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Commander Sheepard

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Everything posted by Commander Sheepard

  1. So a couple of my best friends have been sporting massive erections for weeks talking about this game. After looking at some of the videos and reading about the features, I may have to give it a try. I'm not QUITE as pumped as they are, but the setting and gameplay both seem like something I can get into.
  2. I agree about FlashForward. The concept was great, but the actual execution (from what I saw of it) left something to be desired. Never cared about V one way or the other, so it getting renewed is kinda meh to me. And I don't count this last season of "Scrubs" as actual SCRUBS. I just pretend it ended before the medical school stuff, and that all of that was a dream by JD or something.
  3. I'm just afraid the Cowboys take Taylor Mays if he's still available. We got rid of one "super athletic" safety who couldn't cover for shit not that long ago. We certainly don't need another one yet. And honestly, anyone who could watch Romo get bent over in that game against the Vikings last year and NOT think that maybe offensive line help is needed, is crazy.
  4. He better get used to it if he tries to "convert" other players in the NFL. Sure, people like Reggie White, Brian Dawkins etc were/are known to wear their religious beliefs with pride, but they are/were respected veteran players. I don't think it would be as tolerated from a rookie like him According to something else I read, Tebow hs said that this isn't how it happened. He said the only person in the room that he talked to was Max Hall, and that several other people who were in the room can back him up that this story isn't true as stated above. Take that for what it's worth, but it sounds like maybe it's something that got blown out of proportion, like seemingly EVERYTHING with Tebow does.
  5. I have a feeling that 3D is not going anywhere, either in movies or gaming. With Sony (and now Nintendo) expressing interest in 3D, and you KNOW Microsoft will be following, I think it's here to stay.
  6. Yeah, I can't blame Nintendo for this, as this is a brand new portable system and not just ANOTHER DS iteration. Should be sweet if they pull it off.
  7. The way I look at it is this though: Nintendo first tried motion control with the Power Glove, which was a miserable failure. Then they came out with the Wii, which has been a HUGE success. Nintendo first tried 3D with the Virtual Boy, which was both a miserable failure and potentially hazardous to your health. So I have to think that they're not going to release something like this unless they KNOW they have it right. Yeah it may end up with some gimmicky shit like what happened to the Wii (especially right at first), but the potential is so great that if and when it DOES get done right, then it could be something very special. Plus I just want them to release a Star Fox game for it so that I can play that in 3D.
  8. So has everyone heard about the next portable system coming from Nintendo? Set to launch sometime before the end of this fiscal year (which would be next March), it's going to feature 3D without the need to wear glasses, backwards compatibility, and according to various semi-unconfirmed reports, rumble feedback, some form of motion capability, better online, and gamecube level graphics. Oh, and there are also rumors that the next gen of Pokemon games will be a launch title for the system, which would ensure about a bajillion sales in and of itself. Any thoughts?
  9. My roommate is super pissed because he was playing Heavy Rain at the time it happened. Before we read up on the fact that it was a major problem with lots of systems, he had deleted his save data for the game, thinking it was corrupted. Needless to say, profanity was used when he found out that he didn't need to do that.
  10. I found the game to be a little repetitious as far as goals go, and I really didn't like the ending. Not the ENDING ending I guess, but the pacing in the last, say, 2 hours or so of the game just felt too long and drawn out, almost like they were saying "We have to extend the game, here, let's add some stuff for no reason". Kind of worked to kill the mood at the end for me. But still, a more than solid game overall and lots of fun. I'd give it a solid B+, though I don't think I would play it again any time very soon.
  11. Actually, it DOES mean that the BCS has to award one of those teams the championship. The AP voters don't, however, which is how we've ended up with a split national championship not THAT long ago.
  12. Not the best maybe, but I think it'll do. Really can't get used to playing on medium again though, as for some reason I can't seem to get my star power right. And I know, the difficulty level shouldn't make THAT a problem, but for me, it is. Oh well. This is as good as it gets for now.
  13. Yeah, not the best, but it was my first and only run through of it, and it's not TOO terrible. I just hate going back to eas after playing on Expert for so long. Really screws my timing up. But oh well.
  14. Since we're not at the deadline date yet, is it still possible to join in this thing? Or has the decision been made to move ahead early? I lovse me some Guitar Hero.
  15. My wife actually was the one who surprised me after seeing it, as she said she wants to go out and buy the soundtrack and definitely get it when it comes out on DVD. I thought it was awesome, even though I'm a HUGE fan of the stage show and didn't like some of the cuts that were made. Overall though, I could see this one winning some deserved awards this year.
  16. It was more along the lines of me making proclamation about being "THE SON OF ODIN" and "THE GOD OF THUNDER" along with a descriptoon of whatever was going on in the game. Oh, and also a deliberate mispronunciation of his hamme Mjolnir.
  17. Two of my friends and I played through this on the Wii, and had a blast doing so. The Wii controls and all were fun, but I think we'd have enjoyed thed game regardless. We normally used a team consisting of Wolverine (one guy), Thor (Me), Luke Cage (other guy) and then rotating either Ghost Rider, Spiderman, or Mister Fantastic. I know, I know, but one of my friends really loves Mister Fantastic. We're all theatre geeks and comic geeks as well as video game geeks, so we did the whole "read the dialogue out loud in your characters voice", which lead to one of them proclaiming my Thor voice "the best thing you've ever done". We're looking at playing back through it on the harder difficulty right now.
  18. So a couple of my friends and I were talking today about game difficulty. Specifically, we were playing Super Ghouls and Ghosts on the Wii VC, and were getting our asses handed to us. This lead to a general discussion about how it seems that current games lack the challenege of the 8/16 bit/earlier era. Now, I know this is a generalization, and that there are some badass games that have come out in recent years, but again, as a whole: Do you feel like games have actually gotten easier? Harder? Or is it just (as I have actually come to think) that games nowadays are challenging in DIFFERENT ways than games in the past?
  19. I have one, and it's well worth getting. Zelda rules all, of course, but i ALSO liked Red Steel. One of my friends, who ended up getting a Wii after he played mine, has basically confiscated that game from me and is on his 2nd or 3rd playing of it. Wii Sports is fun, though I have to admit i don't play it nearly as much as when I first got the Wii. However, there's not a better game to pull out when your non-Wii friends come over, as it really teaches them how to use the system and controller. I also have Excite Truck, Madden 07, and Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, which I feel are all worth playing, at least. I've enjoyed them all, at any rate. And recently rented Elebits and Trauma Center, which both got played a TON by everyone who was at my house. And there's always the VC, some of the other channels, and the ability to play GC games. I'd say all of that put together, along with the list of games that are coming out for the system this year, makes it well worth a purchase.
  20. But that's the thing: Rhodes IS a good running back. Yeah, he's not one of the socalled "elite" backs, but he's more than adequate, and an upgrade over what they had last year. So I'd call it a good pick-up for the Raiders.
  21. I really can't believe that anyone takes anything Britney Spears does or says seriously anymore. I mean, whether or not it's true, at this point, why would anyone care? She obviously has issues of SOME kind, which makes her just like millions of other people all across the world. It's just sad to look at the cover from her first album (which my WIFE owns), and see how young and cute and innocent she looked back then.
  22. One recent great moment was playing Guitar Hero 2. I was playing Misirlou on expert, and totally NAILED it. Fortunately, one of my friends was sitting there, and actually saw me do it. I was just in a total groove that I haven't been able to get back into with that song. I can play almost everything on experton a normal day, but I was just ON that night. Wish I could back to that again.
  23. You know, I was talking to a guy at work the other day about football, and the Super Bowl came up.Now understand, this guy hates, hates, HATES Peyton Manning for some reason. He doesn't even really know why, it's just like a blind hatred. But he told me that he was rooting for the Colts in the Super Bowl for one reason: He wanted to see Tony Dungy get a ring. He said that he's always liked Dungy and always respected him both as a coach and as a man. As he put it "Why would you dislike Tony Dungy"? And that got me to thinking about how there really aren't a lot of people like that involved with football. Just genuine nice, respectable guys. I know there's more than I think, as it seems like only the assholes get a lot of press, but still...
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