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The Dominion
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Everything posted by Adam

  1. These 6 countries are hosting precisely to clear the path for Saudi Arabia in 2034 as a result of that arbitrary rotational policy.
  2. Sheffield United could ask for that Villa game to be replayed. Or the entire 2006-07 season, for that matter. What about the ghost goals that occur? Donny Rovers were absolutely shafted against Portsmouth in 2012 and relegated as a result, can we be reinstated to the Championship please? I get that it was an egregious mistake, but Klopp needs to drop that notion. Goals get wrongly disallowed every week, all over the world. Always have done.
  3. They know they'll be wasting their time and money trying to get the World Cup, they've done that dance enough. Fifa cares not one jot about the fact it has more and better stadia and infrastructure than anywhere else, it's all about who is giving the brown envelopes out.
  4. I'm fairly sure that's intentionally why they've made it a vague headline - Watford will be well aware of the reputation they have for firing managers.
  5. Edited this bit, having rewatched with subtitles - yes Oliver asked to delay the game. The whole thing is a disgrace. I've no idea why they are talking to each other in such a way, so quickly moving through it all, never once having it stated what the on-field decision was. Saying "good process" to each other and calling each other "mate". Arguably worst of all, when they realise the fuck up there's no way to call play back? 10 seconds of nothing had occurred on the pitch, yet we've seen VAR decisions call back play for retrospective penalties that lasted far longer and involved more crucial game moments in the past. They need to completely change how they do VAR after this.
  6. Watching that with my Bears-supporting housemate was rough.
  7. There is some quality golf on the final day here. I'm enjoying watching it whilst whiling away a slow day in the office. Justin Rose is showing grit to stick in against Cantlay, and it looks like Hovland and McIlroy have done their part in the early matches. Nice fightback by Scheffler after yesterday too, but Rahm showed his mettle again to earn a half. Either way I've really enjoyed this Ryder Cup.
  8. He has been arrested I believe, based on what I read this morning.
  9. I have always felt a Challenge system would work well in football for VAR, but it never even seems to get mentioned. Leave all goals as automatic checks and make it so that if a manager feels he should have had a penalty, or a red card etc. then let them throw the flag down or tell the 4th Official. In the NFL, a coach gets 2 per half and if it's successful, you keep it. Unsuccessful and you lose it. The onus would then be a little less on blaming referees and more of a tactical element to coaching a game. Klopp could then challenge the VAR offside call and say "well, it's wrong and we know it is" and this wouldn't be as likely to happen. Or, just sack VAR off entirely because it is too subjective and is essentially just making it so we have two referees on every game.
  10. He has said some very unusual stuff this week, including in relation to Aaron Hernandez and Josh McDaniels, so uhh yeah. I think his career might be done at the very least.
  11. That eagle from Rahm at the 18th might end up the shot of the weekend. After hearing Rich Beem say "that's clutch!" of JT's short putt to tie minutes before, it felt even sweeter to be honest. Obviously I'm delighted with the lead Europe have, but I do hope the US keep this interesting into the final day. There's nothing really like the day of Singles at the Ryder Cup.
  12. The amount of rambling statements where he just whinges and blames the fans for all of his own failings really is ridiculous.
  13. Good start for Europe in the Ryder Cup, to say the least.
  14. Not the beginning of it, because the previous owner plunged them to these depths in the first place, but the whole situation is a sorry mess. Gainsborough released a statement saying they had not agreed to a groundshare, but they seem to have deleted that now. Scunthorpe are our main rivals. To see them potentially fall off the map would be a travesty. It shouldn't be possible for one businessman to sink an entire club that has been around for so many years, yet here we are again.
  15. Port Vale are 4th in League One. I'm very pleased for DCL that he's scored in back-to-back games now. Happy for Garner to get his first Everton goal too, he's been one of the few consistent bright sparks in this last year of dirge.
  16. The images of the men's team sweating through them are awful, I couldn't play in that.
  17. Adam


    I agree, I am enjoying the game but find the forced menu navigation a bit of a joy-killer. I'm not as into space fights or mining procedurally-generated land areas as this game wants me to be, sadly. My girlfriend went on Fallout yesterday and it reminded me how fun it is to just stumble across random stories or enemies. I definitely haven't been able to do that in Starfield outside of the few cities you go around.
  18. Donny and Everton winning on the same day, this is exceptionally rare.
  19. I knew when I went to bed and the Cards had a 20 point lead that I should still be worried. Of course. They better beat out the Bears and the Texans for the #1 pick. Because that is clearly what this team are after.
  20. What a great race to watch. Loved seeing the differing strategy play out for the first 2/3s of the race, and then that mad dash to the finish which ultimately led to Russell crashing was fascinating. It helped that Red Bull were driving around in treacle for a lot of it and were never in contention for the win. It also really helps that my man Carlos won it.
  21. Good grief, Soccer Saturday is a difficult watch today. I don't know if it's a new thing but Merson and Sherwood are both commentating on their old clubs, and they have both been interminable. I mean, yes it is well known how much of an imbecile Sherwood is, but Jesus wept he is clueless - keeps calling Sheff Utd "Sheffield" and is as biased as can be.
  22. Wow. Red Bull seem to have real issues this weekend, and Verstappen may well get a penalty to knock him further down the grid yet too. I really hope this is the weekend we see a different winner. Anyone will do to be honest!
  23. Good lord that was a heavy crash for Lance Stroll. It has spoiled a really exciting end to Q1, every single driver was running faster than the best previous times. Is there a way for them change the regulations at some point which doesn't mean that a late red flag borks 5 people's qualifying? It's not fair at all that Piastri, Bottas etc. are out purely because they didn't get to finish their last lap when several others did.
  24. All of the counter-points to the protest group are just classic whataboutism. The one who keeps listing the UK's war crimes whilst the bloke literally agrees with him on them is laughable. A very good friend of mine is a season ticket holder at Newcastle. He's very politically active, used to campaign for Labour in Doncaster (albeit for Caroline Flint) and is a staunch Corbynite. But he also employed these "What about the UK? What about Man City?" tactics in debates about the Saudis when they took over. He knows it's all bullshit but he loves his club too much. And that's the sad thing - if you had asked the majority of Newcastle fans, I imagine they'd not say they wanted a nation state such as Saudi Arabia to take over their club. But they want their club to be successful, and they feel they suffered for years under Mike Ashley, so ultimately all it comes down to is whether or not the football team can be successful or not.
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