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Commander Sheepard

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Everything posted by Commander Sheepard

  1. Got another one here: Whitney Houston singing "I Will Always Love You". I'm like, "JUST HOLD ONE FREAKIN' NOTE FOR MORE THAN ONE BEAT YOU PIECE OF CRAP" every single time I hear the song.
  2. Actually, all of Nintendo's talk has been that they'll be FIRST out of the door with their next-gen system. And really, like someone already said, I don't care if a game is "kiddy" or not, or if it's "mature" or if it's "online" or if it's "Grand Theft Auto". If a game is FUN, then that's all I need to know. PERIOD.
  3. How exactly did Tyson get screwed out of his money? Not trying to be sarcastic, just genuinely curious. I'm not really up on all of Tyson's legal issues.
  4. Wow, sure didn't see THIS type of situation coming...
  5. Leonardo. Don't know why, just always liked the swords.
  6. I read something else, that according to the PR people for this film, this one is going to be a "nightmare to promote". Doesn't sound to me like they're going to be taking out the "offensive" scenes. I'm really looking for there to be a backlash from this when it's all said and done.
  7. Apparently, Nicole Kidman has a movie coming out called Birth, in which she believes that a 10 year old boy is the reincarnation of her dead husband. So what does she do? Does she try to help the boy grow into his teen years, all the while reflecting on her precious memories of her husband? Hell no. Instead, she gets naked with the kid in the bathtub, and then passionately makes out with him later. Sounds like a fun, friendly, pedophilic family film to me, what about YOU? I haven't seen this posted anywhere on here, so hopefully this hasn't already been discussed. If it has, sorry. So, any comments on this, um, thing?
  8. I watch The Golden Girls every single time it's on TV, which is Monday through Friday on the Lifetime channel. I also try to catch South Park and The Daily Show at least once a week.
  9. Well seeing as how according to someone (can't remember wh o now) said once that "The reason there aren't a lot of great white basketball players is because God took all of the combined talent of white players from the last 50 years and put it into Larry Bird" I can kinda see where he's coming from. But yeah, I would imagine this will stir up some controversy, even though I doubt he said it in a racist or degrading way.
  10. See, now crap like this is why I don't watch boxing anymore. Not that I ever watched it much, though I was getting into it for a while. But it just seems like sometimes Boxing is a "real" as pro wrestling.
  11. Personally, I'm not overly impressed with those screens. Just seems a little bland to be, and also kinda "square" looking. Not saying it can't get better, juts not making me say WOW at the moment. And as far as online play goes, I'm NOT one of those who think that online play AUTOMATICALLY equals a better game. Add those up, and I'm still going to get DoR over this.
  12. Thanks IWC, I really appreciate it. Apparently, the number one song in the U.S. on my wife's birthday was: Escape (The Pina Colade Song) by Rupert Holmes. Yeah.
  13. At some point in the past, I actually had bookmarked a site that would tell you what the number one song in the nation was on your birthday. I remember mine was "I Will Survive", if that tells you anything. Anyway, I was trying to find it for my wife, but apparently I deleted the bookmark at some point. So my question is this: Does anyone know the name of it, or have a link to it? I tried doing a search for it, but couldn't come up with anything. Also, while you're at it, what was the number one song in the country on YOUR B-day?
  14. I'd say Ocarina of Time is my favorite, as it just seemed to get it all right. Followed up with the original, and then..well, I never played A Link To The Past (I know, shocking). I dunno, I kind of enjoyed the second Zelda game...
  15. Actually, I forgot one of the all-time champs of bad songs, that I unfortunately had to listen to many times, as it was one of my aunts favorite songs: Macarthur Park. Whenever I'd hear the announcer say that it was coming up, I'd have to quote the song itself "OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". Although, it DID give Weird Al a chance to parody it later on... "Jurassic Park is frightening, in the dark; All the dinosaurs are running wiiiiiild..."
  16. I'm not entirely sure of the name of the song, but the ENTIRE THING consists of the lyrics "Hold your head up, hold your head high". I guess the name is "Hold your head up" or something. I used to hear it on "classic" rock stations all the time. My dad and I both despised that song.
  17. Don't know if it's my ALL-TIME favorite, but one that I just heard recently (again) that made me crack up was Jeff Foxworthy talking about how you don't want to hear certain things: "That's why they invented terms like "female problems." Because if you're talking to me about discharge, you better be talking about the MILITARY. And it BETTER be honorable too." Just struck me as funny.
  18. I always enjoyed "The Odd Couple" on TV, and thought that tony Randall ws a truly great performer. I remember thinking how cool it was that him and Klugman were back together on Broadway a few years ago, doing The Sunhine Boys (I think). R.I.P.
  19. This one could swing either way: Could be a cool, and powerful movie about a personal re-discovery and an epic battle against evil...Or it could be a cheesy B-movie fit for an MST3K reunion. It all depends on the writing...
  20. Actually, they never "switched" graphic styles for the previous game. The other more realistic Zelda images were intended as a demo of what the Cube could do, and NOT as an actual game. This was stated by several Nintendo officials around that time. And apparently, from reading what was SAID at E3, this is what the game will look like. Something about "Zelda getting a new look". So yeah, these rock. Big-time.
  21. Let's see, recently I've re-read Dante's "The Inferno" (not really a book, but it's presented in book form); re-read "The History of Middle Earth volumes 1-5"; and read "Dave Barry Hits Below the Beltway." Wide selection, no?
  22. Yes, because goodness knows there's not enough places to find nudity these days, especially not when it comes to computers/internet. Seriously though, I doubt the game will sell that well, but who knows? And really, if it has a solid gameplay base behind it, it could actually be a decent game. I'm just afraid it's just going to be an excuse to see how far games can "push the envelope" again, rather than an actual well produced product.
  23. The Princess Bride: 10/10, A+, *****, whatever else you wanna give it. My favorite movie EVER.
  24. I have to say, as someone who loves Wrestlemania XIX the game, and who even managed to enjoy Wrestlemania X-8(I know, I know), this looks GREATLY improved. Not just the graphics, although looking at that Kane pic gave me chills with how detailed they seem to have made it. But just some of the "little things" that I read seem to be coming together. Hopefully they do, and hopefully this turns out to live up to it's full potential.
  25. By all accounts, Cowboy's camp is going pretty well, which should be expected from a Bill Parcell's run group. Apparently Julius Jones is Parcell's new waterboy, but is also being looked at at the probably Day 1 starter. Heck, couldn't do much worse than Hambrick I guess. And Quincy Carter has been given a few things to specifically focus on (thought I didn't read where it said exactly what) so hopefully he'll improve. Although the talk is still that Vinny Testaverde might be brought in to be a veteran back-up, just in case.
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