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The Kraig

The Donators
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Everything posted by The Kraig

  1. Well. Dropkick Murphys and Flogging Molly have Irish/Scottish links. But you probably know that. There's just tons of small Celtic punk bands in Scotland (and probably Ireland), that haven't got a record deal though, it's not really appreciated as much.
  2. While not known as freeware, abandonware is pretty much the same thing. Go here for masses of free abandonware resources: http://www.abandonia.com/index2.php My favourite game I downloaded was Civ2 Gold. There are still websites that host downloads for it. There's plenty of other great games there too.
  3. Star Wars Episode III: A Lost Hope. One of the best looking spoof in a long while. And hilarious for those who followed the movies.
  4. Not to sound annoying, but I'd wait to get a DS and then get the updated N64 games that will come out for that. Mario 64 is already done, it would be criminal not to try and remake/re-port Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, the Zelda games, DK64, the Banjo games and Paper Mario. All of them were classics. Although No Mercy is a classic, from a wrestling perspective, and I highly doubt that will ever be on DS. Same with every other wrestling game really.
  5. Come on Newscastle! I'd like to see Newcastle vs Arsenal in the final, but I can see Blackburn having a go at it. They've been unpredictable nearly all season. And Man United seem to lack a drive this year. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking...
  6. Animé: I liked it when it was on SM:TV. The main thing I hate is that it gets way too repetitive. Team Rocket genuinely annoyed me. Gameboy games: Very addictive, yet simple. Which makes it a great portable game, like Tetris was before it. GBA games: I like the SNES-like RPG graphics. All the new stuff kicked ass. Cube games: Disappointing... DS games: Looking good. Movies: Sucked. It was just like a back to back episode of Pokemon, what's the point? Merchandise and piss-poor spin-off games: What made Pokemon gay.
  7. w00t, says I. I knew there was a reason I bought a Gamecube...
  8. Is it just me, or did you enjoy KOTOR more than KOTORII? I just got KOTOR after playing KOTORII (didn't think not playing the first one would make much of a difference). I like using the normal swords you get. The Echani Brands and Sith War Swords fucking kick ass. But I got my lightsaber from the Enclave recently, which seemed to much more sense than me asking Bao-Dur to make me one (what the fuck?). KOTOR just generally makes more sense. And Bastila is fucking hot for polygons.
  9. I'm at least OK at every genre, but the one that bores me most is puzzle games, like Tomb Raider. They're just so sleep-enducing. Not even Lara Croft's 182KKs could keep me awake for over an hour.
  10. It still seems like bullshit, and we're months away from April Fool's. They're a good band, they should bring in a new (better) guitarist. It's not like they don't have a choice, there's tons of very talented guys in bands that spawned from Korn and all that jazz.
  11. Spurs absolutely raped WBA. You can thank Rob Styles for that win.
  12. I love her. I seen her in Girlfight and loved it. I then played Halo 2, and she's the female marine voice, and I must've secretly known it because I went to check and sure enough, it was her. And recently I seen Resident Evil, which also rocked (in my opinion). I'd like to see her do more films as opposed to video games, I never realised she did that many.
  13. Excellent song. I wanted it to go on longer though.
  14. You can make back-up copies of software incase your original disk/s is broken/corrupt/etc. I'd assume that computer games count as software.
  15. That's fucking hilarious. Gay about the 3 search per day limit though. What kind of search engine is that?
  16. Halo 2 Project Gotham Racing 2 Star Wars: Battlefront My PC sucks too much to have good games like Halo, Half-Life, Counter Strike, etc.
  17. The Arbiter from Halo 2. He's such a badass.
  18. I didn't know that was you. If I knew I'd have owned you in-game instead of just leaving. Oh yeah, I then removed you from my friends list so...er...(¬_¬)
  19. The DS comes out in the UK in March. Anything you've seen so far is illegal or imported.
  20. AC/DC. Disturbed. Dropkick Murphys. Drowning Pool. Fozzy. Gorillaz. Green Day. Guns 'n' Roses. Kid Rock. Korn. Limp Bizkit. Prodigy. Rammstein. Red Hot Chili Peppers. Staind. The Darkness. The Hives. The Strokes. All of them I've been told are either crap or I've had strange looks when mentioning them in music-ralated conversation. But fuck them, I don't limit myself to one genre, it's kind of impossible to genre artists and bands anyways because they can change their style of music on demand.
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