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