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The Mask of Norro

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Everything posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. I cannot be arsed to flesh out, like, a comprehensive outline of the series since honestly I only saw the first few episodes, skipped the rest because Lorina watched them while I was away, and then when I came back wound up getting hooked in again around Episode 20. Right now there's 22 episodes out. It's set in a pseudo-post apocalyptic environment where, after the Third World War, a new type-of human species called "Needless" came into existence. They have superhuman powers and thrive off of carbs or something of the sort in order to keep themselves charged. There's an entire story behind not only how the Needless came into existence, what started them in the first place ("Project Adam" and "Project Eve"), along with a bunch of other crazy shit. The main character, or at least rather one of the members of the main cast since the show doesn't actually revolve around him, is this little green-haired kid. I can't go into detail about why you might not enjoy him that much in the series without spoiling things, but I suppose he's tolerable. One of his traveling companions-- a priest-- MORE than makes up for him though. The guy is fucking hysterical, and it's awesome when you figure out his power. I think you'd like it Ruki. It's very, very action packed and it seems to have a decent bit of fanservice scattered about, but (at least from the episodes I've caught) it isn't overwhelming.
  2. Needless. Check it out. I've only casually been following it over Lorina's shoulder while she watches it but holy shit, I may have to get more into this thing at some point. Story is certainly intriguing, I really like the characters but damn if the little kid doesn't get on your nerves a good deal.
  3. Give me your love, sir. I need it for experimentation.

  4. Echoing the love for Santa's Slay. It's such a wonderfully hilarious movie with the absurdity of Bill Goldberg playing an evil Santa that, as bad as it may be, it's so bad it's good and you'll wind up loving it when it's all said and done. Can't wait to see your reaction to that one
  6. Got NSMB and have been playing that nonstop... that game is hella nostalgic and fun. As for Assassin's Creed, BLACK FRIDAY I CAN PICK UP THE COLLECTOR'S WOOOOOOO! I got me some connections and will be getting a new collector's edition for myself, so damn happy.
  7. I'm buying gifts for so many people that despite me wanting this so damn bad, I can't get it for myself. This and Modern Warfare 2. This sucks
  8. You can decorate the picture and then make an ad with it, but from what I gather, it's asking for an ad for it. I like them too though, actually.
  9. ... if it was Pink he interrupted I don't think Kanye would have walked away with his jaw intact. I'm pretty certain Pink wouldn't be above decking him for something like that, I'm... I'm pretty sure actually it'd have gotten more attention if he tried doing it to Pink than Taylor Swift. And as an aside to the poster who said he got on stage with a live mic-- no he didn't. He got on stage and took Taylor's live mic, he didn't come on-stage mic-in-hand.
  10. Sorry to hear that man, but it's understandable. Anyone else wanna give this thing a go?
  11. My favorite part was when nufan all but said "If you really did that it's great, but if this is a fake then it's even better." Apparently digital fakes are better than the real thing now
  12. I don't know about removing them, but I definitely agree that they are far too prominent. Maybe either a resize or a different type of bullet, perhaps?
  13. I think it adds a nice touch having it off-cue like that, gives it more of a handdrawn effect which is actually quite popular in some brands of wine. I think having it look rough like that actually adds to the quality moreso than it takes away from it, so my suggestion is to actually keep it that way, myself... don't know why, but it adds a certain charm to it. I think it's the simplicity of the design that's appealing most to me right now. It's quite professional and although the art style is rather cartoonish for a wine bottle, I have to say that when placed on the bottle itself it actually complements it all very nicely. Only thing I'm not certain on now up close is the font for everything but the title itself. Not sure why, but that type-of font just doesn't seem to lend itself to the design. Maybe play around a little with it, at the moment I can't really make any good, tangible suggestions that could make it look nicer... just that there's something about it that seems to draw away from the design in that area. Just something to consider, anyway.
  14. I love simple designs when they're done right, and this definitely looks great. I suppose the only critique I have would be on the front cover, not exactly a fan of the text at the bottom, but... other than that? Amazing stuff, really glad to hear you got it printed and I'm sure it will look great on your resume and portfolio. Definitely show us this next magazine you'll be doing, too! I would love to see it myself, at least. I myself will probably wind up helping with my school's magazine when I need to have an internship up here in two quarters, but... hell, who knows, maybe I'll luck out and get an opportunity before then for something like this. I can hope at least
  15. Very impressive, it has a sort-of classic feel to it for a wine bottle, which is superb... illustration work is fantastic and simple, which is perfect for a wine bottle, once again. Is this an actual client of yours, or did you just do it as a sort-of conceptual piece? Because if they're actually your client, then I'm sure they'll love it, and if it's just a concept then hey, it's a good one. Definitely pitch-worthy.
  16. Keith, you suck, man. You always find new ways to make me jealous of you, and this is just another bullet point in a long, long list of reasons! Awesome work, man... I really hope I can get a job like that lined up sometime. Really hoping to make it in print design, it's just a matter of finding places looking for designers and hopefully wowing them with my portfolio, which... well, that in and of itself is still a huge work-in-progress just to set it up. Once that's done it'll just be an eternal WIP of adding new stuff in, but yeah
  17. Just as it says on the tin, folks. Open to any challengers, just give us some rules and let's get started. No real preference, but try to give us something creative!
  18. Bought the PS3 Slim last week and went ahead and bought UFC at the same time. Been loving it, just as I knew I would (I'd played it before-- just exhibition, though)... been really enjoying career mode. Thus far (primarily because of the fact that, again, I've played this before at work) my guy's gone 20-1-0 with my only loss being against Antoni Hardonk because it was close to the start of my career mode and I didn't think to check my stamina going into the match. I'd sparred the week before and it dropped me to like 14%, and although I stretched the match to two rounds Hardonk basically wasted me with a headshot about 30 seconds into the second. Best match thus far was against Lesnar, it was my first match for the Heavyweight Championship and it went for a full five rounds before I finally pulled out a win by dropping him with a headkick when he came lunging in for a superman punch. Caught him right as he rose. Sickest looking knockout I've managed was against Cheick Kongo in our first match. We'd been fighting about halfway through the second round, he'd cut me above the eye and I cut him on the bridge of his nose, close to his right temple, and across his left eyebrow. He had me on my back, and I transitioned out and as the both of us stood, he went for a right hook. Problem was I went for a right headkick at the same time, and the way the kick landed it looked like my leg lifted his arm up behind his head, and it looked like my knee basically hit him in the temple and that wound I'd opened earlier. Didn't help matters that blood was already everywhere around us and immediately as he dropped and did the standard "mouthpiece goes flying" theatrics, his eyes stayed open and his jaw was ajar. I swear, it looked like I killed him or something, it was insane. Most of my matches end via headkick, actually... seems to be my thing right now.
  19. Then do us a favor and don't assume, it was a legitimate response and it was worth the bump because, hey, MythBusters is awesome. Even if apparently it's becoming commercial-riddled in its old age
  20. ... really? That's it? Nothing more to contribute, nothing more constructive to say, nothing at all? I mean it's not like we're asking you to write a thesis on this or anything, it's just that the rule is you should make a post with a little more meat than just "Lol." First & final there mate. I won't warn you for it now, but let's make sure that our future replies have a little bit more substance, alright?
  21. That's utterly incredible. I would watch that movie so hard. Could you imagine how awesome that had to have been, getting a whole kart racing track and basically reenacting Mario Kart down to even the props? Holy shit.
  22. I'll take you on sometime GoGo. Training online isn't the best thing in the world but it's better than nothing, when's the next time you're free? We'll figure out the next time the both of us will be available to fight
  23. Not really no. We finished up almost all of our work for the night, no customers in the store and we had a few minutes to kill (unless customers came in). It's a good opportunity to play the game and be able to talk about it to customers later, actually... thanks to playing it as much as I have at work, I've managed to sell quite a few copies off my recommendation alone for it, and pretty much everyone thus far has told me or a coworker they love it when they stop by again. Makes me quite happy
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