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The Kraig

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Everything posted by The Kraig

  1. I can't believe some of these horrible acts are so popular. It's mind-boggling. Also, I thought Israel was in Asia. Damn Euron00bs.
  2. Bwaha, Mrs. Norway keeps forgetting her lines. Some of these countries need to shorten their names. Serbia & Montenegro? Bosnia & Herzegovina? The Former Yugoslavic Republic Of Macedonia? I used to think Argentina was a long name for a country.
  3. At first, I just sat there thinking ''fucking robbed''. But they weren't. They just couldn't score. Arsenal did a fucking great job of closing down the infinite shots Man United had, and they even did it without Campbell, which shows they don't have to rely on their big names to win anymore. Although if Henry was on the pitch, it could have been a completely different game. I'd also like to note Rob Styles fucking owned that whole game. Every decision was perfect. The only bad refereeing decision was by one of the linesmen who ruled one of Ronaldo's crosses as being out. And if it DID pass the line, it was a goal (didn't though). And Reily, usually when a team completely crush the opposition in terms of gameplay, it means they're the better team. I always fancied Arsenal to win the penalties, and I actually said 'I don't think he fancies this' when Scholes walked back from the ball. Everyone else who took one looked like scoring. It's a pity there had to be a team that have no trophies at the end of the season. Also: fuck off GOD, Chelsea winning the league has absolutely no bearing in an FA Cup thread.
  4. These Eastern Europeans girls are soooo invited to the after-show party... In my pants.
  5. I think Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and England should have seperate entries from now on. It's clear that the unpopularity of England is dragging us all down. I mean, come on, FRANCE HAS MORE POINTS! Fuck yeah, those unbiased Irish bastards. B)
  6. Cool. But I'll still be getting a 360 first. But seriously, 3 DVD cases is fucking small! I'd probably hoover it up accidentally.
  7. I want an EWB Halo 2 gathering. Fitzy, add me if you want a good game. I can show you a unch of cool tricks too, since you seem to be new. Gamertag: The Kraig. I know, I really do come up with the best names.
  8. I can't believe I forgot... WWF NO MERCY! That kicked ass, mainly because anyone in the intro would be updated when you updated their appearance in the game. I'd sometime change people's (second) outfits so they'd appear in the intro screen, so instead of Austin stunning someone he was now OK with, I'd change that person to be someone he was feuding with and stuff. I always, always watched that intro, because it never got boring.
  9. Favourite Maps: Turf. Containment. Waterworks. Beaver Creek.
  10. Read the fucking articles. And that controller that's 'just attached' to it? It's not. It doesn't even have a cable you idiot, it's all wireless. I wasn't even talking about the design, which by the way, looks a whole lot better than any other previous console. Hell, the PS2 looked more like a box than the Xbox. Since you're all obviously too fucking lazy to do it, here's some of the cool things that the 360 does: The console itself, has customizable parts, such as the faceplate, so you can change it's appearance since looks are so important to some of you. It will come with Xbox Live, Silver, which means you can download stuff for your games like game patches, new content, etc without having to apply for Xbox Live. Xbox Live Gold has all the rest, like internet gaming, and so on. It's also worth noting that Xbox Live is getting a massive make-over and upgrade, which is going to kick ass. *insert specs, blah blah blah* In short, it's the most powerful console ever made...as of yet. Apparently it looks much nicer than it does in the promotional pictures, and can infact, read CDs when sitting vertically without fucking up the discs, ala the PS2. All controllers are wire-free, and you can have up to four at a time, working just like a television remote control does. The graphics are bizarrely realistic from the few that have been released. I can't wait to see what Sony and Nintendo are going to pull out of their magical assholes to combat this.
  11. Official Site. In-Depth Look At New Stuff (Awesome). I'm...speechless. I love you Willy Gates.
  12. partypoker.com. I fucking love it. But don't play too well, or everyone takes a fit. No one believed that I was 18, Scottish or that I just learned to play 2 days before I won my first tournament. I mean, seriously, why would I lie? It just felt so good beating all their asses though. B)
  13. Is it the American Express one? I suppose it makes sense. Maybe they should get Roman Ibramovic to do it too?
  14. I usually play as Celts, Picts, Vikings or Scots. Depedning in the scenario. (¬_¬) Although I only have Civ2.
  15. A realistic and fair punishment: Milan automatically win (as if they weren't going to anyway). All flares banned from games. All flare throwers banned for life and pay for damage (to pitch, Dida's injuries). No European competitions next year. First European competition after ban to be played behind closed doors. It's stupid yes, but it happened. But banning the flares will rule out a repeat. The instigators are punished well. The innocent fans aren't punished too much. No European ties for a whole year will screw up Inter's finances considerably. And even when they do get back into Europe, their ticket sales will be horribly decreased if they're played behind closed doors. I'd say that would be a suitable punishment, for any team, not just Italian clubs, but for any club. If it happens again I'd ban them from the competition indefinitely.
  16. Careful dav. Do you want to get banned, AGAIN?
  17. Layer Cake - 8/10. Very good British film, and I prefer over Snatch and Lock Stock. Very well put together plot, and the ending was just awesome. The Punisher - 7/10. Good film, but it seemed to be lacking overall. There was a lot of stuff that didn't really need to be there to tell the story, but I suppose I was glad not to watch another film that seemed unfinished. Constantine - 9/10. Very well put together as well, Keanu Reaves actually did a really good job, which I wasn't expecting. The special effects played a huge part of this film, and made it awesome. It was great to watch with friends as well, due to some of the funny elements. I can do all that poster and text shit too. (¬_¬)
  18. Woop, go Chelsea. I just hate Bayern Munchen, even if they are topping the Bundesliga.
  19. Great RPG game. Can be a bit too easy though. It was perfect for doing a diary for, I mean, look at all of the Pokemon diaries now in the Diary Cube. The cartoons were good too, but once you realise the pattern of Team Rocket's failure it becomes boring, no matter what's going on. It was a perfect show for SM:TV back in the day with Ant & Dec doing their own little 'Pokebattles'. It was just so retarded it was funny. MMMMMMMMISTAYY~!
  20. Xbox. It's simply superior, and still a console.
  21. I'll wait for it to lower in price, then get it for Xbox. Sounds funny, and apparently Scotland is in it. w00t!
  22. Battlefront is crap now. Barely anyone's online (at least when I went on in it), and when there are it lags like hell. And the AI in the single player is so easy to beat. I'd get Republic Commando. Has anyone heard anything about a KOTORIII? I just want MORE!
  23. Well. Dropkick Murphys and Flogging Molly have Irish/Scottish links. But you probably know that. There's just tons of small Celtic punk bands in Scotland (and probably Ireland), that haven't got a record deal though, it's not really appreciated as much.
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