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The Kraig

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Everything posted by The Kraig

  1. Roberto Carlos. Running down the wing at about 80mph, shoots from the corner flag and scores. It was fucking amazing and IS the best goal ever. But my personal favourite was Bert Konterman's screamer against Celtic for Rangers during a cup final a few years ago which won the game. Bert was known for being the worst defender in Rangers history so it was quite amazing when the announcer went ''Konterman.......KONTERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!''. I couldn't believe it.
  2. Being a Rangers fan, I'm no stranger to atmosphere. I'd go, since WBA have fans like Rock10 and the Tottenham fans are pretty rowdy when they're winning. Besides, it's not that far away, go my friend, heed the call of the game~!
  3. *scores Benin off list of countries to visit* Fuck those bastards. It's not even like they'd be expected to win, Nigeria are massive compared to Benin in terms of football. It's just a fucking disgrace, fans are better behaved in South America and Turkey, and that's saying something.
  4. I knew it! Only the devil plays for Celtic! (¬_¬) ...
  5. I'm watching as well, Barry scored for Villa at around 46 mins. Nicely done as well, right over the keeper and just under the bar after squeezing between the two defenders. But Sheffield United just recently got a goal back so it's 1-1. GOAL~! Sheffield United scored again even thought it was offside, a few minutes from time~! Sheff Utd 2-1 Aston Villa UNBELEIVABLE~! >_< They scored again, a minute or two later, onside. Fair goal. 3-1 to Sheffield United.
  6. I just finished my first season as Rangers. Won the league by 9 points in the end but it wasn't until the last few games until Celtic started losing and drawing to teams other than me. I was undefeated in all league games. I was knocked out of the CIS Cup by Celtic (1-0) and the Final of the Tennant's Cup is still to be played and is another Old Firm Derby, which I'll probably win. My Champion's League campeign didn't go so well. I got knocked out in the Group stages with Anderlecht in a group with Olympiakos and Milan (I think). I finished 4th in the table so I never even got a UEFA Cup place. But somehow, Stefan Klos (my keeper) got the Goalkeeper role in the Team Of The Tournament which is rather bizarre. And my highlight of the season? Decides beating Anderlecht 3-0 it would have to be... THIS~!
  7. The Kraig

    Red Dwarf

    Where's the fuck is the LMAO smiley? My favourite is the one with the dinosaur.
  8. Wait, why is it fucking up? Mine hasn't crashed once. (0_o) I save a lot though, I always do tons of manual scouting and stuff so by the time my turn's over I've done so much work it's worth saving, because I know I won't be able to remember exactly what I did. In other news, Celtic are now 1 point ahead of me in the league despite me not losing a single league game. I think you should get 1.5 points for a draw.
  9. I went Rangers and it's January 2005. I am undefeated in the league (wins and draws) but only one point ahead of Celtic. They knocked me out of the CIS Cup. And I look like the favourite to win the Tennant's Cup. I got knocked out of the Champion's League coming 4th in my group with AC Milan (ITA), Anderlecht (BEL) and Olympiakos (GRE) with 5 points. I was pretty unlucky really, I beat Anderlecht 3-0 in the last game, which they needed only a draw to go into the next round. They got 3rd and got into the UEFA Cup though. Oh, and Celtic did worst than me, getting only 2 points in their group. All in all, I went from being hated to loved by the fans after being appointed. I signed some good players in Harold Lozano, Gregory Vignal, Frank de Boer, Alessio Cerci, Mustapha Hadji, Mark Brown and a few others while getting rid of the shite. Undefeated in the league at January.
  10. Depp looks like shit. I much prefer the original version. But I'll probably rent this to see if it's as bad as I think it'll be.
  11. I don't have a clan yet, so I play with (crap) random people. I don't actually play ranked much, but I could probably beat you if I tried. I had a good party last night though with some friends, so my stats should be better than what you seen whenever.
  12. Personally, I'm waiting for WM21 for Xbox. It better be online~! >_<
  13. Gamertag: The Kraig Online games: Halo 2, PGR2 and SW: Battlefront.
  14. I'll be getting this around Christmas, so will the latest patch fix all the problems or will I have to find the earliest ones and go through them all?
  15. Gayest. Rock death. Ever. Rest In Peace Dimebag. They should have those metal detectors you get in airports for concerts. I mean Jesus, you can't even put on a music performance without fear of getting shot now.
  16. I played bongos for a horrible cover of 'Gold' by Spandeau Ballet. It was so rediculous but fun to do. And bongos rawk, the ones I were playing were actually from Africa, one of the head teachers bought it while on holiday, so she was watching very carefully for any damage done to them. Oh, how I'd love to play with her bongos.
  17. I completed it on Sunday, but I've been busy since then so...SPOILERS~! The game fucking rules. At first, I didn't like it so much, but when I realised I got to play as The Arbiter I was like the w00t smiley until I feel asleep. And Gravemind (the big Flood monster) fucking owns. Also, keep watching after the credits roll, like in Halo. In Halo, you see Guilty Spark floating around in space. But at the end of Halo 2, Cortana seemingly agrees to answer Gravemind's questions. But we won't find out until Halo 2, those utter bastards. And people are asking why this is better than other FPSs, it's because of the storyline. I've read the books, completed Halo on Legendary and Halo 2 on Normal. It just rules. For a full summary look below: MC (Master Chief) and lots of other highly cool children are abducted by the UNSC (space military) and raised to be super fighting soldiers with the best armour, weapons and combat education ever, and the children were good at certain things. MC was the best at leadership. Other were good at speed, but that's a different story. They were trained to fight the Covenant (led by the three Prophets, Elites, Grunts & Jackals) and they've had many many successful battles on ground but have ultimately lost most of their battles from space. The Covenant eventually 'glass' the human planet of Reach using their plasma cannons but Master Chief and the crew of the Pillar Of Autumn escape and end up at Halo #4 (one of 7 Halos created by the 'Forerunners' which may have killed all of the Forerunners before Covenant and Humankind evolved from tiny beings), which is where Halo the game starts off. The Covenant unleash the Flood on the Halo (parasitic creatures which the ring was built to contain and kill by starvation) accidentally which activates the Sentinels, robotic protectors of the ring, built to control the Flood should they escape. After MC realises that helping the Sentinels would mean firing the Halo (and thus killing any living being big enough for the Flood to possess) he blows up the ring. Between Halo and Halo 2, it's basically him and the few survivors of Halo fighting Covenant and the Covenant finding the human homeplanet of Earth. Brutes appear, as well as Engineers (small pink aliens, who love technology and really just want to help anyone, good or evil). Halo 2 introduces two new types of Covenant (Brutes and Drones) which resemble Gorillas and Bugs. The Prophets grow tired with the Elite who was to blame for Halo #4 being destroyed (Halos are considered Holy to the Covenant) and becomes the Arbiter, who is pretty much the Covenant version of Master Chief. He kills the Heretic Leader (someone who knows that if Halo fired, they'd all die and nothing miraculous would happen and has been amassing a small army of believers). One of the Prophets sends in a weak army to Earth, to help speed up the process of firing the newly found Halo (apparently Earth has something to do with the Halos) but the invasion obviously fails, as they may have believed Reach was the humans homeplanet. The other two Prophets get pissed at the Prophet who ordered the attack and he is later killed by MC (nothing to do with the other Prophets being angry at that Prophet). For that, the Elites and demoted as they are the Prophets protectors, and the Brutes are put in their places. This pisses off the Elites and the Grunts (Grunts admire Elites for some reason). Meanwhile, Gravemind, what seems to be the massive organism where all the Flood take their victims' minds to be dumped is enlightening the Elites about the truth of the Halos and that they are not Holy, just machines of death. At around this time, one of the last two remaining Prophets is killed by the Flood. The Brutes, Prophets, Jackals and Drones turn on the Elites and the Grunts. The Hunters (massive walking tanks) then pledge their aleigiance to the Elites so there's an alliance between Humans, Elites, Hunters and Grunts against the last remaining Prophet, the Brutes, Jackals and Drones. The Elites then get revenge on the betraying Brutes and kill their leader Tartarus before he could fire the new Halo (which would kill them all). And while all this is happening, Master Chief is back on his way to Earth in the 'Ark', what many speculate is what the Forerunners used to keep away from the 'Flood', get it? Anyways, it appears the Ark is going to have a big part in Halo 3 and this new alliance is so cool. I always wanted a Hunter to be on my side. A small tidbit, is that the Prophets and Elites used to hate each other before the Covenant religion existed. And I don't know why. But it's just another question to be answered in Halo 3. Anyways, that's pretty much all the more important things since the fall of Reach until the end of Halo 2.
  18. ....why isn't he wearing any pants? Or lederhosen?
  19. There's been a lot of 10/10 globally. Australia, South Korea, Japan. Another week to go.
  20. It sounds more like Pro Evolution Manager to me. (¬_¬)
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