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The Mask of Norro

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Everything posted by The Mask of Norro

  1. Hey hey HEY, Bogus Journey may not have been as good as Excellent Adventure, but damn it Sousa it was still a good film and how dare you insinuate otherwise.
  2. http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2010/09/23/most-excellent-exclusive-alex-winter-confirms-bill-ted-3-is-on-the-way/ Don't know how official the planning is but when you have Bill and Ted themselves saying that it's happening, you know it's likely happening. I don't know why, but honestly, if this is all true and really going to go down... I am so fucking happy. Everything about it screams that it could go terribly, terribly wrong, but the idea of a third movie after all these years is most excellent and I cannot say I wouldn't go see it. Though how the hell a third Bill and Ted movie would go, considering it would be them in their adult years, is beyond me. I'd assume it'd chronicle the success of the Wild Stallions, but... yeah, I really don't know. Still, would totally go see this.
  3. Civ 5 isn't out on Mac. I have to tide myself over with Civ 4 plus its expansions until Civ 5 makes it to the Mac, or I get a working second monitor and run bootcamp on this thing. Either way, I'm enjoying Civ... just might not be the one I want to enjoy right now is all >_>

    1. Ruki


      I would say I am feeling your pain but........................................

    2. Plubby


      I told you that Macs sucked...

    3. OctoberRaven


      Macintosh: Our computers aren't as good in PCs, but our computers come in MAROON!

  4. It's gotta be like around the low 70s outside or something and there's a breeze. This is glorious. The cold is slowly but surely making its way to Florida and I am so damn excited.

    1. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      Well, correction, I suppose it might have dipped into the mid to upper 60s. All I know is this is chilly compared to how it has been, and I can't wait for it to get colder :)

    2. MalaCloudy Black
  5. I love how I make a status update about my mafia, lock it, and then everyone starts locking their status updates because of it-- especially the people who always complain about getting trolled in their status updates. It's like I've opened up a new world for them.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. fr34k


      Ruki eats people.

    3. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      Actually, C-MIL, it was more like three before Ruki did it, which bumped it to four. THAT MEANS IT IS EVERYONE.

    4. Kaney


      Well, it was me who locked Maxxs. I think I'll start unlocking every single one I see!

  6. ... but your number one game was made in 2005 Unless of course this is why you said "for the most part", in which case confusion withdrawn. Also, burny, quite a few of us have played on all those consoles and more. It's hard for all of us. Nut up and make your damn top ten anyway, I'm still not even sure my top ten is a proper top ten for me, but I bit the bullet and ran with it
  7. ... this is fucking tough. 1. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES) 2. Assassin's Creed II (PS3) 3. Final Fantasy X (PS2) 4. Assassin's Creed (PS3) 5. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii) 6. Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3) 7. Final Fantasy VII (PSX) 8. Super Paper Mario (Wii) 9. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney -- Justice for All (NDS) 10. Okami (PS2) Still not sure about this list, but whatever, it was tough enough to come up with as is. I have a hard time discerning what my favorite games are in numerical order, for the most part I just group them together under "favorite games" with no real hierarchy. This all being said, I'll leave a special note for Soldat, a PC game that I spent many a year of my life playing in dedication. It was free, but donating gave you cool bonuses, and I have to admit, it was incredibly fun. Kind-of miss it actually. Civ IV was another game that almost made the cut, too. Well, to be honest, quite a lot of games nearly made the cut. Like I said, just making this list down to ten was hard enough
  8. Reminder to everyone in The Big Bang Theory Mafia: get your night actions in! Deadline is Sunday, 4:30PM EST.

  9. I preferred Phantom Hourglass. Spirit Tracks felt so... restricting, I guess is the word I'm looking for. Unlike Super Mario Galaxy 2, which took up where Super Mario Galaxy left off and made it feel like a legitimate new game using similar mechanics but building on them, Spirit Tracks just... it felt like a clone of Phantom Hourglass. Like, most Zelda games offer something different from each other, which is why I love the franchise, but Spirit Tracks was a complete rehashing of Phantom Hourglass in the worst kind-of way. Also, Zero, you'll be happy to know I just beat Metroid: Other M today. I'll let the honeymoon period fade before I write a proper review, because right now I'm still caught up in how fucking spectacular I feel the effort on this game was. Took me a long time to beat it, but then that was because I took my time with the game and looked for as much as I could, and I was spreading my play time out over the span of a few weeks. Total playtime counted by the game at the end of it was just shy of 10 hours total, so if you marathon'd this game it could be beaten in a day, just like God of War III. That being said though, the story, the ending, and even despite what I've read other critics saying, the gameplay... everything about the game I honestly loved. Again though, I'm waiting for awhile before truly writing anything on it because it could just be me getting swept up in the post-game finale bliss and all that.
  10. Some people play movies or music in the background while they work. Me, I play The Big Bang Theory.

    1. ClaRK! Kent

      ClaRK! Kent

      Live the stereotpye, Norro.

    2. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      I pretty much do, yeah >_>

  11. Domino's carryout at 1:20AM. This kind-of thing is just too awesome for words.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EddieRuckus


      Pasta bowls are AMAZING.

    3. livid


      To be fair, the pizza is now a lot better than it was before.

    4. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      I'd agree to that. Their new recipe was a step up to say the least; though I've not had it prepared as nicely as it was during that first week they unveiled it. Ever since it just feels like they're coasting on the hype.

  12. Yes. In 1917, when Albert Einstein established the theoretic foundation for the laser in his paper "Zur Quantentheorie de Strahlung", his fondest hope was that the resultant device be bitchin'.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EddieRuckus
    3. OctoberRaven


      Also, when Fat Boy dropped, Einstein was straddling it.

    4. Ace


      Norro, I'd kill my Rabbi with a pork chop to be with your sister.

  13. Went to Epcot with Lorina and Lara yesterday. Was actually a lot of fun, though my feet were killing me by the end of it all.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      You know aside from the time I went when I was 3 (which of course, I don't remember), I've never actually *seen* the Magic Kingdom. I've seen pictures, but I've never really grasped the size of it. Didn't see it this time, either.

      Oh and yeah, sorry about the delay Marcos. It's not like an epilogue will take long for me to write, it's just that it takes forever to get the time to write it x_o

    3. C-MIL


      Go when you have kids.

    4. C-MIL


      Oh, and... yeah, it's not really that small. Comfy shoes are a must.

  14. I got my iPod Touch and iMac in today... this is honestly really, really awesome. I can't wait to start working on these... this is a big step in the right direction :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      21.5", but I have a second monitor I'm planning to hook up to the Mac soon.

      Also, Plubs, I can run bootcamp on my Mac and install Windows on it to run both OS' simultaneously, which will help tremendously in design :P

    3. New Damage

      New Damage

      Should've waited the extra couple of days to get the new iPod Touch with t :) ... if the deal applies that is.

    4. The Mask of Norro

      The Mask of Norro

      It doesn't, only free one was the 8GB models.


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DJ Ice
    3. ClaRK! Kent

      ClaRK! Kent

      Don't we usually have to accept friend requests? Have you used mod powers on us?!

    4. Ace


      See, I saw that and my first thought was BR II


  16. Traded this in yesterday while Gamestop was doing their bonus trade deal so I could get close to what we were offering for it the day it came out. Traded this and Transformers: War For Cybertron-- both excellent games I'd recommend but, no-one's playing on Transformers' multiplayer so after you max out the campaign you're kind-of stuck, and UFC is fun for awhile but with all the crap they're doing with it and with a lack of people in my area willing to play it, I just didn't feel it worth it. The EWB camp woulda been great but our schedules make for rare matches So with their talk of turning it into an every other year kind-of thing, will they be skipping '11 and just doing '12, I'd imagine?
  17. So hey, anyone need something designed and would be willing to pay a bit for it? Kind-of need the money this week, work cut hours :/

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. IzzyX


      You better do it. Sousa fired me from doing it because I was too busy painting the bars underneath the ring.

    3. Sousa


      I gave you a plate of blintzes to paint my chicken coop!

    4. King Ellis

      King Ellis

      It was only in researching this name trend that I learned just what the hell blintzes are.

  18. Her voice actress gives her a lot of strength, actually, at least in her monologues. I've yet to hear her whine about a damn thing, she still comes off as this strong character with a vulnerable side due to her past. Thus far the only thing submissive I've noted about her is her actions towards Adam, the commander, and she tells the player in the very beginning that he's her father figure because he was the only parental figure she'd had in her life growing up. Honestly, these days a lot of reviews really work towards pushing forward pros and cons a lot harder than they should. As far as the game goes for me so far, the cons they talk about seem waaaaay too over-dramatized because they're afraid of saying so much good about it that they'll lose credibility if people disagree with them. The game isn't anywhere near perfect, but to use the word "disappointing" is so far off base, at least for me, that I kind-of can't help but roll my eyes at it. I've been hyped for this game for ages and I've yet to be disappointed by the delivery.
  19. I'll give a full review on the game for you whenever I beat it Zero, but so far I'm roughly an hour into the game and loving every second. Voice acting is great, graphics are beautiful (even for a Wii game, but just beautiful in-general)-- especially the cinematics-- and I myself have actually enjoyed the gameplay so far. I get why most reviewers have chosen to scorn the game a little because of them taking away your abilities in the beginning (and, to them, how it's excused), but truth be told the way it's described makes sense and I have no complaints about it yet. Her commander is a bit stubborn, he has a point to prove and so does she by showing she can listen to him no matter how unreasonable it may be for her to do so. G4 made a particularly poor review on the game (both in score and in reasoning for the score) by stating that it makes her seem like a powerless little girl that she listens to her former commander and father figure when he gives her orders, but then, honestly, considering this is the kind-of info they have Adam Sessler and Morgan Manjaw read off, I see no real legitimacy to it Again though, I'm only roughly an hour in. This is a 10+ hour game, probably a bit longer if you spend enough time trying to find all the extras-- which I intend upon doing-- there's a long way to go before I hit the spots I noted most reviewers complaining about (i.e. that business with the Varia Suit), but again, it's swept under the rug by the fact that no matter how asinine the command/lack thereof, Samus is showing the commander she can follow his orders just fine and still do just as well as she would on her own. She has a point to prove, even if it means going in without using some of her weapons on purpose. So yes, personally, I like it thus far. I'll keep you guys updated on my status with the game and put together a proper review at some point after I beat it. Right now though, this is the first game that has gotten me to play my Wii more than my PS3-- and that's saying something, because generally I play my PS3 every day, and having bought the game and playing it some last night, this morning I woke up to keep playing it with no real intention to switch over to the PS3 at any point today to stop. That doesn't usually happen for me. If I wasn't five minutes away from being out the door I'd probably still be playing it right now
  20. just ordered an iMac on Apple, got a free iPod Touch with it... freaking out at the idea of paying for this but I know it's going to help more than anything right now. Just really nervewracked I guess.

    1. TEOL
    2. Benjamin


      You can send me the iTouch anytime. Now would be the best time.

  21. There's no way they can follow it faithfully, yeah. Anyone who expects that is setting themselves up for disappointment. What they can do is follow it as closely as they're able and still make a damn good series with what they have available. Also, on the topic of characters, I'm with GoGo on this one. Michonne is a fantastic character who's been developed nicely over the series, but she's really no different from the others that have been developed in terms of believability. Andrea is awesome though. Her development has been some of the best by far. Though I do wonder...
  22. Didn't know that you were colorblind mate, definitely hard to work with that in design but not impossible in the slightest. While I don't know to what degree you're colorblind, I'd actually like to make mention for you that one of my best instructors, who actually was the lead editor and designer of my college's magazine, and who is probably one of the best designers I've seen, was colorblind too. I believe his was that he couldn't see shades of red and certain other colors so he had to adapt and know what the shades might look like to others and go from there. Either way, he didn't let him hold it back and excelled despite it, and I'm sure with practice you'll be able to too Like I said, the idea behind it was great. Its composition is what needed work most of all. The bold colors can be worked on after the fact-- they'll have to be really, they're really loud colors clashing together there-- but right now what the graphic needs most of all is a re-structuring of the layout.
  23. Apologies if I come off too harsh in this... for my perspective, I'll be going in at a purely professional standpoint to give some variety to the scores. So please don't take it personally guys, but I'm going to critique these pretty hard For me, Modern Way takes it, but it's definitely close. Had Nibbler's graphic not felt so vertically scrunched, to be honest, he would have taken it for me-- the typography issue on his was a bit easier to overlook than on Modern Way's; however, on a whole, Modern's graphic presented something better visually and professionally to me than Nibbler's because of the size issue on the background. Sometimes the little things make all the difference in the world.
  24. I'll get my scores in in a couple of hours. Sorry about that delay though Drew, unfortunately I ran into a bit of a snag, what with having to give back the laptop I'd been borrowing in lieu of having no computer and all. Just trying to get as much done as I can on what little I have to work with here.
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